SBE 24 September 1995 Newsletter


Edited by: Mark Croom
Electronic Version: Leonard Charles
Electronically Distributed by Chris Cain

Contributors this month:
Tom Weeden
Chris Cain
Paul Stoffel
Neal McLain
Tom Smith
Leonard Charles

Articles Welcome!! Send correspondence to:

Chapter 24 Newsletter
34 Rustic Parkway
Madison, WI 53713-4700
or call (608) 271-1025 (home) or (608) 221-1979 (work)


5:30pm: Dutch Treat Dinner at Perkins, 1410 Damon Road
7:00pm: Meeting \ Program at WMGN/WTDY/WJJO Studios

Join us at 2740 Ski Lane in Madison for a tour of the new
combined studios of the Madison area facilities of Midwest Family

Visitors and Guests are welcome at all SBE meetings.

Tentative Program Subjects

Thu, Oct 19, 1995
WMTV Remodeled Master Control

Wed, Nov 15, 1995
Broadcasters Clinic/EAS Teleconference

Tue, Dec 19, 1995
Candelabra Project facility tour

Wed, Jan 17, 1996
Digital Radio Networks

Thu, Feb 22, 1996
JVC Digital "S" or Panasonic Digital

Tue, Mar 19, 1996
WP&L Center Tour (or Milwaukee area station tour)

Wed, Apr 24, 1996
Chapter Elections and annual NAB review

Thu, May 23, 1996
TCI Cable TV Technology

Tue, Jun 18, 1996
Related technology; Internet/software support

Sat, Jul 27, 1996
3rd annual Chapter 24 Family Picnic


Paul Stoffel (WI Public TV)
W - 608-263-2175
H - 608-241-4621
F - 608-263-9763

Fred Sperry (ECB-TOC)
W - 608-264-9698
H - 608-833-6074

Neal McLain (CTI)
W - 608-831-4636

Stan Scharch (WISC TV)
W - 271-4321
H - 831-1168


Membership - Leonard Charles

Sustaining Membership - Fred Sperry

Strategic Plan - Denny Behr

Newsletter - Mark Croom

Program Committee:
Mark Croom 271-1025
Denise Maney 277-8001
Kerry Maki 833-0047
Steve Zimmerman 274-1234

Special Events - Kevin Ruppert

Certification and Education:
Jim Hermanson 836-8340
Tim Trendt (UW-Platteville)

Frequency Coordination: Tom Smith
608-263-2174 (work)

SBE National Board Member & Chapter Liaison:
Leonard Charles
W - 271-4321
FAX - 271-1709

Chapter 24 of the Society of Broadcast Engineers met on Thursday,
August 22, 1995, at Alt 'N Bach's, in Madison. There were 17
persons in attendance, 13 of whom were certified. The meeting
was chaired by Chapter 24 Chairman Paul Stoffel.

Call to order: 7:00 pm. The minutes of the previous meeting were
approved as published in the August Newsletter.

The Treasurer's Report was given by Stan Scharch.

Newsletter Editor's Report (reported by Paul Stoffel in Mark
Croom's absence): The deadline for the September Newsletter is
midnight 9/8/95; the folding party is at 5:30 pm 9/11/95 at WKOW-

Sustaining Membership Report (reported by Fred Sperry): Renewals
have been received from MRC Telecommunications and Skyline
Communications. One former Sustaining Member declined to renew;
the total sustaining membership now stands at 23.

Program Committee (reported by Steve Zimmerman and Denise Maney):
The September meeting will be a tour of three radio stations.

Certification and Education (reported by Jim Hermanson): The
deadline for the next round of examinations is September 29.
Frequency coordination: no report.

National liaison (reported by Leonard Charles): Chuck reported on
several pending issues.

Old business: none.

New business: none.

General Announcements: Paul Stoffel reported on the EAS
Teleconference, planned for the November meeting in conjunction
with the Broadcasters' Clinic. Volunteers are still needed for
several operating positions, including camera operator.

Professional Announcements: Fred Sperry announced two position
vacancies at ECB.

The business meeting was adjourned at 7:09 pm. The program
featured a discussion of Facility Security Considerations
presented by Kurt Young, Area Manager for ADT.

