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Edited by: Mike Norton Electronic Version: Leonard Charles Electronically Distributed by Chris Cain Contributors this month: Leonard Charles Jim Hermanson Neal McLain Denise Maney Tom Smith Paul Stoffel Tom Weeden. Articles Welcome!! Send correspondence to: SBE Chapter 24 Newsletter Editor 46 Trillium Court Madison, WI 53719-2308 or Email at Mike_Norton@wetn.pbs.org c 1997 by SBE Chapter 24. Views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the official positions of the Society, its officers, or its members. SBE Chapter 24 regrets, but is not liable for, any omissions or errors. The Chapter 24 Newsletter is published twelve times per year. Other SBE Chapters are permitted to use excerpts if attributed to the original author, sources, and SBE Chapter 24. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT The Annual Picnic will be held Thursday, July 24, after work, between 4PM and 8PM at the Mendota County Park on Highway M in Middleton. The Chapter will provide sliced ham and turkey, buns, and all the fixin's. Including extra plates and plasticware. We ask that you bring a dish to share and your own drinks. As always family and friends are invited and welcome. Hope to see you all there. You may contact Denise if you need directions to the park. We will need to know how many to provide for, so please RSVP Denise Maney. Leave a message via phone/fax 277-8001 or email to Denise at sloop26@aol.com. Visitors and Guests are welcome at all SBE meetings. UPCOMING MEETINGS Tentative Program Subjects Wednesday 8/20/97 Video Servers Thursday 9/18/97 Video Servers/New Member Night Wednesday 10/22/97 Broadcast Clinic Tuesday 11/18/97 Tour of Electronic Theater Controls Wednesday 12/17/97 Lunch Meeting (Program TBA) Thursday 1/22/98 Radio Station Automation Tuesday 2/17/98 Test and Measurement Equipment Wednesday 3/18/98 ATM Technology or Related Topic Thursday 4/16/98 Elections and NAB Review Tuesday 5/19/98 Telephone Company Tour Wednesday 6/17/98 Sullivan NOAA Weather Office Tour If you have any suggestions for program topics you'd like to see, please contact one of the Chapter 24 Program Committee Members. WISCONSIN BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION SUMMER ENGINEERING WORKSHOP AND REGIONAL SBE MEETING Wednesday, July 16th, 1997 at the WBA Summer Convention - Abbey Resort, Lake Geneva/Fontana, WI Join your associates at the WBA Summer Convention for a full day of technical sessions designed to address issues of concern to both engineering and management. Sessions begin at 8:30AM and conclude at 4:00PM. Registration for the full conference is just $40, which includes the full day of technical sessions, the SBE Lunch and the DTV luncheon presentation, the Equipment Exhibits/Reception, and the WBA Opening Night Dinner. Or, if you prefer, attend only the conference sessions and the SBE luncheon and equipment exhibition/reception for $25. Same price since 1991! To register, send your check for $40 or $25 per attendee before July 11, 1997 to: Wisconsin Broadcasters Association 44 East Mifflin Street, Suite 900 Madison, WI 53703 Note: On-site registration will also be available between 8:00A- 8:30A on Wednesday July 16th, but please call WBA to reserve your place, 1-800-236- 1922. CERTIFICATION AND EDUCATION By Jim Hermanson The remaining 1997 certification exam date is November 14 - 24. Local chapters application deadline is September 26th. Operator exams may be given at other times by coordinating through the local chapter certification chair and national SBE office. Recertification forms are available from the SBE national office. The chapter certification/education chair also has a few. Thanks to Tim Trendt at UW-Platteville for assisting with Chapter 24 certification administration. JUNE BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES Submitted by Neal McLain, Secretary Chapter 24 of the Society of Broadcast Engineers met on Tuesday, June 17, 1997, at Norlight Telecommunications, in Brookfield, Wisconsin. There were 10 persons in attendance, including 8 members (all certified) and two guests. The meeting was chaired by Chapter 24 Chairman Fred Sperry. Call to order: 7:12 pm. Sperry thanked our guest speakers for inviting us to meet at Norlight. The minutes of the May meeting were approved, as published in the June Newsletter. Treasurer's Report (reported by Sperry in Stan Scharch's absence): the chapter balance is in the black. Newsletter Editor's Report (reported by Newsletter Editor Mike Norton): The deadline for the June Newsletter is midnight 7/4/97; the folding party is 5:30 pm 7/9/97 at WKOW-TV. Sustaining Membership Report (reported by Sperry): Recent renewals include Video Images and Fuji Film; the Chapter now has a total 24 sustaining members. Program Committee (reported by Steve Zimmerman): The July meeting will be the annual Chapter picnic, July 24, at Mendota County Park. Certification and Education: No report. Frequency Coordination Report (reported by Tom Smith): Several coordination requests have been received for new wireless microphone installation. National News (reported by Sperry): (1) Nominations for candidates for national office are now open; deadline is June 17. (2) Membership renewal deadline is June 30. National Liaison Report (reported by Sperry in Leonard Charles' absence): (1) Charles plans to attend the SBE Executive Committee meeting on June 21 in Indianapolis. (2) The FCC has adopted a special