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![]() CHAPTER 24, Inc., MADISON, WI |
Contents for this Newsletter
ABOUT THIS NEWSLETTERThe Chapter 24 Newsletter is published monthly by Chapter 24 of the Society of Broadcast Engineers; Madison, Wisconsin. Original hard copy edited by Mike Norton on Pagemaker 5.0. Submissions of interest to the broadcast technical community are welcome. You can make your submissions by e-mail to: Information and/or articles are also accepted by US Mail. Please address them to: Please submit text file on DOS or Windows 3.5" floppy diskette if possible. Leonard Charles is the editor for the Electronic Version of this Newsletter uploaded monthly onto SBE Chapter 24's web page. Thanks to Chris Cain for his work on the Chapter 24 WWW page and electronic newsletter. Contributors this month: © 1997 by SBE Chapter 24. Views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the official positions of the Society, its officers, or its members. SBE Chapter 24 regrets, but is not liable for, any omissions or errors. The Chapter 24 Newsletter is published twelve times per year. Other SBE Chapters are permitted to use excerpts if attributed to the original author, sources, and SBE Chapter 24. MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTWednesday, April 16th, 1997This month will be the NAB review. Chapter 24 members who attended the event in LasVegas will share their discoveries in new technologies. Dutch Treat Dinner and Business Meeting starts at 5:30pm at:J.T. Whitney's642 S. Whitney Way Program begins at 7:00pmVisitors and guests are welcome at all of our SBE meetings! UPCOMING MEETINGSTentative Program Subjects Thu, May 22, 1997 Tue, Jun 17, 1997 Sat, Jul 26, 1997 MARCH BUSINESS MEETING MINUTESSubmitted by Neal McLain, SecretaryChapter 24 of the Society of Broadcast Engineers met on Tuesday, March 18, 1997, at J.T. Whitneys, in Madison. There were 18 persons in attendance, including 17 members (14 certified) and one guest. The meeting was chaired by Chapter 24 Chairman Paul Stoffel. Call to order: 7:00 pm. The minutes of the February meeting were approved, as published in the March Newsletter. Membership Report (reported by Paul Stoffel): Chapter 24 now has 78 members, and mailed 127 newsletters last month. Sustaining Membership Report (reported by Fred Sperry):Maney Logic has renewed its sustaining membership; the Chapter now has a total of 22 sustaining members. Program Committee (reported by Denise Maney): The April meeting will be held April 16, 1997 at J. T. Whitneys. Annual elections will be held, and the program will consist of reports by members who attended the NAB convention. Certification and Education (reported by Jim Hermanson): (1) two new certification classifications have been created: Certified Engineer/Video (CEV) and Certified Engineer/Audio (CEA). (2) The next local examinations will take place June 13-23; application deadline is April 25. Elections Committee Report (reported by Jim Hermanson): Elections of chapter officers for 1997-98 will be held at the April meeting. Nomination deadline is April 5. Nominations can be submitted to any member of the Elections Committee: Jim Hermanson (836-8340), Herb Jordan (271-4763) or Steve Paugh (277-5139). National Liaison Report (reported by Leonard Charles): (1) Membership renewals are due April 1. (2) Nominations for Annual Awards are now open. (3) SBE will host several events at the NAB Convention. (4) Registrations are now open for the Engineering Management Course. (5) Certification preparation guides are now available. (6) The EAS Committee is preparing an FCC filing requesting two changes in the EAS rules. Old business: none. The business meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm. The program featured a tour of Shockley Communications new satellite uplink truck. NATIONAL EAS COMMITTEE REPORTBy Leonard J. Charles Since the EAS went on line January 1st, the SBE EAS Committee has been soliciting and receiving input on areas of concern with its operation. This information will be used in working with the FCC and other Industry players to affect change that will benefit all. What follows is a list of items that have come to the top of the list of concerns expressed by SBE members. 1) 15 Minute RMT window: Concerns have mainly been expressed by classic music stations whose music sweeps often last longer than 15 minutes, and by long form live sports stations as well as Network TV stations whose breaks will often be separated by more than 15 minutes. 2) Obtrusive Tests: With less control than had been anticipated over scheduling of the Required Monthly Tests, stations are suggesting ways to make it less obtrusive to both the station and the audience. These suggestions include lowering the Modulation level, eliminating the two-tone attention signal, and reducing the amount of testing necessary. 