Edited by: Mark Croom Electronic Version: Leonard Charles Electronically Distributed by Chris Cain Contributors this month: Kevin Ruppert Fred Sperry Tom Weeden Tom Smith Terry Baun Articles Welcome!! Send correspondence to: Chapter 24 Newsletter 34 Rustic Parkway Madison, WI 53713-4700 or call (608) 271-1025 (home) or (608) 221-1979 (work) MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT The March meeting of SBE Chapter 24 will be held at the MEG Communications Center located at 4902 Hammersley Road. We will see a short video of some of MEG's current work, followed by a tour of their D2 edit suite and their new AVID non-linear on-line edit system. MEGCC is part of a larger media organization, the Evening Telegram Company of Superior Wisconsin, which is in the newspaper publishing, television & radio broadcasting, and distance education business. In addition to the MEG operation, the facility houses a computer graphic design company, Hans Pigorsch Media Design, and Haggar Audio Productions, a digital audio production company. MEG is also home to the Murphy Entertainment Group which produces original programming for broadcast television. The MEG staff hopes to have each of the facilities available for showing, subject to last-minute schedule changes and in-progress edit sessions. Hope to see you there!! Visitors and Guests are welcome at all SBE meetings. UPCOMING MEETINGS Tentative Program Subjects Apr 20, 1995 Thu Elections-NAB Review May 23, 1995 Tue T B A CHAPTER 24 OFFICERS: CHAIRMAN: Leonard Charles (WISC TV) W - 271-4321 H - 274-0041 VICE CHAIRMAN: Paul Stoffel (WI Public TV) W - 263-2175 H - 241-4621 SECRETARY: Mark Croom(WNWC Radio) W - 271-1025 H - 221-1979 TREASURER: Stan Scharch (WISC TV) W - 271-4321 H - 831-1168 CHAPTER 24 COMMITTEE APPOINTEES: Membership..............Leonard Charles Sustaining Membership.......Fred Sperry Strategic Plan...............Denny Behr Newsletter...................Mark Croom Program Committee.......Steve Zimmerman ............Mark Croom ............Kerry Maki ..........Denise Maney Special Events............Kevin Ruppert Cert/Ed...................Jim Hermanson Frequency Coordination........Tom Smith NATIONAL SBE PHONE DIRECTORY SBE National Office 8445 Keystone Crossing Suite 140 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Main Number 317-253-1640 Engineering Conference Line 317-253-0122 Job Line 317-253-0474 Fax 317-253-0418 BBS 317-253-7555 President: Chuck Kelly CBT Broadcast Electronics P.O. Box 3606 Quincy, IL 62305 W 217-224-9600 F 217-224-9607 H 217-228-7373 CIS ID# 70307,2642 InterNet: kelly1@ixc.net Vice President: Terrence Baun CPBE Criterion Broadcast Services 5300 W. Garfield Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53208 W 414-449-5300 F 414-449-5380 CIS ID# 71525,1060 Secretary: Keith Kintner CSTE KLCS TV 58 1061 W. Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-625-6958 F 818-362-5294 CIS ID# 72530,620 InterNet: keith.kintner@gur.com Treasurer: Bob Goza CPBE KMOV TV 3315 Highway 50 Beaufort, MO 63013 314-484-3718 F 314-484-3840 InterNet: rgoza695696aol.com Executive Director: John Poray CAE SBE National Office 8445 Keystone Crossing Suite 140 Indianapolis, IN 46240 W 317-253-1640 F 317-253-0418 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jim Bernier CBT WTVH, Inc. 980 James Street Syracuse, NY 13203 315-425-5503 F 315-425-5513 InterNet: 72037.1723@compuserve.com David Carr CPBE KHOU-TV P.O. Box 11 Houston, TX 77001 713-284-8741 F 713-284-8700 Leonard Charles CSTE WISC TV 7025 Raymond Road Madison, WI 53719 608-271-4321 F 608-271-1709 Dane Ericksen PE CSRE CSTE Hammett & Edison, Inc. Box 280068 San Francisco, CA 94128-0068 707-996-5200 F 707-996-5280 Michael Fast CPBE WCBM Radio 1303 Burleigh Road Lutherville, MD 21093 410-356-3003 F 410-581-0150 Michael McCarthy CBRE WLIT FM/Viacom International 150 N. Michigan Ave., #1135 Chicago, IL 60601 312-329-9002 F 708-439-1464 P 800-592-3058 Edward Miller CPBE WEWS Scripps Howard 3001 Euclid Ave Cleveland, OH 44115 216-431-3687 F 216-431-3641 Troy Pennington CSRE WZZK AM/FM, WODL FM Radio 530 Beacon Parkway W. #300 Birmingham, AL 35209 205-916-1119 F 205-916-1151 Robert Reymont CPBE Nationwide Communications, Inc. P.O. Box 5159 Mesa, AZ 85211-0500 602-964-4000 F 602-644-7660 CIS ID# 71645,254 Internet: NCIRADIO@CRL.COM Martin "Sandy" Sandberg CPBE Consultant 9807 Edgecove Drive Dallas, TX 75238 214-343-5786 F 2114-343-9807 John Schneider CBRE RF Specialties of Washington, Inc. 19237 Aurora Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98133 206-546-6546 F 206-546-2633 CIS ID# 74603,3342 Tom Weber CSTE WISH TV 8 1950 N Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-921-8535 