order which has changed the cable television EAS implementation deadline; the FCC also has clarified the handling of EAS encoder printouts included with station logs. See the SBE website for further information. Old business (reported by Sperry): Nominations for Chapter Awards have been mailed to national headquarters. New business: none. The business meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm. The program featured a presentation by Norlight representatives Jesse Mix, Account Executive, and David Pritchard, Director, Satellite and Video Services. FCC RULEMAKINGS Compiled by Tom Smith PROPOSED MM Docket No. 97-138, RM-8855, 8856, 8857, 8858, 8872 Main Studio and Public Inspection File of Broadcast Stations The FCC is seeking comments on the rules concerning the location of the main studio of a broadcast stations and of where the public inspection file should be kept. The FCC is proposing that the studio location rules be further relaxed. The proposed rules would allow for stations to locate outside of it's principal community contour. Currently, a station must locate it's studio within it's community or city grade signal. Two suggestions the FCC has made is to allow a stations studios to be locate at a set driving distance such 30 minutes or within the principal contour of any station within the community. If there was a Class C station with a community grade of 40 miles in a community, then, a Class A in the same community could also locate it's studio at 40 miles from that community. The second proposal concerns the location of a stations public file. Currently, a station must locate it's public file within it's city of license. If the studio is within the city of license, the public file is kept there. If the studio is outside the city of license, the public file is kept at some location accessible to the public. This could be a law office or public library. The FCC is proposing that it would be permissible to locate the public file at the stations studio where ever it is located. The FCC is also seeking comment on what should be contained in the public file and is proposing to delete the requirement that stations have a copy of the out of date manual " The Public and Broadcasting ". The FCC is considering the easing of the burden of new owners of stations being responsible for material from the previous owners public file. The FCC has been petitioned to require that the public file reflect information on the current license. Comments are due on August 8, 1997 and replies are due on September 8, 1997. This notice was adopted on May 22, 1997 and released on May 28, 1997. Published in the FEDERAL REGISTER on June 12, 1997 on pages 32,061- 32,066 MM Docket No. 94-150, 92-51, 87-154, DA 97-1246 Television LMA's The FCC is seeking comments from parties in all existing television local marketing agreements to provide information concerning terms and characteristics of these agreements. Some of the information the FCC would like from these stations include ownership, call letters, channel, city of license, market rank, signal contour overlap, network affiliation, ratings, and contract terms. This notice is to further gather information that the FCC was unable to gather for parties in LMA's in previous inquiries concerning this issue. Comments were due on July 8, 1997 and the notice was published in the FEDERAL REGISTER on June 23, 1997 on pages 33,792-33,793. FINAL RULE FO Dockets 91-171 / 91-301; FCC 97-196 Emergency Broadcast / Alert System The FCC has extended the deadline for cable systems to implement EAS participation. The original deadline was July 1, 1997. The FCC has not set a new deadline at this time. The FCC has not made a decision concerning small cable systems participation or requests by the hearing impaired community. This notice was published in the FEDERAL REGISTER on June 23, 1997 on page 33,753. Compiled from the FEDERAL REGISTER. These notices available on the FCC Web Site (www.fcc.gov) or from the Government Printing Office Web Site (www.access.gpo.gov). AMATEUR RADIO NEWS By Tom Weeden, WJ9H - Amateur radio operators who provide communications for non-profit organizations' public service events will, in general, soon be protected from lawsuits resulting from their volunteer activities. Both houses of Congress have passed companion bills, each described as "The Volunteer Protection Act of 1997." July QST Magazine reports that the Senate was expected to adopt the House version of the bill, HR 911, and send it to President Clinton for signing. If the bill is signed into law, hams serving as volunteer examiners, emergency communications operators, and in other capacities serving under a qualifying non-profit organization are not as likely to be sued as a result of unintentional harm resulting from something they did while serving as a volunteer. - Ham radio assumed a critical role in the wake of major flooding along the Red River that overtook the cities of Grand Forks, ND and East Grand Forks, MN this spring. Hams from the area turned out to provide mobile HF communications between relief sites and the Salvation Army's Minneapolis warehouse. They also provided backup communications for various flood- relief agencies, especially between those agencies that don't share one another's radio frequencies and who needed to coordinate their efforts. In a unique operation, the Grand Forks Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) sent live video of dike-building activity back to