By Tom Smith
New Station, Dickeyville, WI, 101.1 MHz, 6 kW at 100 meters.
Applicant is Leon Metz, 961 Whispering Lane., Hazel Green, WI.
Proposed transmitter site is located .85 km SW of Dickeyville on
U.S. Hwy 151. Filed on June 12.

WMVM (FM) Mayville, WI. 98.7 MHz. Molly E. Hult requests change
of ERP to 6 kW at 75 meters. Filed on August 4.

WUSX (FM) Portage, WI, 95.9 MHz. Magnum Communications Inc. was
granted change in transmitter location to Woodland in SW corner
of NW quarter of Section 6, Town 11. N of Range 9, Columbia
County. Granted on July 31.

WNFM-FM, Reedsburg, WI, 104.9 MHz. Sauk Broadcasting Corp. was
granted an increase of power to 3.2 kW ERP. Granted on July 24.

New TV Station, Madison, WI, Channel 47, 1585 kW at 332 m. FCC
dismissed application by Founder 47 Inc. for Ch. 47. Proposed
transmitter location was 615 Forward Drive. Action on July 26.

(Compiled from Broadcasting and Cable magazine)

By Tom Smith
MM Docket No. 95-92; DA 95-1711
Review if the Commission's Regulations Governing Programming
Practices of Broadcast Television Networks and Affiliates
The FCC has extended the filing period for this rulemaking
proposal. The comment period has been extended to September 28,
1995 and the reply comments are due on October 27, 1995. This
extension was requested by the Network Affiliates Stations
Alliance and was adopted on August 2 and published in the FEDERAL
REGISTER on August 10, 1995 on page 40814.
For more information, see August newsletter for article on
this rulemaking.
MM Docket No. 87-268; FCC 95-315
Broadcast Services; Advanced Television Systems
The FCC has issued it's Fourth Notice of Proposed Rule Making
and it's Third Notice of Inquiry concerning the issues involved
in the conversion of broadcast television to digital
Many of the issues that the FCC is seeking comment on have been
previously raised in earlier inquiries. These issues include
transition and construction timetables, simulcast requirements,
small market issues, must carry, all channel receiver rules, non-
commercial stations, public interest obligations and if both
channels should be covered under one license. Many of these
issues have also been discussed in many articles in various trade
The FCC has expended it's inquiry into the recovery of the
spectrum used by the current analog transmission when it ceases
to operate. With the increased interest in the spectrum actions,
the FCC is looking for ways to speed up and maximize the amount
of spectrum it can get from the freed up spectrum. The FCC is
seeking comment on ways that the transition can be shortened.
The FCC has also raised a new issues concerning spectrum
allocation at the end of the transition. They would like to free
up many of the analog TV channels for other uses. One of the
things the FCC wishes to avoid is the introduction of new
services in non-contiguous allocations. They would like to make
both the TV allocations and any new services in contiguous
blocks. With the likelihood that the spacing between TV channels
needing to be lessened with digital transmissions , particularly
in the UHF band, the FCC is proposing that the TV band could be
reduced from it's current 400 plus MHz bandwidth. This could
force some stations to have to change their digital channels back
to their old analog channel or to a completely different channel.
This would create additional costs to some broadcasters.
The FCC is also seeking comment on if broadcasters should be
allowed to provide any other services besides HDTV. The other
services that the FCC is investigating include NTSC equivalent
multi-channel service, subscription services and data
Comments are due on October 18, 1995 and reply comments are
due on December 4, 1995. This docket was adopted on July 28,
1995 and released on August 9, 1995. The summary was published
in the FEDERAL REGISTER on AUGUST 15, 1995 on pages 42,131
through 42,140.


by Tom Weeden, WJ9H
It has been a long, hot, humid summer in the upper midwest. The
extraordinary propagation conditions caused by the weather in
mid-July which gave FM and TV broadcasters long-distance headaches
also allowed a new overland microwave distance record to be set.
On July 12 at 7:24 AM CDT, WB5LUA in Allen, TX connected with
WA0BWE in Maplewood, MN on the amateur 3 GHz band (3,456 MHz).
The 2-way contact was made with 5 watts on the Minnesota end and
100 W into a 5-foot dish at 65 feet in Texas. The distance
spanned was 841 miles.