3) PEP vs EAN Network: If the PEP station networks replacement over the EAN Network was a test, then many do not give it a passing grade. Complaints range from a PEP station signal not being receivable at all in some areas or not well enough for the digital headers to be reliably decoded in other areas. Also the quality of the rebroadcast audio is of concern due to weak and noisy reception. 4) Text Messages Capability: Many stations are seeking more details than are available in the EAS digital headers. These concerns are expressed from stations serving large populations of hearing impaired audiences and from stations wishing to carry emergency information in their next break or newscast. As it now stands, they must transcribe the received audio message to get detailed information. If text were incorporated, it could be printed or run automatically in the stations CC encoder or CG Crawl device. 5) Crawl Only EAS Messages: TV stations not being monitored in the EAS web would air more local alerts if they could run the automatic crawl without interrupting program audio. In narrow emergency events such as severe weather cells, the necessity to annoy an entire audience with the digital bursts many times as the storm moves from county to county may prohibit stations from using the EAS in such cases. 6) Co owned, Co located stations using a single EAS unit: More than one key station in the group causes problems when originating separate alerts for the same event. Automated stations will relay all originations unless those common key stations simulcast or one relays the others origination. The best example of this is a common AM/FM both designated as LP stations. 7) Remote Controlled originations: This is a problem for stations whose EAS equipment is installed at an un-manned transmitter location, typically regional networks programmed from a common studio. Originating a RWT remotely is a challenge. Though this was a problem early on, most manufacturers will provide a method to do this in future software releases. 8) NOAA 1050 hertz tone: This tone is not always successfully filtered out of the relayed weather alert. According to Larry Krudwig of NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) this problem is caused in EAS equipment that has a too-short listening window when attempting to detect the tone for filtering. In cases where the tone does not tightly follow the third header, some EAS units stop trying to detect it before it starts and it is recorded and relayed as part of the audio message. Mr. Krudwig has indicated that NWR is trying to tighten up the space between the third header and the 1050 hertz tone and manufacturers will change this listening window in future updates of their software to solve this problem. He has indicated that moving the tone is not an option. The SBE EAS Committee continues to accept input on EAS problems. Submit your problems and suggested solutions along with your membership number
via email from the SBEs EAS Home page or mail them to the EAS Committee at the National Headquarters address in Indianapolis. ITS ELECTION TIME!By Jim Hermanson,Chapter 24 Nominations Chair Its April and time for our annual Chapter 24 elections. The newly elected officers will carry the torch in the year ahead and continue the fine leadership of our award-winning chapter. The Nominations Committee has accepted nominations, contacted potential candidates, and prepared a ballot. This, however, is not to mean that nominations are closed. If you wish to run for an office or nominate someone, please indicate so on the ballot in the appropriate space reserved for write-in candidates. Voting will take place at the April 16th chapter meeting. If you are unable to attend the April meeting, you may vote with the absentee ballot that is enclosed in this months newsletter. Absentee ballots must be received at the address indicated on the ballot by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 22. Nominations and elections will officially end when the absentee ballots are due. Only current members of Chapter 24 in good standing are eligible to vote. Each eligible member may vote only once. SBE member numbers must be included on all ballots, for membership verification only. Voters names will not be identified. We will use a numbers only list for verifications. After the votes are counted, the nominations committee will communicate the results to the candidates and to the current officers. Results will also be published in the May newsletter. Thanks to Herb Jordan and Steve Paugh for serving on this years nominations committee! Dont forget to vote! Good luck to all candidates! EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM FIRSTHANDBy Paul StoffelFrom Tom Weeden: For you TFT owners (if any), there apparently is a lack of documentation on what auto-forward means if you happen to be a TV station which uses a third-party software program to control your character generator. The third party, Broadcast Software Solutions (BSS) did not seem to mention that you have to set the TFT to AUTO forward to the external computer, EVEN IF YOU WANT TO MANUALLY FORWARD EAS MESSAGES. The BSS