the emergency operations center using a mobile 420 MHz TV repeater. - The broadcast program "Ham Radio and More" has returned to shortwave for a live weekly broadcast on WWCR, 5.070 MHz. The show, hosted by ham Len Winkler, KB7LPW, is heard Sundays at 6 PM Eastern Time (2200 UTC). (Excerpts from July 1997 "QST" Magazine) LOCAL LEGALS By Tom Smith PROPOSED WTDY-AM, Madison Mid-West Management Inc. seeks to construct a new AM station at 1670 khz in the AM expanded band. The transmitter will be located at 3220 Syene Road and operate with a power of 10 kw days and 1 kw nights. The tower will be 62.2 meters. WTDY-AM currently operates at 1480 khz with a power of 5 kw. Filed June 16, 1997 ALLOCATED New FM, Mukwonago The FCC has allocated FM channel 287A ( 105.3 mhz ) to Mukwonago at the request of Faith Congregation. The transmitter site is restricted to 7.3 miles west of Mukwonago. The filing window is from July 21 to August 21, 1997. Action on May 28, 1997 Compiled from WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL and the FEDERAL REGISTER EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM FIRSTHAND Compiled by Paul Stoffel - EAS Summit at WBA Summer Engineering Workshop on July 16 in Lake Geneva. Please send comments to Gary Timm at WTMJ before the "EAS Summit" at WBA for the following questions: "We need to decide whether our RMT's will be random or fixed dates and times. Also, should our dual, AM/FM LP-1's originate RMT's? If so, how do we cure the problem of two tests circulating in the web that we experienced in February?" - The FCC has adopted a special order #FCC97-196 that extends the cable EAS implementation deadline indefinitely. That deadline will be re-defined when the FCC releases its second EAS Report & Order. - Those back-ordered Sage low-band VHF receiver modules from Harris (for receiving the proposed Wisconsin Statewide EAS Frequency, 45.12 mHz) are no more. Sage has decided not to sell a low-band receiver because the sales volume wasn't there. - Version 5.88 EPROM for the SAGE EAS box requires the new V1.4 of the "eprog" DOS programming software from Harris' web site. ( V1.4 corrects problem with V1.3 that occurs when new event codes are added, then deleted.) - From Frank Lucia in the FCC EAS Office in Washington DC, EAS printouts are legal "if properly stored". That means they have to be included with your station's official logs. Any manual logging your station does to point to the exact date and times you received and sent alerts is also OK. In reality, a combination of both is probably best. (ie: Attach the printouts to your official logs and generate a listing or database of which logs have printouts attached to them along with the alert covered by the attachments.) - The July RMT is/was scheduled for Friday, July 11 at 1:50pm, originated by the SR. TELECOM INDUSTRY NEWS By Neal McLain CABLE-TEC EXPO 1997 The first week in June was a busy one for "convergence" equipment manufacturers: the companies that make equipment for the computer, data communications, and cable television industries. During that week, three major national trade shows occurred simultaneously: Comdex, the computer industry's' big annual show, in Atlanta; SuperComm, the telephone industry's annual convention, in New Orleans; and Cable-Tec Expo, in Orlando. I attended Cable-Tec Expo, the annual convention of the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE). Compared to Comdex and SuperComm, it was a pretty small show (it occupied only about one-third of the huge Orange County Convention Center). But it still took me three days to cover the exhibit floor. CABLE MODEMS Cable modems dominated the exhibits: at least twelve exhibitors demonstrated cable modem systems intended for Internet access. The exhibit floor was connected to the Internet by a T1 line, so exhibitors could demonstrate their products in real time. My analysis: cable modems are fast! I tested several systems by accessing the CTI website; in every case, it loaded almost instantly. Even the complicated graphics in "Neal's Notes" were fully loaded into RAM by the time I scrolled down to them. All cable modem systems utilize a similar basic architecture (Figure 1). Abbreviations used in this figure are: ISP = Internet Service Provider. A cable operator may contract with an existing ISP, or it may establish its own ISP. If the operator operates its own ISP, it is frequently located in the headend building. CMTS = Cable Modem Termination System. This term includes all equipment located at the headend; in general, it includes three components: a router, a controller, and a modulator. The router and the modulator are standard off-the shelf products. Only the controller is unique to cable modem systems; its purpose is to process the data stream for modulation. CATV = the Cable TV distribution network, generally assumed to be an HFC network but it can be coaxial-only. CM = the cable modem, typically a single circuit card enclosed in a plastic housing. PC = the user's PC, equipped with an ethernet card. Some manufacturers combine the cable modem with the ethernet card; in this case, the entire modem consists of a single expansion card installed in the PC. CABLE MODEM CONFIGURATIONS There are two common cable modem configurations: TWO WAY. This configuration requires that the CATV plant be configured for two-way operation: 54-400 MHz (or wider) downstream and 5-30 MHz upstream. Moreover, the plant must be "clean" - free of noise and