F 317-926-1144 CIS ID#: 73250,215 Chris Imlay, Esq. SBE General Counsel Booth, Freret & Imlay 1233 20th St. NW Suite 204 Washington, DC 20036 202-296-9100 F 202-293-1319 James Wulliman, CPBE Ennes Director 721 W. Calle Del Regalo Green Valley, AZ 85614 Phone and Fax 602-648-1250 NATIONAL OFFICE STAFF Linda Godby, Certification Peggy Hall, Membership Sarah Hayden, Signal/Conferences Julie Dinger, Secretary 317-253-1640 F 317-253-0418 Job Line 317-253-0474 BBS (N,8,1) 317-253-7555 NATIONAL COMMITTEE AND TASK FORCE CHAIRS By Laws Committee..................................Sandy Sandberg Certification Committee..............................Jim Wulliman Chapter Awards Committee..........................Leonard Charles Chapter Liaison Committee..........................John Schneider Electronic Communication Committee....................Jim Bernier Engineering Conference Committee......Jerry Whitaker 503-690-8798 Engineering Conference Promotion Committee..........Mike McCarthy FCC Liaison Committee...............................Dane Ericksen Fellowship Committee...................................David Carr Finance Committee.................................Troy Pennington Frequency Coordination Committee.......................David Carr High Freq Broadcasting Task Force.....Doug Garlinger 317-773-5050 Industry Relations Committee...........................Terry Baun International Committee............................Sandy Sandberg Membership Committee.................................Michael Fast Nomination Committee...............................Robert Reymont Sustaining Membership Committee.....................Edward Miller FEBRUARY MEETING MINUTES Chapter 24 of the Society of Broadcast Engineers met on February 15, 1995 at the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board's Wisconsin Public Broadcasting Center. Chairman Leonard Charles called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM, after dinner at the Grand Pagoda restaurant. The first item mentioned was the cancellation of the previous month's meeting, and the intention to reschedule the meeting and program in the near future. We had intended to tour the new radio facility of Midwest Family Stations, home of WTDY, WMGN, and WJJO. We received over a foot of snow that day, forcing the cancellation of the meeting. It is tentatively rescheduled for June. Leonard then discussed the work of the Nominating Committee. Jim Hermanson is the Nominations Chairman this year, and the committee has been working to identify nominees for the Chapter's offices this year. If you are interested in being nominated for a position on the officer slate for 1995, please contact Jim immediately. The treasurer's report indicated that the Chapter is still well into the black. The membership and sustaining membership reports followed. Chuck expressed appreciation to the Chapter's 25 sustaining members for their financial support of Chapter 24. Jim Hermanson gave a certification report, followed by the presentation of the Broadcast Technologist Certification to Jared Liddicoat. Chuck gave some NAB reminders, including the importance of checking the SBE box on the registration form in order to get the NAB member rate for the convention. This allows an SBE member who is a non-member of NAB to get the lower NAB member rate. Chuck gave some SBE National news, including describing the 1995 membership drive which extends from 3/1/95 to 5/31/95. Prizes for the winners are still being arranged. SBE National is submitting comments in several FCC dockets, which Chuck described. The Broadcasters Clinic update brought the news that the Clinic will go on as scheduled, without the support of the University of Wisconsin as in past years. This year's Clinic will not change significantly in format, although there is uncertainty as to the future format and dates. The WBA convention update indicated the annual Engineering Sessions will take place on July 19 at the LaCrosse Radisson. Tom Weeden announced that WMTV is looking for a videotape maintenance engineer, and asked anyone interested to call him at WMTV. Newsletter editor Mark Croom announced the deadline for the March Newsletter. At 7:26 Chuck adjourned the business meeting, and turned the remaining time over to Dennis Behr, Chief Engineer of the Wisconsin Public Broadcasting Center. He introduced Steve Peck of BTS, who introduced the evening's program, a presentation on the BTS Media Pool video server system. The speaker was Tom Hindle. Respectfully Submitted, Mark Croom, Secretary LOCAL LEGALS On October 12, 1994 the FCC granted a CP for Television Wisconsin Inc. (WISC-TV) to build a facility for 23.88KW Visual and 4.78KW