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![]() CHAPTER 24, Inc., MADISON, WI |
Edited by: Mark Croom Electronic Version: Leonard Charles Electronically Distributed by Chris Cain Contributors this month: Paul Stoffel Neal McLain Tom Smith Articles Welcome!! Send correspondence to: Chapter 24 Newsletter 34 Rustic Parkway Madison, WI 53713-4700 or call (608) 271-1025 (home) or (608) 221-1979 (work) MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT 5:30pm: Dutch Treat Dinner at Denny's, 433 South Gammon Road 7:00pm: Business Meeting and Program at WISC TV, 7025 Raymond Road Program: EAS Preview We are about to embark on implementation of a new system to alert the public in times of emergency. As Chairman of the National SBE EAS Committee, Leonard Charles will present this month's program on the new EAS and on the progress and goals of his National Committee. This is a very important program as this new system will most likely be in place for the remainder of our careers. We need to work together to make it as effective a local tool as possible. Please take this opportunity to kick start your thinking into how your station will become an essential part of the system. Visitors and Guests are welcome at all SBE meetings. UPCOMING MEETINGS Tentative Program Subjects Sat, Jul 22, 1995 Family Picnic Tue, Aug 22, 1995 Facility Security considerations Wed, Sep 20, 1995 WTDY\WMGN\WJJO facility tour Thu, Oct 19, 1995 WMTV Remodeled Master Control Wed, Nov 15, 1995 Broadcasters Clinic/EAS Teleconference Tue, Dec 19, 1995 Candelabra Project facility tour Wed, Jan 17, 1996 Digital Radio Networks Thu, Feb 22, 1996 JVC Digital "S" or Panasonic Digital Tue, Mar 19, 1996 WP&L Center Tour (or Milwaukee area station tour) Wed, Apr 24, 1996 Chapter Elections and annual NAB review Thu, May 23, 1996 TCI Cable TV Technology Tue, Jun 18, 1996 Related technology; Internet/software support Sat, Jul 27, 1996 3rd annual Chapter 24 Family Picnic WISCONSIN BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION SUMMER ENGINEERING SEMINAR AND REGIONAL SBE MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th, 1995 RADISSON HOTEL, LA CROSSE, WI JOIN YOUR ASSOCIATES AT THE WBA SUMMER CONVENTION FOR A FULL DAY OF TECHNICAL SEMINARS DESIGNED TO ADDRESS ISSUES OF CONCERN TO BOTH ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT. THE FOCUS THIS YEAR WILL BE "NETWORKING: BROADCAST SURVIVAL IN THE 90'S" WITH AN EMPHASIS ON BROADCAST SERVERS, LANs AND WIRED NETWORKS, AND A FULL AFTERNOON DEVOTED TO A DISCUSSION OF BROADCAST FINANCIAL REALITIES AND PEOPLE-TO-PEOPLE NETWORKING IN THE BROADCAST PLANT. THE LUNCHEON PRESENTATION WILL BE BY TFT, INC. ON THE NEW EAS SYSTEM These sessions will be important to engineers and managers concerned about the future of the broadcast industry and ways in which technical and administrative staff can work together to insure healthy and competitive over-the-air media in the years ahead! Presentation Topics Include: Digital Audio Servers (Broadcast Electronics) Digital Video Servers (BTS, Inc.) LANs and Hardwired Networks I (Microsoft) LANs and Hardwired Networks II (Novel and Lantastic) Broadcast Business/Financial Tutorial Broadcast personnel relationships and realities Special EAS luncheon presentation Sessions begin at 8:30AM and conclude at 4:00PM. Registration for the full conference is just $40, which includes the full day of technical sessions, the SBE Lunch and the TFT/EAS luncheon presentation, the Equipment Exhibits/Reception, and the WBA Opening Night Dinner. Or, if you prefer, attend only the conference sessions and the SBE luncheon for $25. Same price since 1991! To register, send your check for $40 or $25 per attendee before June 30, 1995 to: Wisconsin Broadcasters Association 44 East Mifflin Street, Suite 900 Madison, WI 53703 Note: On-site registration will also be available between 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM on Tuesday July 19th, but please call WBA to reserve your place 1-800-236-1922. EXHIBITOR INFORMATION: CALL JOHN LAABS at WBA 608/255-2600 Staying overnight? The Radisson can be reached at 800/333-3333. ATTENDANCE AT THIS SEMINAR WILL EARN CREDITS FOR SBE RECERTIFICATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING SET The Homewood Suites in Indianapolis will be the site of the summer National SBE Executive Committee Meeting scheduled for July 8. Members who wish to have anything brought