interference. Maintaining a clean downstream path is relatively easy; however, keeping the upstream path clean has proved to be a significant roadblock to cable modem deployment. The very nature of a broadband system "funnels" noise from any point in the distribution system back to the headend, making it difficult to pinpoint the sources of noise and interference. One cable modem manufacturer, Terayon, claims to have overcome this problem by utilizing CDMA (code division multiple access) modulation. Terayon claims that CDMA allows use of 2-way plant with "minimum plant cleanup costs." CDMA, it should be noted, is also used in the PCS industry for noise-free voice communications in congested frequency bands. TELCO-RETURN. This configuration operates over one-way (downstream only) cable plant. The return path is implemented with a conventional dial-up telephone modem. Most telco-return systems require a separate telephone modem in the PC, although one manufacturer, US Robotics, incorporates the cable modem and the telco modem in a single housing. Telco-return systems are less expensive to implement because the upstream cable path is not required. But they're obviously more expensive for the end customer, who must provide a separate telephone line. Telco-return systems are also "asymmetric": although the downstream path is very fast, the upstream path is limited by the same bandwidth restrictions which apply to all telephone modems. In the short run, this arrangement is probably satisfactory for residential users: web-browsing is, after all, a highly asymmetric application. But these systems don't appear to be particularly satisfactory long-term solutions. CABLE MODEM STANDARDS Another roadblock to the deployment of cable modems has been the lack of "interoperability" standards. At the moment, most of the cable modem systems on the market cannot be interconnected. Several standards bodies are now addressing this issue. Cable Television Laboratories, the cable industry's research arm, is leading this effort on behalf of the cable industry. The pending standard, to be known as the DATA OVER CABLE SERVICE INTERFACE SPECIFICATION (DOCSIS), is expected to be finalized within a year. The goal of the DOCSIS process is to establish a universal cable modem standard so that any cable modem product will operate in any cable environment. The standard is expected to specify frequency assignments, modulation requirements, and encryption standards. All data, both upstream and downstream, is expected to incorporate a high level of encryption to ensure security. Once the DOCSIS standard is finalized, it will be submitted to ANSI as a proposed national standard. Assuming that ANSI adopts it, it will then open to all vendors. The ultimate objective: to create a universal standard so that cable modems can be sold in retail computer stores just as telephone modems are sold today. Parties participating in the DOCSIS standardization process, in addition to Cablelabs, include Comcast, Cox, MediaOne (formerly Continental Cablevision, now part of U S West), Rogers Cablesystems, TCI, and Time Warner. WORLDGATE: INTERNET FOR TV SETS Worldgate, a new company exhibiting in Scientific-Atlanta's booth, offers a product also called WorldGate. This product distributes digital information (web pages and e-mail messages) in the vertical blanking interval of television signals; they are decoded by the set-top converter (manufactured by Scientific-Atlanta), and displayed on the subscriber's television set. The Worldgate service includes a special keyboard, connected to the converter through an infrared link. The keyboard allows the user to do the usual Internet activities, mostly e-mail and web browsing. The keyboard is equipped with two special keys to simplify the process: "http://" - This key generates the string of text. "Hyperlink" - This key links from website to website just like a conventional browser, but it also can be used to link from a TV program or a commercial directly to a related website. In the demonstration I watched, the Worldgate representative linked from a Chrysler TV commercial directly to Chrysler's website by pressing one button. Worldgate suggests the following retail rates: $5.00 per month for the first three hours ($1.00 for each additional hour), or $11.95/month unlimited use. Note that Worldgate is not the same system as WebTV, a product which has been around for over a year. WebTV utilizes a telephone modem for its Internet connection, whereas Worldgate uses the VBI of video signals. EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM Several exhibitors demonstrated EAS equipment. Most manufacturers use the TFT encoder; the exception is Megahertz Sales, which has the exclusive rights to use the SAGE encoder. The Holly Anne encoder seems to be interchangeable with TFT in most vendor packages. Most vendors were pushing full-screen interrupt on all channels. This option is the most disruptive to viewers; however, it's also the lowest cost. But some vendors argued that it's not all that disruptive anyway, because the audio must be interrupted in any case for a "tune to channel XX" message. The EAS exhibits were undercut by a prevalent rumor: the FCC planned to delay the mandatory EAS implementation date. By the second day of the show, this rumor was confirmed by two FCC representatives attending the show, John Wong and Michael Lantz of the Cable Services Bureau. SBE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING - SUMMER 