Aural ERP at 469 meters above average terrain. (This is for the new Candelabra site tower.)" AMATEUR RADIO NEWS by Tom Weeden, WJ9H Following a brief period of testing, the FCC has authorized two Volunteer Examiner Coordinators, W5YI/VEC and ARRL/VEC, to submit amateur license applications electronically. When an applicant passes an exam at a session, volunteer examiners forward exam paperwork to their coordinators who transcribe and upload the application data to the FCC in Gettysburg. The ARRL/VEC is reporting common turnaround times of less than two weeks from taking the test to receiving the license in the mail. Also, FCC rules now permit operation as soon as the licensing information is in the Commission's amateur service licensee database. If needed, applicants can call the FCC's toll-free number (800-322-1117) and receive operating authorization over the phone after the application has been processed. QST magazine reports one instance of an exam that was taken on a Wednesday with the FCC license grant occurring on Friday of the same week. Prior to electronic filing, backlogs were causing delays of as much as 12 weeks. Six of the seven crew members of the space shuttle Endeavour are amateur radio operators. Flight STS-67, launched March 2, will include scheduled radio contacts with schools, the astronauts' families, and random contacts with other amateurs. Schools expected to participate are located in 17 states, South Africa, India and Australia. Two of Endeavour's crew passed the Technician class exam on January 19 and were issued call signs on January 25 (by electronic filing). The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) has selected the frequencies of operation of its super satellite, "Phase 3-D." Scheduled to be launched in 1996, Phase 3-D will be placed in a highly elliptical orbit giving it a footprint of nearly half the earth at its maximum altitude. This "repeater in the sky" will operate on 21, 28, 145 and 436 MHz and 1.2, 2.4, 5.6, 10.4 and 24 GHz. (From March 1995 "QST" magazine) FROM THE CHAIR by Leonard Charles By now, I am sure our nominations Chair, Jim Hermanson, has been overwhelmed with members contacting him about running for Chapter office this year. My second term as your Chairman winds down, and I know that if my successor receives only half as much support from you guys as I have, his/her job will be an easy one. As that famous saying goes; "We are looking for a few good"...people, to keep the strong active tradition of Chapter 24 going. After all, there are only 12 Chapters in the country that can say they have cultivated and nurtured a National Board member from within their ranks. You should be proud, I know I am. Step up to the plate now and run for an office in Chapter 24. You'll never know what you can accomplish unless you try. The applications for National Chapter awards have already been printed and distributed. As the National Awards Chairman this year, I must distance myself from the Chapter 24 application process. Anyone wishing to be in on the that process for Chapter 24, should contact me soon. You should have all received your SBE renewal form. Dues will again be $55 for Members and Associates and $10 for Students. If possible, please return it, with your check, before April 1st. The National office must spend a lot of time and paperwork if you are late. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Audio/Video Systems Design Engineer 20-year old industry-leading audio/video systems integrator is searching for an individual to join our fast growing design team. Experience in traditional video applications and technical a definite plus. Projects will focus in the areas of video production, post-production, broadcast, presentation/training and videoconferencing. The successful candidate may work out of our Chicago or Milwaukee area office. This position offers a competitive salary with excellent benefits from a dynamic and growing company. If you are currently feeling stifled, come grow with us! E/O/E Send resume to: Video images, Attn: Project Manager, 285 N. Janacek Road, Brookfield, WI 53045 THE SENATE PROPOSES MORE DEREGULATION Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Larry Pressler has made a number of legislative proposals concerning the deregulation on the electronic media. Among these proposals are: - Repeal of cable rate regulation one year after enactment. - Repeal of all broadcast ownership rules. - Permit broadcasters to use HDTV channels for ancillary services as long as they provide an advanced TV service to the public without charge. Broadcasters would be subject to a fee for using the channels for subscription services. - Allow