US participation in an International Amateur Radio Permit (IARP)
covering countries in the Western Hemisphere is being urged by
the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). The IARP was developed
through the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL)
and the International Amateur Radio Union and adopted by the
Organization of American States on June 8. The IARP would allow,
in conjunction with an amateur's home-country license, temporary
operation in any other country which is party to the agreement.
In a petition for rule making, the ARRL said the IARP would
eliminate paperwork for both the FCC and for US and foreign

The FCC has released a new Interference Handbook for consumers.
The 24-page, full-color book will be stocked by FCC field offices
around the country to provide people experiencing interference to
home electronic equipment with information and solutions to
interference problems. ARRL employee Ed Hare, KA1CV, said, "The
book takes a fair and honest approach to explaining
responsibilities and cures for interference problems. The FCC
team that put this together has done a fine job with a complex
technical and emotional subject."
(excerpted from September 1995 "QST" Magazine)

by Paul Stoffel
SBE Chapter 24 Chairman
The seventh annual Wisconsin Broadcasters Association (WBA)
Summer Engineering Workshop was held on July 19 in La Crosse.
John Laabs, WBA President, welcomed over 50 engineers from around
the state to hear morning and lunch-time presentations on digital
video and audio servers, ISDN, LANs, the FCC's EAS.

The afternoon presentations focused on the not-so-technical side
of station networking: finance and people skills.

"Broadcast Financial Realities" was presented by Peggy Wilcox
from Young Broadcasting. Wilcox offered these guidelines on "How
to succeed at (or with) bean counting without even trying:"
1. Understand where bean counting comes from and what
influences it, such as the IRS, GAAP, SEC, banks, owners, and
2. Use the words bean counters love, such as consistency,
matching estimates, and rounding.
3. Help bean counters save money through discounts, group
discounts, competitive bids, checking references, asking for
replacement or repair, cash discounts and selling used equipment.
4. Consider budgeting to be your most important task.
5. Prepare a great budget:
a) know the station's plan
b) keep good historical records
c) get input from staff
d) prepare a maintenance schedule and budget the
corresponding dollars
e) put dollars aside for the unexpected or emergency
f) ask vendors how much they expect to increase prices
g) have a good handle on salaries, hours and overtime.
6. Analyze and control labor costs. What is the real cost of
one employee?
7. Don't fall into part-time employee traps.
8. Separate capital purchases. Don't include these items in
your expenses-- capitalize them! Such as installation, testing,
training, travel expenses, shipping, sales tax, manuals.
9. Think holistic engineering:
a) help generate income and increase news ratings
b) always think safety
c) keep employee morale up
d) help reduce property taxes.

"Organizational People Realities" was presented by George Smith,
Professor of Communication at UW-Platteville. Smith used the
McKinsey 7-S Framework to show how shared values are intertwined
with staff, skills, systems, structure, strategy and style. He
also spoke about some of the issues concerning organizational
1. Identify factors which contribute to or detract from
on-the-job productivity.
2. Focus on specific elements of your job description which
satisfy personal needs or interests.
3. Clarify personal and company expectations and perceptions.
4. Strengthen your communications skills.

"The perception of the engineer has changed because of
technology, said Smith. "Make sure your organization shares the
same values. Management values money; engineers value job
satisfaction. Economical and ethical factors can affect values.
Concern for people versus concern for results are conflicting
values. Decisions are better made when information is shared.
Reduce the number of surprises. Know what management wants to
know and when they want to know it. Make a five year plan."
Smith said you should focus on how you spend time, "Job tasks
should include a balance of: Things I have to do, Things I
should do and Things I want to do. Let management know how
you're spending your time and make adjustments, if possible.
What is management's perception to your "have," "should," and
"want" to do job tasks. Know that variables affect this

By Tom Smith
There have been increasing calls for the FCC to auction or charge
broadcasters for the spectrum for their second digital channel.
Staff from the Senate Commerce Committee have told broadcasters
that the transition to digital channels may be accelerated or
that the broadcasters may have to bid for their digital channel.
Acceleration of the transition would allow the FCC to recover the
analog channels earlier and auction them off. Congress is
looking to rise $ 14 billion in spectrum fees by the year 2002 in
their quest to reach a balanced budget.