1997 By Leonard Charles The Summer SBE Executive Committee meeting was held in Indianapolis on Saturday June 21, 1997. After approval of minutes from the Spring Board of Directors meeting, committee reports began with the Financial Committee from Treasurer Troy Pennington. Income figures are ahead of budget year-to- date and expenses are lagging behind budget making for a sound financial situation for the Society so far this year. Certification Chair David Carr reported acceptance of the new paper prep guides as well as tweaks that continue on them. His committee is also debating the continued acceptance of the FCC General and Extra Class licenses as sufficient criteria for issuing an SBE Broadcast Technologist certification. Certification Director Linda Godby was preparing for her wedding later in the day but made a short appearance at the meeting to thank those who will be attending the ceremony. Her pre-written report showed 217 new certifications awarded so far this year and 140 certification renewals. 320 certification guides have been sold. The Ennes Education Foundation has been working hard to assist in the creation of the first ever Louisville, KY SBE regional show and workshops. The educational seminars will cover Digital Radio and TV including a "how to" build a DTV plant. The foundation also described the success of the new Bob Greenburg Scholarship with ample donations to it and the yearly Ennes Scholarship. Those scholarships are expected to increase as some Chapters send their rebates back directed to the scholarship fund. Treasurer Troy Pennington presented the 1998 proposed budget. Troy was happy to announce that there is no dues increase in this proposed budget. The Executive Committee discussed at length the creation of a retirement program for the SBE National Office staff. John Poray presented available options for non profit organizations. SBE General Counsel Chris Imlay reported on recent passage of the Volunteer Protection Act HR911/S544. Though not initiated by the SBE, it will benefit its members by protecting them as they perform their roll as SBE representatives. The bill is not protection from prosecution but a means of defense in libelous actions. Chris did emphasize that this is not to be considered a replacement for Chapter Incorporation but is an enhancement to it. Chris also said the SBE will continue to push for an engineering presence on the FCC as part of its legislative agenda. Brochures are being produced by the SBE to take into all legislative offices with separate leaflets for each point on our agenda. Imlay reported on the latest congressional spectrum auctioning effort which involves as yet undefined spectrum below 3GHZ. In this initiative, if spectrum is let out to auction and does not raise a pre-set amount of money, the process will be voided and re-started as many times as necessary until that amount is bid. The SBE has filed comments on the MSS proceedings to take over the lower portion of the 2GHZ TV ENG band. The Society expressed concern about the reimbursement to broadcasters displaced by the spectrum take over. The SBE suggests that the MSS interests post a performance bond to insure there is money set aside for that compensation. The SBE also intends to file comments in support of a filing by the NAB and MSTV concerning new tower construction for the upcoming DTV conversion. The filing asks exemption from the municipal approval process where tower constructions or modifications are needed to convert to the new transmission scheme. The discussion then centered on a pilot electronic filing program that the Board of Directors commissioned at their Spring meeting. There were many pluses and minuses presented after which a list of concerns to be addressed was generated as the development of the program continues. The SBE EAS Committee has finished its Petition for Rule Making intended to change the EAS rules in answer to membership suggestions resulting from irregular operation of the new system so far this year. The Petition has been forwarded to the SBE FCC Liaison Committee and it now awaits full Board approval before being delivered to the FCC. Those present were urged to advise their liaison chapters to check the Web site. Once the Petition receives Board approval, it will be posted on the EAS page for membership viewing. Members are urged to file their own comments in support or otherwise of the Petition once it is filed with the FCC. Imlay also touched on the pending SBE effort to seek a declaratory ruling on matters in unattended operation. Sustaining Membership Chair Tom Weber announced additions to the National Sustaining Membership program and a recent flurry of applications sent. Also discussed was a possible by-laws change that would allow each Sustaining Member a vote in SBE elections. This is necessary because recent IRS rulings will result in a tax liability of Sustaining Membership funds unless they are given that right to vote. Weber also reported the recent addition of a hot-link page to our Sustaining Members on the SBE web site. Membership Coordinator Teresa Ransdell reported on this year's membership drive. 