foreign ownership in U.S. telecommunications as long as U.S. companies have the same access to comparable markets. - Remove state and local barriers to allowing cable to compete in telephone markets and telcos to enter cable one year after enactment. Telcos would have to have separate subsidiaries for cable. - Prohibit the FCC from granting video dialtone for one year and freezing existing grants for one year. After that, telcos would be free of having to attain any authority for video services. - Permit telcos to buy out local cables systems in their service areas. The Democrats in the senate came up with there own bill which was patterned after last year's bill S. 1822. Their bill consists of the following: - Retain the Cable Act of 1992. - No one year moratorium of video dialtone. - Immediate entry of telcos into cable. - Requires telcos to set up new subsidiaries for all new telecommunications ventures. - Removes all state and local barriers after one year to cable and telco competition, as in Pressler's bill. - Requires telcos that go into manufacturing to set-up plants in the U.S. and use U.S. made parts. - Allows the FCC to collect fees from broadcasters who provide ancillary and supplementary services using HDTV channels. - Requires telecommunication companies to pay into a universal service fund and for the FCC to define universal service so that new services are available to all. Both the proposed bills allow the Baby Bells into the long distance business after 3 years and requires them to un-bundle their networks and offer access to competitors. The FCC also proposed their own deregulatory wish list. They requested the following: - Extend the license term for TV stations from 5 to 7 years. - Streamlining the renewal process allowing stations that meet the rules to be renewed without having to face a comparative hearing and those failing to meet the rules would be subject to an automatic hearing. - Authorize vanity call signs for a fee, similar to auto license plates. - Expand the FCC'S auction authority to things such as auctioning off phone numbers such as 1-800-COLLECT which the FCC considers a scarce resource and blocks of telephone numbers for the PCS services. There is already much debate over the proposed ownership rule changes within the broadcast community and the telcos and cable industries are also lobbying for their positions. There is also the normal political debate, so no one can be sure of the final outcome. But, with the changes in Washington and in the general regulatory climate, there will be changes and they should be watched and discussed by all involved in any form of communications as they will directly affect the future of all of the telecommunications industry. From BROADCASTING and CABLE and INTER@CTIVE WEEK FCC RULEMAKINGS By Tom Smith The FCC has a number of proposed rulemakings under way that affect broadcasters. They are as follows: ---------------------------------------------------------------- WT Docket No. 95-5, FCC 95-16 Streamlining the Antenna Structure Clearance Procedure and Revision of the Rules concerning Construction, Marking, and Lighting of Antenna Structures. This proposed rulemaking seeks to streamline the method the FCC uses to provide clearance for new and existing towers that require FAA and FCC approval. The FCC proposes to shift the responsibilities from the licensees on the towers to the tower owner. The FCC would require that the tower owner would be responsible for registering the tower with the FCC and FAA; painting and lighting the tower; notifying the FCC of any changes in the height, coordinates, ownership, painting or lighting of the tower. The tower owner would also be responsible for notifying the FCC of the dismantling of a tower. The tenant licensees on the tower would only be responsible for lighting and painting violations in causes were the tower owner proves to be unreliable. The tower owner would also be required to provide a copy of the tower registration to all tenant licensees and post the registration number at the tower site. Licensees on the tower would only have to give the tower registration number when making an application to the FCC. Also, all licensees would not be required to make separate filings whenever there are changes to the tower. The FCC is also proposing to incorporate by reference the recommendations in two FAA releases concerning tower lighting and markings from 1991 and 1988. Tower owners would be required to meet the new standards within 10 years of the adoption of these rules. These rules would not affect stations on who own their tower, but would ease the requirements on stations who lease space on