up before the Executive Committee should contact Leonard Charles. LIAISON NOTES by Leonard Charles As your liaison to the SBE National, I invite you to contact me with any concerns you believe deserve the attention of Nationally elected Officers and Board members. The next opportunity I will have to present concerns will be at the Executive Committee meeting in July. I have compiled un-official minutes of the National Board of Directors meeting held at the NAB in April. You can download them from the Chapter 24 BBS in files area #2 under the file name BOARDMTG.TXT. I have been appointed the Chairman of the National SBE EAS Committee. We will be aiding members and the industry in the understanding and implementation of the new EAS rules. It would be beneficial for you to read the new rules soon. You can download them from the Chapter 24 BBS in files area #2 under the file name EAS.TXT. I continue to urge you to send a letter to your Washington Representatives in support of the SBE effort to get an engineer on the staff of each FCC Commissioner. To make this as easy as I possibly can, I have uploaded two documents to the Chapter 24 BBS. The first is titled ENGONFCC.TXT which you can download and "fill in the blanks" before you print and send it off. The second is titled AREAREPS.TXT which is a listing of all area Representatives and their Washington addresses. Pick those appropriate to your area. Please take a moment to help the SBE in this effort. MEMBERSHIP REPORT by Leonard Charles Chapter 24 Membership Chair Chapter 24 continues to be a healthy Chapter with 75 members. However, recent records show that 10 of our Chapter's members have yet to renew for 1995. The grace period ends on June 30. Please dig the form from under your "to do" pile and take care of this. As our active members will attest, you get much more than you pay for. MAY BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES Chapter 24 of the Society of Broadcast Engineers met on Wednesday, May 25, 1995, at the Educational Communications Board in Madison. There were 27 persons in attendance, 16 of whom were certified. The meeting was chaired by Chapter 24 Chairman Paul Stoffel. Call to order: 7:01 pm. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as published in the May Newsletter. Newsletter Editor's Report (reported Mark Croom): The deadline for the June Newsletter is midnight 6/9/95; the folding party is 5:30 pm 6/12/95 at WKOW-TV; check the BBS for changes. Treasurer's Report (reported by Stan Scharch, Treasurer): the chapter balance is $1,094.53. Membership Report (reported by Leonard Charles): The chapter membership now stands at 75 members. The Newsletter mailing list now includes 133 addresses. National liaison (reported by Leonard Charles): The next national board meeting will be July 8, 1995; minutes will be posted on the chapter BBS. Chuck has been appointed chairman of the National EAS Committee; the committee plans to request certain changes in the new FCC rules governing EAS (Part 11). In the meantime, all members are urged to read Part 11 to become familiar with the new rules; the entire text has been posted on the BBS. Members were reminded that the SBE is supporting legislation which would mandate an engineer on the staff of each FCC Commissioner; SBE members are urged to contact their federal legislative representatives in support of this legislation. Sustaining Membership Report (reported by Fred Sperry): The total sustaining membership remains steady at 24. Strategic Planning (reported by Dennis Behr): no report. Program Committee (reported by Steve Zimmerman): the June meeting program has not been finalized; the program committee welcomes suggestions. Special Events (reported by Kevin Ruppert): no report. Certification and Education (reported by Jim Hermanson): The next examination will take place on June 17, at 2:00 pm; six people have registered to sit for an examination. Frequency coordination (reported by Tom Smith): No major activity; just more wireless microphones. Old business: none. New business: none. The business meeting was adjourned at 7:17 pm. The program featured the Tektronix Profile Professional Disk Recorder presented by Larry Sayer, District Sales Manager for Tektronix's Video and Networking division. CLOSED CAPTIONING FOR COMPUTER SYSTEMS USED AS TELEVISION RECEIVERS The FCC has issued an interpretation to it's rules concerning computer systems