Monthly eNews May 2022

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Member contact Mike Travis.
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Alpha Video
Bryan Nelson

Full Compass
Mike Ramirez

Heartland Video Systems
Mark Bartolotta

Journeyman Human
Richard Wood

Ross Video
Brian Stumpf

Sound Devices LLC
Jon Tatooles

Token Creek
John Salzwedel



WMSN-TV Fox 47

Our Next Meeting:
Thursday, May 26th

The Evolution of Test Equipment

by Chuck Kelly

While the equipment used in radio and TV stations has changed greatly during the career that many of us have had, perhaps more surprising is the revolution in the test equipment we use to fix it. This presentation will explore the typical test equipment many of us had used early in our careers, and then look at what capabilities relatively inexpensive equipment available today have. There will be time for questions as well, this will be fun!

7:00 PM - Meeting/Program
This meeting is Virtual
Connection information will be distributed on the
SBE24 email group in the days prior to the meeting.

Election Results

Voting for the 2022-2023 Chapter 24 Officers has now concluded. Here are the results.

Chair  Matt Mommaerts (WMSN TV)
Vice Chair  Russ Awe (WHA TV)
Secretary  Mike Travis (Web Courseworks)
Treasurer  Mike Norton (Wis Public Broadcast Center)

Through the next year these four individuals will guide our Chapter and keep it healthy. Congratulations and thank you for your service to the chapter.

Our Chapter 19 Years Ago

Last Meeting's Minutes
Submitted by Mike Travis, Secretary

The SBE Chapter 24 meeting was called to order by Matt Mommaerts at 07:00pm on April 27th, 2022 via Zoom.

Approval of Minutes
Matt Mommaerts made a motion to approve the secretary meeting minutes from 03/24/2022, seconded by Leonard Charles and approved as submitted.

Treasurer's Report
There were no sustaining membership funds received in April. Chapter 24 did provide $250.00 to the WBA for the Don Borchert Broadcasters Clinic Fellowship; following that payment the checking account balance [remains in the black].

Chapter Newsletter Report
Leonard Charles reports the deadline for articles for the May eNews letter is Monday May 2nd at 5pm. Please forward any article of interest to Chapter members to If you send an article expect a reply of acknowledgement within a day or so. If you don't get one you should follow up to make sure your article was received.

Membership Report
Leonard Charles reported with the addition of Drew Smith of Baraboo, our membership total is at 50.

Sustaining Member Chair Report
Mike Travis reports we have no renewals. We remain at 11 sustaining members.

Program Committee Report
Matt Mommaerts reports he is working on some programs. He penciled in a Madison Candelabra Transmitter Tours tour in September. We are not having a real meeting in June due to the WBA Engineering Workshop. The July meeting may be in-person.

Nominations Committee Report
Leonard Charles reports this meeting brings to an end this year's election and voting process. The votes will now be certified and the national SBE office will be notified of the results. Those results will be published on the Chapter's website and in the May eNews letter.

Thanks to everyone who voted. We had a 37% voter turnout. Thanks also to Kevin Ruppert who serves with me on the Nominations Committee.

The changeover to the new officers happens at our May 26th Chapter meeting.

Certification and Education Report
Jim Hermanson reports we have an exam session from August 5th - 15th. The deadline for that exam is June 10th. The next exam session is November 4th - 14th with the deadline September 9th. For webinars we have 2022 CBNT & CBNE Study Topics Module 3 on May 3rd @ 1pm, 2022 SBE RF Safety Course on May 12th @ 1pm and 2022 CBNT & CBNE Study Topics Module 4 on May 17th @ 1pm.

Frequency Coordination Report
Thomas Smith reports there is nothing local.

SBE National Report
Leonard Charles reports the national SBE office has been exhaustively involved with events at the NAB show this past week. One of those events was the biannual Board meeting. We can expect a report on that meeting soon. Also at the annual membership meeting Jim Hermanson was recognized for 30 years as Chapter 24's certification chair. Congratulations Jim and many thanks for your years of service to the Chapter.

Although this year's membership renewal period is over, if you have not yet renewed your membership you can still do so inside of the renewal grace period. Also the membership drive continues through May 31st. Win prizes for recruiting new members.

The annual SBE compensation survey is active through May 16th. The SBE would appreciate your participation.

The 2022 SBE Leadership Development Course is August 3 thru 5 in Atlanta, GA. Enrollment is currently full but you can be placed on a waiting list in case of a cancellation.

For details on any of these programs go to SBE.ORG.

Jim Hermanson made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Leonard Charles. Meeting adjourned at 7:11pm.