Added to Congress's desire to raise money to balance the budget,
a number of other groups are calling for the requirement that
broadcasters pay for their digital channels, such as liberal
public interest groups: the Media Access Project, the Consumer
Federation of America, the People for the American Way, the
National Education Association, and conservative groups such as
the Heritage Foundation, the Small Business Survival Group,
Americans for Tax Reform and the Campaign for Broadcast
Competition. The NAB has criticized the Campaign for Broadcast
Competition for their ties to the cellular phone industry. The
NAB claims that rival industries would like to prevent
broadcasters from going to digital broadcasting.

All the groups are claiming that the broadcasters are receiving a
huge giveaway. The conservative groups would like the government
to use the spectrum to raise money to balance the budget while
some of the more liberal groups would settle for specific public
interest requirements for use of the spectrum.

There is also support for the use of spectrum auctions within the
Clinton administration. The FCC has been extending the use of
auctions for the determination of mutually exclusive

The pressure for the greater use of auctions to raise revenue for
the government is increasing as estimates to the value of the
spectrum increases with each large media deal.

(Compiled from articles published Broadcasting and Cable

By Tom Smith
In a advertising section in recent issue of the hi-fi magazine
AUDIO, there was an article on audio cables in which Andrew
Corp., maker of RF transmission line, told of the introduction of
a cable for interconnection of audio equipment. In a photo of
this cable, it looked like a section of miniature HELIAX with a
gold plated RCA connector on the end. The premium AudioFlex 2000
cable costs $150, length unlisted. There is also a model
AudioFlex 1000, and for digital audio, the model AudioFlex
Digital cable. If it can pass RF, it should pass all the highs
from your CD's.

by Neal McLain
Communication Technologies, Inc.

( Editors Note: Neal's article makes reference to many
"figures". These figures were not able to be included in this
electronic version of the newsletter. A full hard copy,
including figures, can be obtained by contacting Neal McLain or
hardcopy newsletter editor Mark Croom.)
This is the second in a series of articles about geostationary
orbits; i.e., the orbits occupied by communications satellites
which remain at fixed points in the sky. In this series, we
cover basic physical principles, orbital geometry, pointing
angles, and antenna mounts.

This second article describes the geometry of the geostationary

Last month, we defined a geosynchronous orbit as follows:
ORBIT PERIOD: One sidereal day, or about 23 hours 56 minutes 4
seconds. During one sidereal day, the earth rotates about its
polar axis exactly once. To be geosynchronous, a satellite must
orbit the earth in exactly the same time period.

AVERAGE ORBIT RADIUS: 42,155 Km. We calculated this value from
Kepler's Third Law. We then subtracted the earth's radius (6370
Km) from the orbit radius to determine the orbit height above the
earth: 35,785 Km., or about 22,236 miles.

Note that this definition doesn't say anything about the shape of
the orbit, or the orientation of the orbit plane with respect to
the equator. The orbit can be highly elliptical, and/or it can
be inclined with respect to the equator, and still be synchronous
with the Earth's rotation.

In this series of articles, we're interested in a special kind of
geosynchronous orbit called a geostationary orbit. A satellite
moving in a geostationary orbit REMAINS AT A FIXED POINT IN THE
SKY AT ALL TIMES. This, of course, is desirable for radio
communications because it allows the use of fixed antennas.

To be geostationary, the orbit must meet three criteria:
1. The orbit must be geosynchronous.
2. The orbit must be a circle.
3. The orbit must lie in the earth's equatorial plane.

To understand the importance of these criteria, consider the
result if the orbit fails to meet them:
If the orbit is not geosynchronous, the satellite does not move
at the same rate as the earth's rotation. Thus, from the point
of view of an observer on earth, the satellite appears to be in
continuous motion, and it periodically disappears below the

If the orbit is not a circle, the satellite does not move at
constant velocity (by Kepler's Second Law). Instead, it appears
to oscillate east-and-west at a rate of two cycles per sidereal

If the orbit does not lie in the equatorial plane, the situation
shown in Figure 3 exists. In Figure 3(a), the satellite is north
of the equator. In Figure 3(b) (half a day later), the satellite
is south of the equator, but Wisconsin is still in the northern
hemisphere. The satellite appears to oscillate north-and-south
at a rate of one cycle per sidereal day.