someone else's tower or on a station's tenants on their tower. This rulemaking was adopted on January 12, 1995 and released on January 20, 1995. It was published in the FEDERAL REGISTER on February 15, 1995 on pages 8618 and 8619. Comments are due March 21, 1995 and replies on April 20, 1995. ----------------------------------------------------------------- GC Docket No. 95-21; FCC 95-52 Ex Parte Presentations in Commission Proceedings The FCC is seeking comment on changes to its rules concerning Ex Parte comments to the commission. Ex Parte comments are comments that occur outside of formal proceedings of the commission to persons in the commission concerning actions before them. In some proceedings Ex Parte comments are allowed and in others, such as in application hearings, they are not allowed. The FCC is proposing to simplify the rules so that it will be easier to determine if an Ex Parte comment is a violation of the rules. The notice was adopted and released on February 7, 1995. It was published in the FEDERAL REGISTER on February 16, 1995 on pages 8995 and 8996. Comments due on March 16, 1995 and replies on March 31, 1995. ----------------------------------------------------------------- TELEVISION OWNERSHIP RULEMAKINGS The FCC has issued 3 rulemakings concerning station ownership. Two of these rulemakings concern ownership rules for all types of broadcast stations and the third rulemaking concerns television only. All 3 rulemakings were adopted on December 15, 1994 and released on January 15 or January 17, 1995. Comments are due on April 17, 1995 and replies are due on May 17, 1995. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MM Docket 87-8 and 91-221; FCC 94-322 Broadcast Services; Television Stations The FCC has issued a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking concerning television owners. The FCC is reopening previous inquiries into television ownership including one on television satellite stations. The commission believes that, based on information from these past inquiries, further investigation of ownership rules is required. They believe that the changes in the television marketplace in the past 15 years has affected the ability of "traditional" broadcast services to meet the needs of a diverse and competitive video programming marketplace. The first issue to be addressed is the a competitive analysis of television broadcasting. As part of this analysis, the FCC seeks the definition of the various television markets and the structure of these markets, including the existence and exercise of power in these marketplaces. This would include the geographic, market share and pricing of various advertising, programming and program production markets. Part of this analysis is of the part that cable and, to a lesser extent, DBS and MMDS, plays in local and national markets. The FCC proposes a number of rule changes starting with an increase of the limits of the number of stations that any one group could own. The original inquiry suggested that the limit be increased to either 18, 20, or 24 stations and increasing the national audience reach of any group to 30 to 35 percent. In this inquiry, the FCC proposes to have no limit on the number of stations, but to increase the limits of national audience reach to 50 percent by increasing the limit from 30 percent reach at the start of the new rules and increasing the limit by 5 percent every 3 years until the 50 percent limit is reached. The FCC also requests comments if the exemption for satellite television stations from the national ownership limits should continue. The next proposal is that the allowed overlap between commonly-owned stations be decreased from the grade B contour to the grade A contour. This would decrease the allowable separation between the two commonly owned stations by 30 to 50 miles. The FCC also proposes to allow radio-television cross- ownership in the same market. There are a number of proposals including: allowing local limits to prevent undue concentration, allowing one each of a TV, FM and AM station, allowing only a TV and AM station, or remaining with the current waiver system and extending to all markets. The final proposal would allow for common ownership of two TV stations in the same market. Comments are requested on the question if UHF/UHF or VHF/UHF combinations should be allowed under certain circumstances. The FCC also proposes to codify rules for television LMA's in the same manner as the ones that exist for radio. This notice was published in the February 2, 1995 issue of the FEDERAL REGISTER on pages 6490 through 6499. --------------------------------------------------------------- MM Docket 