48 new members were pledged by sponsors while 256 new members total were accepted during the drive. Teresa conducted the drawings for prize winners in this year's contest. The grand prize winner is Gordon Emmerson from Chapter 58. Nominations Chair Robert Raymont reported this year's election ballot will have two candidates for President, one each for the three remaining officers positions and 12 candidates vying for 6 open Board of Directors positions. Space will be provided on the SBE Web site for each candidate to post a home page, the contents of which will be their responsibility. The ballots will be mailed out at the end of July. Chapter 25 was officially appointed the Board of Tellers to tally this year's election results. Executive Director John Poray announced the new format of national SBE fall meetings this year. New Officers and Board Members will be inducted at the SBE Annual Membership meeting in September in Syracuse, NY. The SBE Syracuse regional show will also be the site of this year's Fall Board of Director's meeting and the SBE Annual Awards Banquet. Poray talked about the progress of talks with Harris toward a joint series of regional road shows. Those talks are at an apparent stand still. John also announced plans by the Ennes Foundation to do another series of workshops at next year's NAB and staff a SBE booth. In addition, the SBE is planning a booth at the Texas Association of Broadcasters show and possibly at the NAB Radio show in New Orleans. John Poray reported on the recently held Engineering Management seminar sponsored by the SBE and held in Indianapolis earlier in June. There were 11 attendees to the seminar which is a rejuvenation of the original NAB seminars by Richard Cupka. A motion was approved instructing John to initiate plans for a return engagement next year. There was a discussion on the inadequacies of the phone system at the National Office and its lack of voice mail capability. The Executive Committee approved funds to replace it with a system that has expandability into the future. A motion was passed to modify the 1997 budget to accommodate the purchase. In new business the Executive Committee approved a couple of special awards to be announced at upcoming National Membership Meetings. There was also discussion on creating an internet email response team to browse the many email lists and newsgroups for SBE concerns. This effort will be organized by President Baun. He will also be working on writing Committee Chairman guidelines. The specific duties of the Nominations Committee was discussed and will probably result in a proposed by-laws clarification offering at the Fall Board meeting. The Industry Relations committee requested approval to pursue a relationship with the IEEE Broadcast Technology Society toward cooperative efforts on technical issues. There was concern expressed about the IEEE position on state licensing of Broadcast Engineers. Their position is opposite that of the SBE. As a result there was one opposing vote on the motion to continue pursuing the relationship between the two organizations. The meeting adjourned and everyone prepared to attend the wedding of Certification Director Linda Godby to Brent Emmerich later in the evening. BROADBAND NETWORKS PART 12 - More About AML Microwave systems By Neal McLain This is the twelfth in a series of articles about coaxial broadband networks. In this article, we'll continue with the discussion of AML microwave systems. Last month, we discussed the theory behind AML; this month we'll take a look at the history of AML. TELEPROMPTER AND HUGHES: AN UNLIKELY ALLIANCE The AML microwave system was developed by an alliance of two companies: TelePrompTer Corporation and Hughes Aircraft Company. TelePrompTer, of course, is a name still familiar today: it's the company that developed the original mechanical teleprompter, predecessor to the electronic prompters found in television production studios today. TelePrompTer was founded in the early 50s by three members of the entertainment industry: Fred Barton, an actor; Hubert J. ("Hub") Schlafly, then Director of Television Research for 20th Century Fox; and Irving B. (for Berlin) Kahn, nephew of the composer and, at the time, vice president in charge of radio and television production at Fox. Barton, a former Broadway actor new to live television drama, suggested the idea when he was faced with the necessity of learning a whole new script each day. At the outset, TelePrompter (the company) provided teleprompters (the device) as part of a "prompting service." During the 50s, the company provided the service at countless venues, including television studios and political conventions. TelePrompTer gained national prominence in 1952 when Herbert Hoover used a teleprompter during the Republican Convention in Chicago. But Schlafly and his partners were visionaries whose business interests extended far beyond the manufacture and sale of teleprompters. Once the prompting business was firmly established, the company turned its attention to another new business: cable television. Still using the trade name TelePrompTer, the company began acquiring, building, and operating cable systems. After building several systems in rural locations where off-the- air television reception was not possible, the company began building systems in larger cities such as Rochester, Minnesota and Rock Island, Illinois. In the mid 60s, TelePrompTer obtained the franchise for the northern half of New York City's Manhattan Borough. These larger franchises presented a challenge: in order to keep amplifier cascades within reason, it was obvious that some sort of microwave transmission system would be needed. Schlafly believed that a multi- channel, multi-directional system, utilizing single-sideband suppressed- carrier amplitude