Note that the terms geosynchronous and geostationary are not
synonymous: geosynchronous specifies only the orbit period, but
geostationary also specifies the shape and orientation of the

These definitions are consistent with the FCC's definitions, as
set forth in Title 47, Section 2.1 of the CODE OF FEDERAL
Geosynchronous Satellite: An Earth satellite whose period of
revolution is equal to the period of rotation of the Earth about
its axis.

Geostationary Satellite: A geosynchronous satellite whose
circular and direct orbit lies in the plane of the earth's
equator and which thus remains fixed relative to the earth; by
extension, a satellite which remains approximately fixed relative
to the earth.

These FCC definitions are based on definitions specified in
international agreements to which the United States is a

The circular belt containing all geostationary orbits is called
the Clarke Belt, in honor of Arthur C. Clarke, British physicist
and astronomer who first published the concept of "stationary

Specific satellite positions in the Clarke Belt are identified by
longitude (or, more specifically, by the longitude of the point
on the equator directly beneath the satellite). Figure 1 shows
examples of three satellites in the Clarke Belt:
Kepler I (Germany) at 28.5ø East Longitude.
Superbird 1A (Japan) at 124ø East Longitude.
Galaxy I (United States) at 133ø West Longitude.

The signal from one geostationary satellite covers about 40% of
the earth's surface, as shown in Figure 4. At the equator, a
162ø-segment of the Clarke Belt is visible; the visible segment
becomes smaller as the latitude increases, and becomes zero at
latitude 81.4ø. North of 81.4ø north latitude (and south of
81.4ø south latitude), the entire Clarke Belt is hidden below the

Theoretically, only four or five satellites would be needed to
cover the entire land area of the earth between 81ø north
latitude and 81ø south latitude. Indeed, Clarke's original
concept for "stationary orbits" contemplated only three such
satellites, spaced 120ø apart.

In fact, as readers of this publication well know, dozens of
satellites have been deployed along the Clarke Belt in order to
accommodate the ever-growing demand for communications channels.
In many parts of the Clarke Belt, adjacent satellites using the
same frequency band are located within 2ø of each other.

Imagine an observer standing at an earth station site at latitude
45ø, looking south (or, in the case of the observer in the
Southern Hemisphere, looking north), as shown in Figure 5.

Now imagine two large arches in the sky. Figure 6 shows how
these arches would look to our observer. In this figure:
The horizontal line at 0ø represents the horizon. It is marked
in degrees of relative azimuth; i.e., the angle, in degrees, east
or west of the point directly south of the earth station.

The vertical axis represents height, or elevation, relative to
the horizon, in degrees. Points below the horizon are, of
course, not visible to our observer.

These two large arches are the Celestial Equator and the Clarke
The Celestial Equator is a circle, at an infinite distance from
the earth, lying in the earth's equatorial plane.

The Clarke Belt is also a circle lying in the earth's equatorial
plane; however, because it is nearer to the earth than infinity,
it appears to lie below the Celestial Equator.

The highest point in the each arch is called the peak; it is
located directly south, along the same meridian as the antenna.

The appearance of these two arches varies dramatically as a
function of latitude. Figure 7 shows the arches for six
different latitudes, from the equator to the North Pole.

Since all geostationary orbits fall in the Clarke Belt, each
geostationary satellite can be represented as a point in the
lower arch. Each point in this arch can be uniquely specified by
the two parameters azimuth and elevation.

These parameters are called pointing angles. Next month we'll
discuss pointing angles in detail.