94-149 and 91-140; FCC 94-323 Policies and Rules Regarding Minority and Female Ownership of Mass Media Facilities The FCC is seeking comment on ways to increase minorities and female ownership of broadcasting facilities. The FCC proposes a number of methods to increase ownership among the groups including the creation of incubator programs, changes of attribution rules, use of tax certificates and other methods. Some of the other methods include investment tax credits, speed- up of Small Business loans, increased local ownership limits such as allowing minority groups to own 3 AM's or class A FM's in one market. This rulemaking was printed in the February 1, 1995 issue of the FEDERAL REGISTER. --------------------------------------------------------------- MM Docket 94-150; 92-51 and 87-154; FCC 94-324 Broadcast Services; Television and Radio Broadcasting This rulemaking is seeking a complete review of the FCC rules concerning broadcast attribution rules. These rules allow for investment capital formation in broadcast facilities without endangering the ownership limitations for broadcast groups. This allows banks, limited partnerships and other financial groups to loan to a number of groups or even to own their own stations and still make loans to others. There are limits on how much these financial institutions can invest in these stations and what control they can have. If they have investments in a large number of stations and exert influence in them and that number is greater than the FCC ownership limits, they may be in violation of ownership rules. They are usually limited to non-voting stock shares or that of being mortgage holders. The rules do allow for stockholders to hold up to 5 percent of voting stock without violating ownership limits. The FCC would like to raise the limit to 10 percent. The FCC hopes to maintain limits on investor influence on stations without inhibiting investment capital. This rulemaking was published in the FEDERAL REGISTER on February 2, 1995 on pages 6483 through 6490. --------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL RULE GEN Docket 90-357; FCC 95-17 New Digital Audio Radio Services In this rule, the FCC amends it's rules regarding frequency allocations to allow the frequencies from 2310 to 2360 Mhz to be used for new satellite digital audio radio services (DARS). This rulemaking does not authorize digital satellite radio, but only sets aside the spectrum. The licensing and service requirements are subject to a further proceeding. This rule was adopted on January 12, 1995 and released on January 18, 1995. It was published in the FEDERAL REGISTER on February 14, 1995 on pages 8309 through 8311. The rule takes effect on March 16, 1995. From the FEDERAL REGISTER SBE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING HIGHLIGHTS Dallas Saturday, February 4. 1995 -Further upgrades were approved for the office computer system, including upgrading to MS-DOS version 6.22. Windows and Microsoft Office Professional will be added software tools for the staff. -Revisions to the 1995 SBE Budget were approved, based on 1994 year-end results. -A Task Force will be created to address the role SBE can play in helping our members implement the new EAS System. -A letter addressed to station general managers promoting support of their engineers in SBE was discussed. -Given the current political environment, SBE will make a strong effort over the next several months to get legislation introduced and passed that would require an engineer on the staff of each FCC commissioner. -Guidelines will be drafted on the use of the SBE logo and name. -There was discussion that the 5 Ghz band will be one of, if not the, major issue of the year, regarding FCC regulation. -David Carr was named Chairman of a task force that will look at possible cooperation with AMITRA in solving Frequency Coordination problems along the US/Mexico border. Policies regarding local frequency coordination were also discussed. -The Executive Committee expressed interest in jointly working with NAB to create additional technical programming at World Media Expo. In response to an NAB inquiry, there was no support for re-negotiating the current conference agreement between SBE and NAB. -Authorization was given to the Executive Director to enter into another office lease agreement at the current location, which will pick up at the end of the existing lease agreement in March, 1996. -The next Executive Committee Meeting was set for Saturday, July 8, 1995 in Indianapolis. SBE FUNCTION LOCATIONS DURING THE NAB CONVENTION (Note: All functions are open to any dues-paid member of the SBE) -The full SBE Board will have its spring