computer has a list of events that you can auto forward, manually forward, or wait until the commercial break is over and the tally contacts open auto
forward. Everything on the BSS box is set to manual except the EAN/EAT. After the February test didnt work right, I noticed that the RMT was set on the TFT to manually forward. That was then set to AUTO. I found that I also have to program in all counties in our coverage area to auto-forward to the external computer, plus 055000 for all of Wisconsin and 999000 for the test area just to be safe. From Paul Stoffel: Using Endec ROM, beta version 5.79, I experimented with HOLD and HOLD OVERNIGHT for the relaying of a Required Monthly Test. In the menu item, Override Use, the operator can choose HOLD, where the message will hold, but go out as soon as a status has changed. This is also called the commercial tally feature. Or the operator can choose HOLD OVERNIGHT, where the message is held, and goes out as soon as a status has changed , but after a fixed 15-minute countdown. The held message can be manually sent within that 15-minute window. This gives the day stations 15 minutes to power up their transmitters. If your Endec is in MODE = AUTO, you must have the INCOMING RMT filter set to have ACTION = TIME RELAY, instead of AUTOMATIC RELAY. And, the INCOMING RMT filter set to HOLD TIME = 1, so that when an RMT is received during on-air hours, the RMT would go out after one minute, or in other words, as close to automatic relay as possible. (Zero can not be entered as a HOLD TIME.) If your Endec is MODE = TIMED RELAY or MANUAL, your INCOMING RMT filter is most likely already set to ACTION = TIME RELAY and HOLD TIME = 15. Other comments: Anytime an incoming filter that has ACTION = AUTO, then HOLD or HOLD OVERNIGHT does not hold a message. From Leonard Charles: There are a couple of EAS update files on the EAS page of the SBE web site. One is a listing of suggestions received by the EAS Committee toward changes in the system. The other is that latest in EAS and NOAA Weather Radio compatibility. Check it out at www.sbe.org(.) TFT says they will release version .79(.) If TFT owners call their customer service department and give them your Serial Number and address, they will send you the new eproms. Call 800-347-3383. Internet info: The new 1997 FCC Self Inspection Checklist for AM/FM/TV is now available in browser printable text or WP 6 data format at: http://www.fcc.gov/cib(.) Chapter 24 members and South Wisconsin Broadcasters are invited to share your EAS comments and experiences on the Chapter 24 listserver: msnsbe@broadcast.net(.) FCC RULEMAKINGSCompiled by Tom SmithPROPOSED MD Docket No. 96-186; The FCC has issued a notice of proposed rulemaking on its proposed revision of its schedule of regulatory fees for fiscal year 1997. The FCC must adjust its fees to meet the current fee collection amount that Congress requires the FCC to collect. The FCC is examining a proposal from the Montana Broadcasters Association and the NAB to set radio fees according to both market size and class of station. The radio fees are set by class of station only. TV stations fees are set according to both market size and if the station is UHF or VHF. In this docket, the FCC is proposing to base radio fees according to class of station for fiscal 1997. If the final fee rates are set as proposed, radio fees will increase 25-30%. TV fees will decrease 25-60% depending on the market. VHF stations in the top 25 markets will see a fee increase as will TV construction permit holders. Broadcast auxiliary fees will drop from $35 to $25. Comments were due on March 25, 1997 and replies were due on April 4, 1997. The notice was adopted on February 14, 1997 and released on March 5, 1997. The notice was published in the FEDERAL REGISTER on March 10, 1997 on pages 10793 through 10821. (Compiled from the FEDERAL REGISTER) ![]() UW-PLATTEVILLE SYMPOSIUM PLANNEDBy Vicki WayMark your calendars now! The 5th Annual UW-Platteville Communications Symposium will take place on Wednesday, April 23rd. "Convergence, Collision, or Chaos!" is the theme. Topics include Multimedia and the WWW, Graphic Arts,Telecommunications, Broadcasting, Cable TV and Direct Satellite, and the Future of Communications. Mr. Bob Wickhem of Valcom/More than Computers will be the moderator. Registration is from 8:45 - 9:15 a.m. in the Pioneer Tower Lobby. Lunch will be sponsored by Sony. The