In February, 1945, WIRELESS WORLD, a British technical journal,
published a letter written by a young RAF officer named Arthur C.
Clarke. The letter was headed "V2 for Ionospheric Research," and
suggested the possibility of using rockets, such as the German V2
rockets falling on London at that very moment, for post-war
research into the upper atmosphere.
This letter also contained the following words:
" ... I would like to close by mentioning a possibility of the
more remote future -- perhaps half a century ahead. An
'artificial satellite' at the correct distance from the earth
would ... remain stationary above the same spot and would be
within optical range of nearly half the earth's surface. Three
repeater stations, 120 degrees apart in the correct orbit, could
give television and microwave coverage to the entire planet."
And so it was that Arthur C. Clarke predicted, in 1945, that by
the year 1995 the inhabitants of this planet would have deployed
three communications satellites in geostationary orbit.

Clarke subsequently expanded this idea, describing it in two
"The Space Station: Its Radio Applications." Six typed copies of
this article were circulated privately in May, 1945. The top
copy is now in the National Air and Space Museum at the
Smithsonian Institution.

"Extra-Terrestrial Relays," published in the October, 1945 issue
of WIRELESS WORLD. This article developed the idea fully, with
rigorous technical analyses of the orbital geometry and the radio
communications links. Clarke again suggested that three
satellites would be required, and even provided specific
locations: 30E, 150E, and 90W.

Clarke's original title for this article was "The Future of World
Communications," but the editor of WIRELESS WORLD coined a new
word, "extra-terrestrial," and gave the article its published

These articles have been re-published in ASCENT TO ORBIT: A
SCIENTIFIC AUTOBIOGRAPHY (1984). This volume contains all of
Clarke's original technical writings, together with historical
annotations in Clarke's own words.

As a result of these publications, Clarke is generally recognized
as the originator of the concept of the geostationary satellite.
Among other honors, he was the 1988 recipient of the Marconi
Fellowship "for first specifying in detail the potentialities and
technical requirements for the use of geostationary satellites
for global communications ..."
Yet Clarke never claimed that the geostationary orbit was an
original concept. Indeed, in ASCENT TO ORBIT, he goes to some
length to disclaim credit: "I have sometimes been credited with
the discovery of the stationary orbit itself, which of course is
ridiculous. No one could have 'discovered' this, since its
existence was perfectly obvious from the time of Newton (indeed,
of Kepler!) ..."
Clarke is also known as a science fiction writer. Among his
works in this genre are CHILDHOOD'S END (novel, 1953), THE NINE
BILLION NAMES OF GOD (short story, 1955), 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY
(screenplay, with Stanley Kubrick, 1968), RENDEZVOUS WITH RAMA
(novel, 1973), 2010: ODYSSEY TWO (novel, 1982), and 2061: ODYSSEY
THREE (novel, 1987).

Clarke is still alive today, at age 78, living in Colombo, Sri
Lanka. He shares his home with a family of pet monkeys and a
fixed earth station originally constructed to receive
transmissions from ATS-F, the sixth in the series of Applications
Technology Satellites.

C. Clarke (New York: John Wiley & Sons; Copyright c 1984;
reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.). BENET'S
READER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA, Third Edition (New York: Harper & Rowe,

I would like to thank all the chief engineers from the Madison
area stations for their help with the gathering of frequency
information for Badger Football Saturdays. Your prompt replies
to my calls made the job very quick and easy. I was ready to
supply all the frequency coordination information before the
first game. I got a fax from ABC requesting information the day
after I compiled the master list for this years football season.
Your cooperation is what makes our frequency coordination effort

Tom Smith

WANTED: CAPITOL LIGHTS Productions, a video production house
located in Madison, WI is looking for a p/t broadcast engineer to
help us with system design & integration of new equipment.
Please call Melissa or Jay for details @ 608.256.7788 or send e-m
to Cap

WGTZ-FM, WING-FM, WING-AM in Dayton Ohio is on the hunt for a new
broadcast engineer after the departure of our longstanding pro
into a personal business venture. If you or someone you know is
interested in the position, contact:
David Macejko, G.M.
Great Trails Broadcasting
717 East David Road
Kettering, OH 45429


Thanks to all our
Sustaining Members:

Broadcast Communications
Clark Wire and Cable
Comark Communications
Electronic Industries
Emmons Associates
Fuji Film I&I
Maney Logic
MRC Telecommunications
Panasonic Broadcast
Roscor Wisconsin
Scharch Electronics
Skyline Communications
Sony Broadcast
Tectan, Inc.
Teleport Minnesota
3M Audio & Video
Video Images