that also have the capability to be used as TV receivers. The FCC has basically stated that any computer that is sold with a monitor having a viewable picture of 13" or over and is able to receive TV broadcasts must have the ability to display closed captions. This rule would apply to systems like the APPLE combined MAC/TV that is sold as an integrated unit and also to any unit that is sold with a receiver capability and a separate monitor. The FCC ruled that even if the monitor is priced separately, but is sold as part of the same transaction, it is considered a integrated unit as far as the rules are concerned. The requirements for closed captioning do not apply to computers or computer systems without the capability to receive TV signals, computers sold without monitors, computers with monitors having less than a 13" viewable picture, or to separate "plug in" circuit cards that, when added to a computer, would make it capable of receiving TV broadcasts. This Notice was published in the FEDERAL REGISTER on March 29, 1995 on pages 16055-16056 and the number of this notice is DH 95- 581. ABOLISH THE FCC ? By Tom Smith Speaker Newt Gingrich, in comments to BROADCASTING and CABLE on May 18th, stated that he would like to see the proposed telecommunication-reform bill be more deregulatory including the phasing out of the FCC in three to five years. He suggested that the FCC oversight could be replaced by private negotiation. His comments were followed on May 30th by a report by the Progress and Freedom Foundation which also suggested that the FCC should be eliminated. The foundation's plan said that the spectrum should be treated as private property and that interference and other problems, including those concerning the public interest, could be settled by the courts. Also, they suggested that one should be able to use their slice of spectrum for any type of service they wish to provide. A TV broadcaster could become a mobile phone provider if they wished. The Progress and Freedom Foundation has close ties to the Speaker, including providing 80% of the money for his televised college courses. The elimination of the FCC has been raised before by Speaker Gingrich in an interview in BROADCASTING and CABLE's March 20th issue and also by Sen. Robert Dole earlier this year. Leaders of the communication committees in both the house and senate, Rep. Jack Fields and Sen. Larry Pressler have suggested that the FCC take a smaller part in the regulation on the telecommunications industry. The proposals were criticized by Reed Hundt, Chairman of the FCC and by broadcast and cable industry leaders. Compiled from BROADCASTING and CABLE U.S. COAST GUARD CEASES CW TRANSMISSIONS Contributed by Neal McLain The U.S. Coast Guard has ceased the use of continuous-wave transmissions for weather and safety broadcasts. The Coast Guard, in cooperation with the NOAA National Meteorological Center (NMC) in Washington, DC, has been transmitting weather and safety information to the maritime public since 1937. These transmissions have been made in a variety of formats, including continuous wave (CW), voice, fax, and, most recently, using an all-digital system called NODDS. CW was, of course, the medium used for those first Morse Code transmissions back in 1937. CW transmitters were located on both coasts, and a transmitter in Rogers City, Michigan served the Great Lakes. The era of CW transmissions has ended: the Coast Guard has closed down its CW transmitters in favor of newer technologies. The last CW transmission was made earlier this year from the Coast Guard transmitter at Pt. Reyes, California. Following is the text of that last transmission: ALL BRASS POUNDERS U.S. COAST GUARD RADIO SAN FRANCISCO / NMC STARTED PROVIDING CW SERVICES TO THE MERCHANT FLEET AND THE MARITIME PUBLIC ON FEBRUARY 1, 1937. THIS IS THE LAST MORSE TRANSMISSION TO BE MADE FROM NMC AND BRINGS TO AN END FIFTY FIVE YEARS OF CONTINUOUS WAVE SERVICES. IT WILL REMAIN THE CORNERSTONE UPON WHICH OTHER COMMUNICATION MEDIUMS ARE BUILT. CW OPERATORS HAVE AND, UNTIL THE LAST DIT IS SENT, WILL SET THE STANDARD FOR ALL COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONALS TO FOLLOW. PROVIDING CW SERVICES FROM NMC OVER THE PAST 55 YEARS HAS BEEN OUR PLEASURE. WE WISH YOU ALL FAIR WINDS AND FOLLOWING SEAS. THE CREW OF USCG CAMPSPAC 17000 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE BLVD. PO BOX 560 PT REYES STATION