Symposium concludes at 3:00 p.m. To register, call Becky Troy at (608) 342-1627 or e-mail troy@uwplatt.edu. The cost is $35 per person with a $10 discount for SBE members. There is an additional $5 discount if two or more people from your work place attend. TELECOM INDUSTRY NEWSBy Neal McLain,nmclain@compuserve.com WIRELESS LOCATION IDENTIFICATION EQUIPMENT TESTS UNDER WAY IN NEW JERSEY In June, 1996, the FCC adopted a Report and Order stating that all wireless (cellular and PCS) communications systems must be compatible with Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Systems within five years. By the time the system is fully implemented, every Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) must be able to identify the location of a wireless caller with an accuracy of 125 meters on at least 67% of all calls. Theres an obvious need for such a system. A widely-reported story about a South Dakota woman stuck in a snowstorm illustrates the need: she was able to report her situation by calling 911 on a cell phone, but she didnt know where she was. Police werent able to find her for several hours. The technology for implementing wireless location identification is now under development by several manufacturers. One such system, called TruePosition Cellular Location System, manufactured by The Associated Group, Inc., is currently being tested along a 50-mile stretch of Interstate 295 in New Jersey. The TruePosition system determines the location of the caller by triangulation among cell sites. Like any other wireless call, an emergency call is received by several cell sites, and the closest site handles the call. As soon as the call is recognized as an emergency, the TruePosition system calculates the location of the caller by comparing time-of-arrival information from each cell site. This information is then used in two ways: It is used to determine where the call should be routed. In many areas of the country, several Public Service Answering Points may exist. The location information is then passed to the appropriate PSAP along with the call. By the time a 911 Call Taker answers the call, the callers location is already known. Here in Dane County, there are four PSAPs. The county government operates the Dane County Public Safety Communications 911 Center in the City-County Building, and the Cities of Middleton, Stoughton, and Sun Prairie operate their own PSAPs. According to Richard Duke Ellingson, Operations Manager at Dane County Public Safety Communications, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of wireless emergency calls received at the Center. In 1992, only four calls were received during the entire year; during 1996, the Center received over 33,000. Ellingson states that Dane County is making every effort to ensure that the Countys 911 Center will be ready to accommodate wireless location identification information as soon as wireless carriers are able to provide it. FCC ASSIGNS 311 FOR NON-EMERGENCY CALLS Also on the topic of emergency communications, the FCC has assigned 311 as the telephone number for calls to police or other local agencies for non-emergency help. However, Dane County doesnt plan to implement it. According to an FCC press release, Millions of people call 911 each year, but ... most of those calls in many communities are for situations that are not emergencies, such as noisy neighbors or lost pets. [This] allocation by the ... Commission responds to a request from President Clinton last July. To help combat crime, Clinton asked the agency to designate a number for community policing and other non-emergency calls. That number, he said, would take pressure off the 911 emergency calling system. Baltimore, Maryland, has been using 311 as a non-emergency number for two years, apparently with success. Baltimores 911 center can route 311 calls directly to local precincts, and can treat as 911 calls emergency calls inadvertently made to the new number. The FCC action does not require local governments to use 311, but ensures the number will be available if they choose to. According to Ellingson, Dane County Public Safety Communications doesnt intend to use it because the Dane County center has not had a problem with overloaded lines coming into 911. Indeed, he notes, Dane County encourages liberal use of 911. Moreover, Ellingson notes, for 311 to be effective, somebody has to be there to answer it, so it doesnt really affect staffing levels. WHY 311? According to the FCC, 311 was chosen because its not widely used. For those of us interested in the North American telephone numbering plan, thats a story in itself. The whole N11 number block has always been somewhat of an anomaly. Some N11 combinations are fairly standardized: 411 (directory assistance), 611 (repair service), 911 (emergency), and 011 (international direct dialing). Many telephone companies use 811 for their Business Offices (including Sprint Centel in Las Vegas, which some NAB attendees may have noticed). Two other combinations, 511 and 711, have specific assignments in Canada. And 211 was long distance back in the pre-direct-dial days; its still reserved for that purpose in some parts of North America. In its order, the FCC stated that, within the United States, 211, 311, 511, and 711 were available for assignment; however, it determined that the least-frequently used combination was 311, making it a logical choice for non-emergency use. Even 311 causes some conflicts, however: Mid-Plains Telephone uses it as a line-identification code. Some day, Mid-Plains may have to find a new code for this service. An anomaly-within-an-anomaly: Richland-Grant Telephone Cooperative uses 511 for its Business Office in Blue River. Richland-Grant also operates the
cable television system in Blue River; the same Business Office serves both telephone and cable customers. BROADBAND NETWORKSPart 10 - Broadband Fiber LinksBy Neal McLain Editor's Note: The diagrams referred to in this article have not been reproduced for the electronic version. A complete hard copy of the article can be aquired by contacting the Chapter 24 hardcopy newsletter editor; Mike Norton. This is the tenth in a series of articles about coaxial broadband networks. In this article, well discuss the use of fiber optics to get around the noise and distortion constraints of trunk cascades. SYSTEM CONSTRAINTS In previous articles, we have noted: Trunk is optimized to carry signals over long distances, so its carefully designed to minimize both noise and distortion. In order to maintain a balance between noise and distortion, trunk amplifiers operate at relatively low signal levels. Feeder amplifiers (bridgers and line extenders) must operate at relatively high signal levels in order to provide the necessary tap level to drive the drops feeding customer premises. Thus, their noise contributions are negligible, but their distortion contributions are significant. In the example we cited last month, the distortion contribution of just one bridger amplifier equals the distortion contribution of an entire 32-amplifier trunk cascade. If the distribution network is relatively small, and carries a limited number of signals, its possible to balance the noise contribution of the trunk against the distortion contribution of the feeder to achieve an acceptable design. However, as weve noted before, other factors also enter into the design: trunk cascade depth (number of cascaded amplifiers), channel loading (number of carriers carried on the network), and amplifier characteristics (the inherent noise and distortion ratings of the individual amplifiers). Even using the best amplifiers available today, the design weve discussed so far simply cannot be extended indefinitely to distribute a large number of signals over long cascades without unacceptable noise and/or distortion performance. If the project calls for distribution of a large number of signals over a large land area, it is therefore necessary to significantly lower the noise and distortion contributions of the amplifiers in the distribution network. So the big question is: how do we do this? BREAKING UP THE CASCADES We do it by breaking the cascades into shorter pieces: We shorten each feeder line to, at most, just one line extender. Many designers like to eliminate line extenders altogether, so that each feeder line contains just one high-level amplifier: the bridger. We shorten trunk cascades by breaking them up into shorter pieces. Figure 1 illustrates this concept in a simple case where the 32-amplifier cascade is broken into three shorter cascades. Two of these cascades are fed from a single run of optical fiber originating at the headend. This idea can, of course, be extrapolated: many designs limit trunk cascades to only two or three trunk amplifiers; in the extreme case, some designs reduce each cascade to just one amplifier. Of course, in an actual distribution network, things are more complicated than Figure 1. A trunk cascade covering an urbanized area would be split many times to create a two-dimensional network (or even a three-dimensional network, if high-rise buildings are involved). In this case, the network is broken up into dozens of small areas, each fed by a single optical fiber (Figure 2). The resulting network is called a hybrid fiber-coaxial (HFC) distribution network. The topology is a combination of star and tree (or, as Scientific-Atlantas Bob Luff calls it, star and bush). FIBER TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Fiber transmission systems used in HFC networks are similar to other fiber systems in that similar components are utilized: an infrared light