SBE National Office
8445 Keystone Crossing Suite 140
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Main Number 317-253-1640
Engineering Conference Line 317-253-0122
Job Line 317-253-0474
Fax 317-253-0418
BBS 317-253-7555

President: Chuck Kelly CBT
Broadcast Electronics
P.O. Box 3606
Quincy, IL 62305
W 217-224-9600
F 217-224-9607
H 217-228-7373
CIS ID# 70307,2642

Vice President: Terrence Baun CPBE
Criterion Broadcast Services
5300 W. Garfield Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53208
W 414-449-5300
F 414-449-5380
CIS ID# 71525,1060

Secretary: Keith Kintner CSTE
1061 W. Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
F 818-362-5294
CIS ID# 72530,620

Treasurer: Bob Goza CPBE
3315 Highway 50
Beaufort, MO 63013
F 314-484-3840

Executive Director: John Poray CAE
SBE National Office
8445 Keystone Crossing Suite 140
Indianapolis, IN 46240
W 317-253-1640
F 317-253-0418


Jim Bernier CBT
WTVH, Inc.
980 James Street
Syracuse, NY 13203
F 315-425-5513

David Carr CPBE
P.O. Box 11
Houston, TX 77001
F 713-284-8700

Leonard Charles CSTE
7025 Raymond Road
Madison, WI 53719
F 608-271-1709

Dane Ericksen PE CSRE CSTE
Hammett & Edison, Inc.
Box 280068
San Francisco, CA 94128-0068
F 707-996-5280

Michael Fast CPBE
WCBM Radio
1303 Burleigh Road
Lutherville, MD 21093
F 410-581-0150

Michael McCarthy CBRE
WLIT FM/Viacom International
150 N. Michigan Ave., #1135
Chicago, IL 60601
F 708-439-1464
P 800-592-3058

Edward Miller CPBE
WEWS Scripps Howard
3001 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
F 216-431-3641

Troy Pennington CSRE
530 Beacon Parkway W. #300
Birmingham, AL 35209
F 205-916-1151

Robert Reymont CPBE
Nationwide Communications, Inc.
P.O. Box 5159
Mesa, AZ 85211-0500
F 602-644-7660
CIS ID# 71645,254

Martin "Sandy" Sandberg CPBE
9807 Edgecove Drive
Dallas, TX 75238
F 2114-343-9807

John Schneider CBRE
RF Specialties of Washington, Inc.
19237 Aurora Avenue N.
Seattle, WA 98133
F 206-546-2633
CIS ID# 74603,3342

Tom Weber CSTE
1950 N Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
F 317-926-1144
CIS ID#: 73250,215

Chris Imlay, Esq.
SBE General Counsel
Booth, Freret & Imlay
1233 20th St. NW Suite 204
Washington, DC 20036
F 202-293-1319

James Wulliman, CPBE
Ennes Director
721 W. Calle Del Regalo
Green Valley, AZ 85614
Phone and Fax 602-648-1250

Linda Godby, Certification
Peggy Hall, Membership
Sarah Hayden, Signal/Conferences
Julie Dinger, Secretary
F 317-253-0418
Job Line 317-253-0474
BBS (N,8,1) 317-253-7555

By Laws Committee..................................Sandy Sandberg
Certification Committee..............................Jim Wulliman
Chapter Awards Committee..........................Leonard Charles
Chapter Liaison Committee..........................John Schneider
Electronic Communication Committee....................Jim Bernier
Engineering Conference Committee...................Jerry Whitaker
Engineering Conference Promotion Committee..........Mike McCarthy
FCC Liaison Committee...............................Dane Ericksen
Fellowship Committee...................................David Carr
Finance Committee.................................Troy Pennington
Frequency Coordination Committee.......................David Carr
High Frequency Broadcasting Task Force.............Doug Garlinger
Industry Relations Committee...........................Terry Baun
International Committee............................Sandy Sandberg
Membership Committee.................................Michael Fast
Nomination Committee...............................Robert Reymont
Sustaining Membership Committee.....................Edward Miller

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