The meeting was followed by a presentation on "Bringing to Light: Changes in the Tower Lighting World" by Mike Thomson from LumenServe. Thank you Mike! Check out LumenServe at

Job Openings

WIFS TV, Broadcast Engineer
WMTV TV, Broadcast Engineer
WKOW PT MC Operator

Program Ideas Appreciated

The Chapter 24 meeting schedule is available here. If you have any suggestions for program topics you'd like to see, or if there is a topic that you'd like to present at an upcoming meeting, please contact Matt Mommaerts or one of the Chapter 24 officers .

Hermanson Recognized

Every year at the annual membership meeting during the NAB show, the SBE recognizes the local certification chairs who devote volunteer time to the Program of Certification. These local certification chairs receive a plaque on their recurring five-year anniversaries.

Among them this year was James Hermanson, CPBE CBNT, who was recognized for his 30 years in service as certification chair of SBE Chapter 24. Thank you Jim for devoting so many hours over those 30 years to the chapter's certification effort. In a word, WOW!

Amateur Radio News
Compiled by Tom Weeden, WJ9H

Application Pause
On Wednesday, April 27, in a notice to all Volunteer Exam Coordinators (VECs), the FCC again asked them to refrain from submitting any amateur radio exam session or license application files while the Commission works to resolve an issue with the Universal Licensing System (ULS) application filing system.

The ULS application filing system was not functioning properly the previous week and then the FCC indicated the problem was resolved. However, this was not the case, as no new amateur radio call signs and licenses have been issued since Monday, April 18, 2022. Tuesday, April 19 is the day the FCC application fees became effective for amateur radio.

ARRL VEC Manager Maria Somma, AB1FM, reports that new call signs are not being assigned by the FCC even if the applicant has paid the FCC application fee. The FCC was processing upgrade applications through the system without an issue because there are no fees required for those applications.

In addition to new call signs not being issued even if the applicant has paid the FCC fee, some applicants are also having issues paying and logging into the system. Other types of license application transactions may also be experiencing problems. Applicants should expect delays with license, call sign, and application processing associated with individuals and amateur radio clubs. Amateur radio license filings are currently on hold until further notice and FCC did not estimate how long the system would be down.

Dayton Hamvention
The largest amateur radio gathering in the US is returning to Xenia, Ohio for the first time since 2019. The Dayton Hamvention will be held May 20-22 at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center. Along with the large flea market, forums will include sessions on antennas, satellites, new digital modes, complying with FCC RF exposure rules, kit building, operating events, and software defined radios.

Hamvention General Chairman Rick Allnutt, WS8G, issued the following statement regarding the Covid situation: "We strongly anticipate that the Hamvention 2022 is a go. We cannot guarantee what government may decide about unknown changes in the pandemic. It has become obvious that the State of Ohio is very unlikely to call a halt to large gatherings anytime soon. Despite a recent large spike in Omicron COVID cases and hospitalizations, there is no move to restrict large indoor or outdoor events such as sports events."

More information is at .

WSPR Beacon System
The amateur satellite group AMSAT Argentina has assembled and delivered a permanent WSPR (Weak-Signal Propagation Reporter) beacon system to the Argentine research station at Esperanza Base on the Antarctic Peninsula. Using the call sign LU1ZV, the 200 mW beacon is presently active on 7.0386, 14.0956, 21.0946, and 28.1246 MHz, and reception has been reported by stations throughout the world.

WSPR is a digital communications protocol designed for reception at very weak-signal levels. It is part of the WSJT-X software suite. You can use WSJT-X to receive the LU1ZV beacon directly, or you can see reports from other stations online at .

(Excerpts from the American Radio Relay League's web site)

compiled by Tom Smith

FCC Seeks to Set Receiver Standards
At the March meeting the FCC adopted a Notice of Inquiry (DOC-382600A1) proposing the setting of receiver standards as a method of using the spectrum more efficiently which means adding more services in the spectrum. This action is a result of issues arising when the FCC tried to allocate spectrum for broadband wireless next to the band used for GPS which raised objections due to possible interference to GPS receivers. A prime example of a receiver using more spectrum than needed is the old continuous tuned UHF TV tuner. TV stations in the UHF band had to be spaced 6 channels apart due to the lack of a band pass filter before the local oscillator mixer. The FCC will be asking for comment on setting voluntary or mandatory compliance to standards set by the FCC. The FCC would set standards for sensitivity, out of band interference, selectivity, gain control and other parameters that prevent interference. In the notice of inquiry, there are links to 43 papers on receivers and interference limiting spectrum use by other government agencies. There will be a 45 day comment period followed by a 30 day reply period.