source, an optical transmission medium, and an infrared light receptor. However, there are many crucial differences, discussed in the following sections. LIGHT SOURCE The typical light source is a semiconductor laser packaged with circuitry to modulate the light output. The modulating signal is the entire RF broadband signal received from the headend. This signal is amplitude modulated onto the laser to produced a monochromatic output light beam of varying intensity. The linearity of the laser and the modulating circuitry is an important specification; nonlinearity in the laser introduces the same kinds of distortion which amplifiers introduce: second order and third order. Obviously, if distortion levels are excessive, they negate the whole purpose of using a fiber link in the first place. Theres a common misconception about amplitude-modulated fiber links: the assumption that the modulation circuitry generates optical sidebands, similar to the modulation sidebands produced by an amplitude-modulated RF modulator. In fact, the incoming RF signal is carried solely by the varying intensity of the amplitude-modulated infrared light; the wavelength (and hence, the frequency) of the light remains constant: a single monochromatic spectrum line. This concept may be easier to understand by recalling that the modulating signal, even though it may consist of hundreds of individually-modulated RF carriers, is still one electrical signal. This single electrical signal modulates the amplitude of the laser. The wavelength of the laser output is a function of the internal design of the laser, and is determined at the time of manufacture. The light source, including the modulating circuitry and all supporting circuitry, is typically packaged in a rack-mount cabinet. OPTICAL TRANSMISSION MEDIUM The optical transmission medium is, of course, the glass fiber. Glass used in the manufacture of optical fiber has two minimum-attenuation points, at 1310 and 1550 nm (Figure 3). Between these two wavelengths, attenuation rises slightly due to the presence of an impurity: the hydroxyl radical OH-. (1) Most HFC fiber transmission systems operate at one of these two frequencies; consequently, lasers and light receptors are optimized to operate at these frequencies. However, two or more wavelengths can be operated over the same fiber (a process known as wave division multiplexing, or WDM). Dual-wavelength systems, operating at both 1310 and 1550 nm, have been in use for several years. In recent years, systems have been designed which utilize three or more wavelengths. For example, Philips Broadband recently introduced a system operating on three wavelengths, 1310, 1552, and 1557 nm. The fiber is typically packaged in a much larger cable to provide mechanical and weather protection. LIGHT RECEPTOR The typical light receptor is a photodetector diode packaged with circuitry to demodulate the received light beam. A single integrated circuit receives the light beam from the fiber, demodulates it, amplifies it, and outputs the broadband RF signal at 75 ohms characteristic impedance. After a stage or two of further amplification, the signal is inserted into the coaxial portion of the network. Again, the linearity of the photodetector and demodulation circuitry is crucial for proper operation. The optical wavelength of the photodetector input is a function of the internal design; again, its determined at the time of manufacture. The light receptor, along with the demodulating circuitry and all supporting circuitry, is typically packaged in a strand-mounted weatherproof housing, suitable for outdoor installation on a utility pole or in a pedestal. Rack-mounted configurations also are available. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS Even the best-designed optical fiber link produces some noise and distortion of its own. Actual specifications vary from manufacturer to manufacturer; on average, however, the noise and distortion contributed by one fiber link approximately equals the noise and distortion contributed by three trunk amplifiers. At this juncture, we should note that noise and distortion arent the only reasons for breaking up trunk cascades. Other reasons include reliability, hum modulation, and frequency distortion. Well discuss these in a future article. Next month, well discuss another method for breaking up long trunk cascades: AML microwave. (1)Apparently, for all the R&D money that manufacturers have spent developing optical glass, they still cant keep water out of the manufacturing process. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITYTV Maintenance Engineer - KTTC-TV (NBC affiliate) is looking for a highly motivated engineer. The ideal candidate will have experience in all types of studio equipment including S-VHS, 1", Betacam, switchers, routers, etc. Candidate should also have UHF/VHF transmitter and microwave experience. FCC licensed or equivalent. Facility design and computer experience a plus. Fax a resume and cover letter to Chief Engineer at 507-288-6324 or send to: KTTC-TV, 601 First Ave., Rochester, MN 55902. APRIL SBE SHORT CIRCUITSBy John L. Poray, CAEExecutive Director JUNE CERTIFICATION EXAM DEADLINE APPROACHES Those people wanting to take a SBE Certification Exam this June are reminded that the deadline to register is April 25. Applications for any Certification level can be found in the SBE Membership and Program of Certification Booklet. Copies are available from the SBE National Office by calling (317) 253-1640 or faxing your request at (317) 253-0418, or by e-mail to Linda Godby at lgodby@sbe.org or Kathleen Moran at kmoran@sbe.org. PREPARATION GUIDES NOW AVAILABLE The National Certification Committee has prepared a new tool to help those preparing to take a SBE Certification Exam. These updated Preparation Guides are in printed format and replace the old Study Guides. There is a Preparation Guide for each certification exam level. Each one has 50 updated sample questions and includes an answer key. It will allow you to get a feel for the type of questions found in a certification exam. Included with the Preparation Guide is an updated list of reference books that may also help you in preparing for the exams. The cost of the Preparation Guide is $19 (includes mailing) and can be ordered through the SBE National Office at (317) 253-1640. REGISTER NOW FOR ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT COURSE Registration continues for the Leader-Skills Course for Broadcast Engineers, presented by SBE. The course will be conducted in Indianapolis, Indiana, June 9-13, 1997. Course instructor is Richard D. Cupka, well known management trainer who, for 28 years, has conducted similar courses for broadcast engineers in conjunction with NAB. Designed to take technically adept people and instill in them sound supervisory and management skills, the Leader-Skills Seminar can also be viewed as a tremendous tool for personal growth and development, even for those without management or supervisory responsibility. The course fee of $650 includes five days of instruction, materials, classroom refreshments and a certificate of completion. Transportation to and from the seminar site, housing accommodations and meals are additional. To have a registration form faxed or mailed to you, or for more information about this in-depth course, call the SBE National Office at (317) 253-1640. ADDITIONS TO SBE HOME PAGE UNVEILED Four new items have been added to the SBE Home Page. By heading for www.sbe.org, you can now find a list of chapters, their meeting cycle and contact person; a list of SBE Regional Conventions and Conferences with dates, locations and contacts; the SBE Store and SBE Book Store with order forms that you can download to fax in your order. We will soon be offering on-line ordering. In addition to MasterCard and VISA, SBE will now accept the American Express Card for product purchases, seminar fees and membership dues payments. SBE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE CONTINUES The 1997 SBE Membership Drive, One New Member, continues through May 31. Anyone who recruits a member during the campaign will receive a $5 discount on their 1998 membership dues, up to $25. In addition, he or she will be eligible to win special Membership Drive prizes. For each new member you recruit, you will earn one entry into a drawing to win this years grand prize: a trip to the 25th Annual Central New York SBE Regional Convention and SBE National Meeting, September 26, 1997. The grand prize includes air transportation to Syracuse, a two-night hotel stay, rental car accommodations, admittance to the Regional Convention, and a ticket to the National Awards Dinner - at which the grand prize winner of the membership drive will be recognized. Other prizes will also be given away during the membership drive, including broadcast engineering-related books from the SBE Bookstore and SBE signature items from the SBE Store. For all the details, see the February/March issue of the SBE SIGNAL or call the SBE National Office at (317) 253-1640. You may also e-mail your
request to Teresa Wallman at twallman@sbe.org or Tina Beyersdorfer at tbeyersdorfer@sbe.org. CHAPTER 24 SUSTAINING MEMBERSRecent Renewals:WMTV-TV 15Thanks to all our Sustaining Members:Broadcast CommunicationsCTI Clark Wire and Cable Comark Communications Fuji Film I&I Harris Corporation maney-logic Niall Enterprises Norlight Telecommunications Panasonic Broadcast Richardson Electronics Roscor Wisconsin Scharch Electronics Sony Broadcast Skyline Communications Tektronix Teleport Minnesota Video Images WISC-TV 3 WKOW-TV 27 WMSN-TV 47