CA USA 94956. Source: TELECOM DIGEST, an Internet news group, with additional information provided by Douglas McLain, an oceanographer with the National Ocean Service, Monterey, California. WORK CONTINUES ON DEREG BILLS By Tom Smith Congress continues it's work on a bill that would deregulate most of the communication industry. The House Commerce Committee held hearings in May and has adopted a bill to be sent to the full Congress. The Senate is also working on it's own bill which differs from the House bill in many aspects. While the form of the final bill is still subject to much debate, many issues are starting to take shape. The Senate version of the bill does not roll back regulations as far as the House bill will. It now appears that the final act will have some increase in ownership limits for broadcasters, extend license terms, allow the FCC to go ahead with the granting the second channel for ATV, make the returned NTSC channels subject to auction at the end of the transition period. Subscription services on ATV channels may also be subject to fees. Telcos would be allowed into the video business and cable operators will be allowed into the phone business. Cable rates will be deregulated except for possibly the lowest basic level. The regional Bell's will get into long distance services, but the terms still are in the process of being worked out. The subject of spectrum fees and auctions keep appearing in many comments from both congress and Chairman Hundt of the FCC. The FCC is currently working on rules that would extend auctions to wireless cable and specialize mobile radio services. It will be some time before the final bill takes shape, but, it appears the same bill will be passed and it will most likely cause more change in all the communication industry then any number of new technologies. Compiled from BROADCASTING and CABLE MCI INVESTS IN NEWS CORP. By Tom Smith The long distance phone company MCI has invested up to $2 billion in the News Corp. which is the parent company of the FOX-TV network. MCI will invest $1 billion in News Corp. at the beginning with the investment of another $1 billion at a later date. When MCI has made the $2 billion investment, it will hold a 13.5% share of the News Corp. with a option for up to a 20% share. Both companies will also invest $200 million each in a new media company. MCI's investment came one week after the FCC ruled that the News Corp., an Australian corporation, had violated the FCC's foreign ownership rules by holding more than 25% of the FOX network and it's owned and operated stations. The FCC is giving Rupert Murdoch an opportunity to file a retroactive waiver. From BROADCASTING and CABLE FCC RULEMAKINGS By Tom Smith TV Broadcast Service, Ancillary Communications Services MM Docket No. 95-42, FCC 95-155 The FCC is seeking comments on a number of proposals concerning the establishment of data transmission services within the existing NTSC video signal. There are two proposed types of systems with the first using the vertical and horizontal blanking period. The second type of systems uses a subcarrier within the active video area that would carry the digital data signal. The proposed systems using the vertical and horizontal blanking periods consist of one proposed by the A.C. Nielsen Company that would use line 22 to transmit data for rating and commercial carriage measurement. The second blanking interval system that was proposed is from YES! Entertainment Corporation. This system would transmit a 14,160 bit data signal in the horizontal blanking interval to be used be the "TV TELLY" talking toy bear. The second type of data system uses a subcarrier within the active video signal that is inserted at a level just above the noise floor of the video signal. The two systems proposed consist of the Digideck D-Channel system and the WavePhore "TVT1" system which inserts a 384 kbit signal in the 3.9 to 4.2 mhz portion of the active video signal. The FCC seeks information on any degradation of the video signal by any of these systems and the ability of broadcasters to control and delete any of the data signals on their station. The FCC would also like information on the possibility of the introduction of a new service on the existing NTSC signal slowing or impeding the recovery of the NTSC spectrum at the end of the ATV transition period. Comments are due June 23, 1995 and replies are due July 10, 