modulation, offered an economically-viable solution. But he faced two challenges: equipment manufacture and FCC licensing. To solve the first problem, he approached Hughes Aircraft Company, of Torrance, California. And to solve the second problem, he applied to the FCC for an experimental license to develop the new service. As it happens, Hughes had been looking for commercial business opportunities. Although no longer a manufacturer of aircraft, Hughes had become a major defense contractor, with extensive expertise in microwave and satellite technology. In order to reduce its reliance on government contracts, it had developed a commercial microwave business, and had become a leading manufacturer of traveling wave tubes and other microwave devices. Hughes was also an early manufacturer of satellites and satellite earth stations. Hughes offered another advantage as well: extensive research and development capabilities coupled with a financial structure which allowed it to invest in long-term R&D projects. Although organized as a for-profit corporation, Hughes was owned by a single entity, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Hughes was interested in the project from the start. It not only agreed to develop and test the proposed microwave system in cooperation with TelePrompTer, but it also agreed to make a financial investment in TelePrompTer. Hughes executives joined TelePrompTer's Board, and the two companies formed joint ventures to build some of the larger cable franchises, including Manhattan. Hughes and TelePrompTer also joined forces to form a manufacturing subsidiary known as Theta-Com, an acronym for "TelePrompTer Hughes Electronic Transmission Associates." Initially based in Phoenix, Theta-Com undertook the development and manufacture of the proposed microwave system, to be known as Amplitude Modulated Link, or AML. Theta-Com also began manufacturing cable television line equipment including amplifiers and power supplies. Hughes invested heavily in Theta-Com, committing both money and the technical expertise of its existing microwave operations. Although much of the technology already existed, many modifications were necessary to accommodate the special requirements of AML. For example, a solid-state source operating at 70 MHz was a standard Hughes product; but the AML solid- state source had to operate at 73.95614 MHz. Meanwhile, Schlafly was successful in obtaining FCC approval for the project. Although he had initially applied for a license in the 18-GHz band in the belief that the FCC would not approve the use of a lower frequency, the FCC eventually approved an assignment in the 12-GHz CARS band. With licensing formalized in the FCC Rules, Theta-Com brought the AML product to market and quickly came to dominate it. By the early 70s, Theta- Com was the exclusive supplier of AML equipment, and sold hundreds of systems worldwide. Here in Wisconsin, Total TV, Inc. (now Marcus Cablevision) constructed systems in Janesville and Hustisford to serve surrounding communities. Complete Channel TV, Inc. (now TCI) constructed a three-path system in Madison to cover the entire city without exceeding its cascade-depth specification. Viking Media Corporation constructed a three- hop system (now dismantled) which extended from Stoughton to Portage via relay points in Sun Prairie and Lodi (Figure 1). In the mid 70s, changes in management at Hughes led to a number of changes in its relationship with TelePrompTer. Hughes sold off its interests in TelePrompTer and the jointly-owned cable television franchises. In 1977, Theta-Com's Phoenix operations were dissolved, and the cable television line-equipment business was sold to Texscan. But Hughes retained its interest in the AML product line. After Theta-Com was dissolved, Hughes moved the AML business to California, and merged it into its existing microwave business. I visited Hughes' AML facility in 1977. I remember approaching a huge complex of buildings, heavily guarded by the security trappings of a major defense contractor. After a bus ride past several sprawling buildings, we eventually arrived at a large building identified "Microwave Products." At first, I thought, this must be the base of all of Hughes' microwave operations, of which AML is probably a small part. I was surprised to discover that the entire building was devoted to the AML product line. I eventually realized that Hughes' microwave operations were spread out over dozens of buildings. But I was correct on one point: the AML product line was indeed a relatively minor part of its overall operations. Minor or not, Hughes made a huge commitment to AML, and it dominated the market for two decades - right up to the early 90s. HUGHES SELLS OUT But even as it dominated the market, competitive pressures were beginning to appear. By the mid 80s, two significant factors had emerged: competitive microwave systems and fiber optics. Within a decade, Hughes had lost its dominant market position and had sold off the AML product line. Channel Master, of Smithfield, North Carolina, was the first company to challenge Hughes on its own turf: it introduced a competitive microwave system called "Micro-Beam." Although Micro-Beam equipment employed the same amplitude-modulation scheme that Hughes equipment used, Channel Master successfully avoided a key Hughes patent - the pilot at 73.95614 MHz - by utilizing two pilots in Channel 98, immediately above the FM band. Meanwhile, fiber optics were beginning to