FCC Seeks Partners For Wireless Tests
The FCC is seeking partners for conducting EAS tests with wireless providers (FCC-22-31A1. They will test the wireless systems for geo targeting of messages and end to end transmission of messages. Also the FCC asks for comment on test reporting and creating an outreach program to the public.

Broadcast Stations by the Numbers

In a Public Notice, the Commission has announced the following totals for broadcast stations licensed as of March 31, 2022:
AM FM Radio15,390
Full Power TV1,757
Class A TV383


Certification and Education
compiled by Jim Hermanson

This month we enjoy the 2022 CBNT & CBNE Study Topics Module 3 and 2022 CBNT & CBNE Study Topics Module 4 of a series of eight modules to study for the SBE CBNT and CBNE certifications. The instructor is our former SBE National President, Wayne Pecena, CPBE, 8-VSB, ATSC3, AMB, AMD, ATSC3, DRB, CBNE. I consider him one of the best and most dedicated educators in the world. This is one reason we are fortunate to be SBE members! Please have a look at the May Webinars section below and consider registering. Surely, you will learn from these, the information will help you in your work, and will help you pass these exams to become certified.

SBE Chapter 24 Certification Exam Reimbursement
Each year, account balance permitting, Chapter 24 will reimburse half the application fee to any member of Chapter 24 in good standing who successfully obtains any SBE certification level not previously held by that member. Contact the SBE Chapter 24 chairperson or certification chairperson for more information.

When you are ready to take an SBE exam, note the open exam schedule, complete the appropriate application (found here... and send it directly to the SBE National office (see address below) with the respective fee. You will be notified once your application is approved. Approximately 3 weeks before the exam time, your local certification chairman will receive a list of applicants and exams in his/her area and arrange for a proctor. He/she will then contact applicants to schedule a mutually agreeable date, time, and place for the exam(s) within the respective exam date window. This must be coordinated before the exam will be sent by SBE National. Completed exam(s) will be mailed back to SBE National for grading. Pass/fail results will be mailed directly to the applicants.

The majority of SBE certifications are open book and access to the Internet is allowed to give a more "real world" situation.

You may mail, email, or fax your applications to:
Megan E. Clappe
Certification Director
9102 N. Meridian St.
Suite 150
Indianapolis, IN 46260
317-846-9120 Fax

To apply for a specialist certification, an individual must currently hold certification on the Broadcast Engineer, Senior Broadcast Engineer, Professional Broadcast Engineer or Broadcast Networking Engineer Certification level. Exams must be completed within three hours and consist of 50 multiple-choice questions (two points each) and one essay question (20 points maximum). Examinees are provided one essay question to answer. Exams are pass/fail, and a score of 84 is a passing grade.

The Open 2022 Exam Schedule
Exam Dates Location Application Deadline
(to SBE National Office)

  August 5-15, 2022

  Local Chapters (Madison Area)

  June 10, 2022

  November 4-14, 2022

  Local Chapters (Madison Area)

  September 9, 2022

May Webinars

2022 CBNT & CBNE Study Topics Module 3

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 | 1 p.m. CT

Module 3: Physical and Virtual Addressing
Module 3 of the 2022 CBNT & CBNE Study Topics Series is Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 2 p.m. ET. This webinar will focus on understanding physical and virtual addressing, ports and sockets.

Your Instructor
Wayne Pecena, CPBE, 8-VSB, ATSC3, AMB, AMD, ATSC3, DRB, CBNE

Wayne M. Pecena is the Associate Director of Educational Broadcast Services at Texas A&M University. Wayne has over 48 years of broadcast and IP network engineering experience and holds BS and MS degrees from Texas A&M University. Wayne is a Fellow of the Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE) and holds the Certified Professional Broadcast Engineer (CPBE) and Certified Broadcast Network Engineer (CBNE) certifications from the SBE. He served two terms as the national President of the SBE. He was named the 2012 SBE Educator of the Year, the 2014 Radio World Engineer of the year, and named an IEEE-BTS Distinguished Lecturer in 2018. He is a frequent industry speaker on IP Networking and cybersecurity topics for the broadcast and media technology professional.

SBE Recertification Credit
The completion of a Webinar from Webinars by SBE qualifies for 1 credit, identified under Category I of the Recertification Schedule for SBE Certifications.

Registration and Pricing
This webinar will be approximately 90 minutes long.
SBE Members: $62
MemberPlus Members FREE
Non-Members: $92
Registration Link

If you have questions regarding this course, contact Cathy Orosz via email or by phone at 317-846-9000.