1995. This notice was released May 10, 1995 and published in the FEDERAL REGISTER on MAY 9, 1995 on pages 24,606 through 24,609. From the FEDERAL REGISTER SBE "SHORT CIRCUITS VIA BBS" May 31, 1995 REGISTRATION BEGINS FOR SBE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE AND WORLD MEDIA EXPO Registration for the SBE Engineering Conference & World Media Expo has begun. The annual conference and exhibition will be September 6-9, 1995 in exciting New Orleans. World Media Expo consists of the conferences of SBE, SMPTE, RTNDA and NAB Radio Show operating simultaneously centered around a combined exhibition that features broadcast audio and video manufacturers and related companies. The historic New Orleans Fairmont Hotel will serve as SBE's headquarters hotel. A variety of other hotel accommodations are available as well. The Conference and Expo will be held at the Morial Convention Center and will feature three days of technical sessions, a day of Ennes Workshops, 130,000 square feet of exhibits, several receptions and the annual SBE Awards Dinner. Special rates on airfare have been arranged with United and Delta Airlines. Registration and Hotel reservation forms can be obtained from the SBE National Office or through our special SBE World Media Expo Fax-on-Demand line at (301) 216-1853. Register before July 21 and save $75 on your full registration! WORKSHOP SCHEDULED FOR MIDWEST SBE will present an Ennes Regional Workshop 9:00 am to 5:00 PM, Thursday, June 15 at the Holiday Inn in Lake Ozark, Missouri. The Kansas City and St. Louis chapters of SBE are jointly hosting the workshop which is being held in conjunction with the Missouri Broadcaster's Association Summer Convention. Members within a day's drive of the Workshop have received registration information in the mail, but everyone is invited. The cost for members is just $29 and includes lunch. Non-member rate is $45. To register, call the SBE National Office at (317) 253-1640. Pre- registration is preferred. Program topics will include Digital ISDN, VSAT and a presentation on "Digital, How Everything Works." A representative from the FCC will discuss Inspections and Unattended Operation. Closing out the day will be a presentation on EAS from a representative of the National Weather Service. MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN WINNERS TO BE ANNOUNCED JULY 8 The annual SBE Membership Drive, "One New Member," ended May 31st. The drawing for prizes will take place Saturday, July 8 in Indianapolis. Winners will be notified by phone or mail. Every qualifying entry will receive $10 off their registration to the 1995 SBE Engineering Conference & World Media Expo in New Orleans. One lucky person's name will be drawn as the winner of the Grand Prize, a trip for two to New Orleans for the Conference and Expo, September 6-9. The prize includes air transportation for two, five nights lodging at the New Orleans Fairmont Hotel, Full Registration to the Conference and Expo, $100 credit towards a rental Car from Hertz with free parking at the hotel and a spouse tour program for the winner's guest. During the Drive period of March 1 through May 31, 332 new members joined SBE with close to 60 of those being sponsored through the Drive program! PLEASE GET THOSE RENEWALS IN Members are reminded to renew their membership no later than June 30 to keep from being dropped from the rolls. If you need another renewal form, call or fax the SBE National Office at (317) 253-1640 (voice) or (317) 253-0418 (fax). Please ensure that your membership is not interrupted--renew today! MORE LETTERS NEEDED TO CONGRESS SBE's effort to have legislation introduced which requires each FCC Commissioner have at least one senior staff member with an engineering background continues. Chris Imlay, SBE's General Counsel, is working with congressional staffs to obtain support for the issue. Elected officials respond much better to Chris when they have received even one letter about the issue from a constituent. We have received copies of a number of letters but more are needed to help pull together sufficient support from across the country and across party lines. A sample letter can be obtained from the SBE National Office or from your February/March issue of the SBE SIGNAL. Please send copies of your correspondence to the SBE National Office, 8445 Keystone Crossing, Suite 140, Indianapolis, IN 46240 and to Chris Imlay at Booth