replace microwave systems altogether. In recent years, dozens of large AML systems have been removed from service, their functions replaced by fiber. TCI's tower on Tokay Blvd. today stands in mute testimony to this fact: those nine antennas, clearly visible from the Beltline, have been idle for months. Further complicating the situation, Hughes Aircraft was purchased by General Motors a few years ago, and the AML operations were moved again, this time to Winnipeg, Manitoba. By the mid 90s, Hughes had withdrawn from the AML business altogether. Its AML operations are now operated as independent businesses, and other companies have entered the market. Indeed, the very name AML no longer means Hughes: several companies, operating under such names as Cable AML, AML Wireless, and American Microwave Link (AML), now compete in the business. Hughes may not have seemed a likely supplier of cable television equipment. Yet, in retrospect, it all makes sense. Only a company with the financial and technological resources of a conglomerate like Hughes could have made the huge financial and technical investments necessary to develop the AML product line. For Hughes, it may indeed have been a small business; yet it fit precisely into Hughes' business plan: a niche business which it could develop and dominate. Meanwhile, Hub Schlafly, the inventor of the mechanical teleprompter and the originator of the amplitude modulated link, has retired to his home in Greenwich, Connecticut. Visitors are invited to inspect a prized possession: the Emmy Award he received in 1992 for "outstanding achievement" in the field of television. ------- Sources: Private correspondence, Schlafly to McLain, May 1997. Robert Pearson, "The Inventor In Our Midst," Greenwich, April 1993, pp. 94-102. Figure 1. Theta-Com advertisement from the September 1976 issue of TVC magazine. Theta-Com was a regular advertiser in trade journals of the day, and many of its ads featured descriptions of recently-constructed ALM systems. The three-hop AML system described in this ad was constructed in 1974 by Viking Media Corporation to carry locally-produced television programming to cable systems in Monona, McFarland, Oregon, Portage, and Sun Prairie. Additional paths were subsequently added to feed Cambridge, Marshall, and Verona. The Lodi tower was destroyed by vandals on January 1, 1981. Viking engineer Eric Olsen's log entry for that day reads, "Lodi died, caused by vandals, on Jan 1, 1981. May it Rest in Peace." The remainder of this AML system continued to operate until 1984, when Viking was purchased by Complete Channel TV. After Complete Channel TV took over, it dismantled the Stoughton AML transmitter and connected all Viking franchises to its AML transmitter on Tokay Blvd. Source: TVC, September 1976, p. 11. PROFESSIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS REUTER JOINS BTS John Reuter has taken a job with Philips BTS. Some of you may remember John from his ECB days (1988-1993). John went to Dynatech Digistore for a couple of years and then to KTTC (the NBC affiliate in Rochester, MN) as chief engineer. John will be a Product Manager for the Media Pool at Philips, responsible for managing all aspects of the hardware, including developing specifications for new products and features, providing direction and priorities for engineering, managing beta sites and vendor relations, providing business analysis for the product line, and managing product configuration and pricing (and other duties as assigned). John, his wife, Tania, and son, Trace, will be moving to Salt Lake City in July. If you'd like to email him his address is CEJohnR@aol.com. ----------- DAVID DEVEREAUX-WEBER NAMED SCTE MEMBER OF THE YEAR David Devereaux-Weber, an engineer with the Division of Information Technology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was named Member of the Year by the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE). The award was made at the Society's annual meeting, Cable-Tec Expo 1997, in Orlando. The SCTE board selected David for this award in recognition of his work with the Society's Internet activities. David is the webmaster for the Society's website <www.scte.org> and the listowner of SCTE-LIST. Chapter 24 members will recall that David was our guest speaker at the May 1996 Chapter meeting, speaking on "Fiber Optics Systems at the UW." David was associated with the cable television industry for many years before he joined DoIT. He was the Chief Engineer at Complete Channel TV from 1979 to 1982, and was an engineer with TDS Telecom's cable television operations for several years after that. JOB POSTING Chief Engineer #1 NBC affiliate in America's most livable city seeks engineering chief. All state of the art equipment. FCC license or SBE certification required. Experience in VHF transmitter, microwave, and all phases of studio equipment a must. Excellent group with great benefits. Send resume to Jerry Watson, VP-GM, KTTC-TV, 601 First Ave. SW, Rochester, MN 55902. EOE. CHAPTER 24 SUSTAINING MEMBERS Recent Renewal: Video Images Thanks to all our Sustaining Members: Alpha Video Broadcast Communications CTI Clark Wire and Cable Comark Communications Fuji Film Harris Corporation Louth Automation maney-logic Niall Enterprises Norlight Telecommunications Panasonic Broadcast Richardson Electronics Roscor Wisconsin Scharch Electronics Skyline Communications Sony Broadcast Tektronix Teleport Minnesota WISC-TV 3 WKOW-TV 27 WMSN-TV 47 WMTV-TV 15 |