2022 SBE RF Safety Course

Thursday, May 12, 2022 | 1 p.m. CT

Course Description

The SBE RF Safety Course provides an updated overview of RF radiation issues and practices for broadcasters, including: •Proving compliance at a broadcast site
•Biological effects of RF radiation and the distinct differences between RF radiation and ionizing radiation
•FCC, OSHA, state & local regulations - what they are and what you need to do to comply
•Workplace hazards
•Transmitter sites
•SNG and ENG trucks
•Remote operations (where news personnel can find problems such as on rooftops)
•The unique issues at AM stations
•RF hazard protection equipment - you may not need it but your contractors probably will
•Signs - what they mean and what you need
The course is designed for broadcast station personnel, including chief and assistant chief engineers, transmitter site engineers, ENG and SNG maintenance personnel and management who need to have an understanding of RF safety issues and regulations.

It is recommended that persons taking the SBE RF Safety Course have at least some basic knowledge of electronics and understand the concept of frequency and power.

Your Instructor
Stephen Lockwood, CPBE, AMD, PE

Stephen Lockwood is a senior engineer and partner with Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers, with more than 35 years experience in the field of broadcasting and telecommunications engineering. He is a Registered Professional Electrical (P.E.) Engineer in Washington, Alaska, and Wyoming, and holds a BS in electrical engineering and a BS in engineering physics from Oklahoma Christian University. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, and Broadcast Technology Society elected AdCom Member, Member and past president of the Association of Federal Communications Consulting Engineers (AFCCE), and is a Member of Project Management Institute where is certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP). He is a member of the Society of Broadcast Engineers where he holds the Certified Professional Broadcast Engineer (CPBE) and AM Directional Specialist (AMD) certifications, and he holds Amateur Radio Operator License K7SSL.

SBE Recertification Credit
The completion of a Webinar from Webinars by SBE qualifies for 1 credit, identified under Category I of the Recertification Schedule for SBE Certifications.

Registration and Pricing
This webinar will be approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes long.
SBE Members: $62
MemberPlus Members FREE
Non-Members: $92
Registration Link

If you have questions regarding this course, contact Cathy Orosz via email or by phone at 317-846-9000.

2022 CBNT & CBNE Study Topics Module 4

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 | 1 p.m. CT

Module 4: Media Systems Architecture
The 2022 CBNT & CBNE Study Topics Series continues with Module 4: Media Systems Architecture on Tuesday, May 17, 2022. Module 4 of the series will focus on media system architecture, workflows and interfacing.

Your Instructors
Wayne Pecena, CPBE, 8-VSB, ATSC3, AMB, AMD, ATSC3, DRB, CBNE

Wayne M. Pecena is the Associate Director of Educational Broadcast Services at Texas A&M University. Wayne has over 48 years of broadcast and IP network engineering experience and holds BS and MS degrees from Texas A&M University. Wayne is a Fellow of the Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE) and holds the Certified Professional Broadcast Engineer (CPBE) and Certified Broadcast Network Engineer (CBNE) certifications from the SBE. He served two terms as the national President of the SBE. He was named the 2012 SBE Educator of the Year, the 2014 Radio World Engineer of the year, and named an IEEE-BTS Distinguished Lecturer in 2018. He is a frequent industry speaker on IP Networking and cybersecurity topics for the broadcast and media technology professional.

SBE Recertification Credit
The completion of a Webinar from Webinars by SBE qualifies for 1 credit, identified under Category I of the Recertification Schedule for SBE Certifications.

Registration and Pricing
This webinar will be approximately 90 minutes long.
SBE Members: $62
MemberPlus Members FREE
Non-Members: $92
Registration Link

If you have questions regarding this course, contact Cathy Orosz via email or by phone at 317-846-9000.

More information about registering using the SBE MemberPlus benefit
All SBE webinars are included at no additional cost for members who renew or join using the $175 SBE MemberPlus membership option. You get all the live and archived Webinars by SBE in the SBE catalog plus any new webinars the SBE adds during the membership year. Members can renew and newcomers may join online at the SBE website using the SBE MemberPlus option.

Access to the SBE webinars through the SBE MemberPlus program is limited to the MemberPlus-purchaser only. You are not permitted to distribute, sell, copy, share, project or otherwise make the webinars available to any other individual or group without express written permission by the SBE.

Several state-of-the-art radio, TV, multimedia, and IT engineering training is available through this page...

More information on SBE Education Programs is available here...

Views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE), its officers, or its members. SBE Chapter 24, Inc. regrets, but is not liable for, any omissions or errors. Articles of interest to Chapter 24 members are accepted up to the close of business the 1st day of each month. Send your article to