meeting during the NAB Convention in Las Vegas. The meeting will be Sunday, April 9, from 8:00AM to 12:00 Noon in the Embassy Suites room of the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel -Certification Committee Meeting, Sunday, April 9, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Conference Room 1, Las Vegas Hilton. -Certification Exams, Tuesday, April 11, 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, Convention Center - N242. -Chapter Chairman's Meeting, Tuesday, April 11, 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM, Convention Center - N239/241. -Membership Meeting, Tuesday, April 11, 5:15 PM to 6:00 PM, Convention Center - N113/114. OTHER NATIONAL SBE NEWS -Later this month, Chuck Kelly will be presenting a paper in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during a seminar sponsored by the Asia- Pacific -SBE will have a booth at the Dayton Hamvention, April 28- 30, promoting membership and certification -1994 National Chapter Awards applications have been mailed to all Chapter Chairs. The form is early this year, in hopes that more Chapters will have time to consider applicants before their summer break. -SBE members can register for the Spring NAB Convention in Las Vegas at the NAB member rate of $335, a savings of $300! (more than five times the amount of SBE dues for one year!) Registration and Housing forms for the convention are available from NAB through their fax-on-demand system. Call (301) 216-1847 from the handset of your fax machine and follow the voice prompts. -SBE has arranged discounted airfares to Las Vegas for its members on United and Delta Airlines. Call Media Travel USA/Carlson Travel Network at (800) 283-8747 to make reservations. -SBE will kick off its annual Membership Drive beginning March 1. Each SBE member will be encouraged to recruit "One New Member" during the effort. Any member who recruits one or more new members will be eligible for prizes, including the Grand Prize of a trip for two to the SBE Engineering Conference and World Media Expo in New Orleans, September 6-9, 1995. Details about the Drive are being mailed directly to all members. -SBE will be working hard over the next several months to have legislation introduced in Congress that would require each FCC Commissioner have at least one senior staff member with an engineering background. In the February/March issue of the SBE SIGNAL, background on the issue and a sample letter to congressmen have been inserted. During the month of March, we ask that all members write their Congressman to urge them to support this legislation when it comes before them. MAILED letters to Congress DO make a difference. Thanks, in advance, for your help to make this a reality. -Several opportunities to take an SBE Certification Exam are available during 1995. The Spring exam period in local chapters will be June 9-19; application deadline is April 28. The SBE Engineering Conference and World Media Expo in New Orleans will be the next opportunity with the test date set for September 7; application deadline is July 27. The final period for 1995 will be in local chapters November 10-20; application deadline is September 29. For information on how to become SBE Certified, see your local chapter Certification Chairman or call the SBE National Office. -The Kansas City and St. Louis chapters of SBE will jointly host an Ennes Regional Workshop at Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, June 15. It will be held in conjunction with the Missouri Association of Broadcasters Summer Convention. Details will be forthcoming later this spring. -SEPTEMBER 6-9, 1995. Mark your calendars and plan your budgets to take in this annual conference and unique exhibition featuring the combined conferences of SBE, SMPTE, the NAB Radio Show and RTNDA. -Some of the members of the SBE National Board of Directors can be reached through the Internet. We have Internet addresses for the following: Chuck Kelly, President kelly1@ixc.net Keith Kintner, Secretary keith.kintner@gur.com Bob Goza, Treasurer rgoza695696aol.com Robert Reymont nciradio@crl.com Jim Bernier 72037.1723@compuserve.com We'll update the list as we get additions. CHAPTER 24 SUSTAINING MEMBERS: Our latest renewals: Maney Logic WMTV 15 Thanks to all our Sustaining Members: BTS Broadcast Communications CTI Clark Wire and Cable Comark Communications Electronic Industries Emmons Associates Fuji Film I&I Harris Allied Broadcast MRC Telecommunications Panasonic Broadcast Roscor Wisconsin Scharch Electronics Skyline Communications Sony Broadcast Tectan, Inc. Teleport Minnesota The Tape Co. 3M Audio & Video Video Images WISC-TV 3 WKOW-TV 27 WMSN 47 |