Freret & Imlay, 1233 20th Street NW, Suite 204, Washington, DC 20036. RECORD SBE CERTIFICATION EXAM PERIOD More than 170 SBE Certification exams will be given during June in locations across the country--a SBE record! If you would like to become Certified, or upgrade your Certification level, there will be two more opportunities this year. The first will be at the SBE Engineering Conference and World Media Expo in New Orleans on September 7. The application deadline is July 27. The final period for 1995 will be in local chapters November 10-20. The application deadline is September 29. For information on how to become SBE Certified, see your local chapter Certification Chairman or call the SBE National Office. HAMNET LINKS MEMBERS ACROSS THE COUNTRY The monthly "HAMNet" takes place the second Sunday of each month on 14,205 MHz at 0000GMT. Hal Hostetler, WA7BGX serves as Control Station. Also known as "Chapter 73," HAMNet was originally begun to help provide information about SBE activities and a forum for ideas for members who did not live close to a chapter. Although HAMNet still serves this purpose, SBE members active in other chapters regularly participate. If you are not a HAM but have access to a shortwave radio, you can also listen in. "SHORT CIRCUITS VIA BBS" is published by the Society of Broadcast Engineers, Inc., 8445 Keystone Crossing, Suite 140, Indianapolis, Indiana. For more information about SBE, contact John L. Poray, CAE, Executive Director, through this BBS or call the SBE National Office at (317) 253-1640. (from THE BROADCAST NEWSLETTER, JUNE 1995, Chapter 28, Milwaukee) BITS AND PIECES.....Last month we were pleased to announce Wil Koeller's promotion to Manager of Technical Operations for the WTMJ Milwaukee stations. This month, similar congratulations to Russ Elkin, who has been named Director of Engineering for the Milwaukee Hearst stations, WISN, WLTQ, and WISN/TV. Gary Timm, Chair of the Wisconsin Emergency Communications Committee asks us to remind folks that all EBS decoders MUST be set to demute within 4 seconds of EBS tone by July 1st. CHAPTER 24 SUSTAINING MEMBERS: Our latest renewals: Sony Broadcast Video Images Thanks to all our Sustaining Members: BTS Broadcast Communications CTI Clark Wire and Cable Comark Communications Electronic Industries Emmons Associates Fuji Film I&I Harris Allied Broadcast MRC Telecommunications Maney Logic Panasonic Broadcast Roscor Wisconsin Scharch Electronics Skyline Communications Tectan, Inc. Teleport Minnesota 3M Audio & Video WISC-TV 3 WKOW-TV 27 WMSN-TV 47 WMTV-TV 15 CHAPTER 24 OFFICERS: CHAIRMAN: Paul Stoffel (WI Public TV) W - 608-263-2175 H - 608-241-4621 F - 608-263-9763 STOFFEL@MAIL.ADMIN.WISC.EDU VICE CHAIRMAN: Fred Sperry (ECB-TOC) W - 608-264-9698 H - 608-833-6074 FRED.SPERRY@MAIL.ADMIN.WISC.EDU SECRETARY: Neal McLain (CTI) W - 608-831-4636 NMCLAIN@MACC.WISC.EDU TREASURER: Stan Scharch (WISC TV) W - 271-4321 H - 831-1168 CHAPTER 24 COMMITTEE APPOINTEES: Membership - Leonard Charles Sustaining Membership - Fred Sperry Strategic Plan - Denny Behr Newsletter - Mark Croom Program Committee: Mark Croom 271-1025 Denise Maney 277-8001 Kerry Maki 833-0047 Steve Zimmerman 274-1234 Special Events - Kevin Ruppert Certification and Education: Jim Hermanson 836-8340 Tim Trendt (UW-Platteville) Frequency Coordination: Tom Smith 608-263-2174 (work) SMITHT@VILAS.UWEX.EDU SBE National Board Member & Chapter Liaison: Leonard Charles W - 271-4321 FAX - 271-1709 LCHARLES@WISCTV.COM NATIONAL SBE PHONE DIRECTORY SBE National Office 8445 Keystone Crossing Suite 140 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Main Number 317-253-1640 Engineering Conference Line 317-253-0122 Job Line 317-253-0474 Fax 317-253-0418 BBS 317-253-7555 President: Chuck Kelly CBT Broadcast Electronics P.O. Box 3606 Quincy, IL 62305 W 217-224-9600 F 217-224-9607 H 217-228-7373 CIS ID# 70307,2642 InterNet: kelly1@ixc.net Vice President: Terrence Baun CPBE Criterion Broadcast Services 5300 W. Garfield Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53208 W 414-449-5300 F 414-449-5380 CIS ID# 71525,1060 Secretary: Keith Kintner CSTE KLCS TV 58 1061 W. Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-625-6958 F 818-362-5294 CIS ID# 72530,620 InterNet: keith.kintner@gur.com Treasurer: Bob Goza CPBE KMOV TV 3315 Highway 50 Beaufort, MO 63013 314-484-3718 F 314-484-3840 InterNet: rgoza695696aol.com Executive Director: John Poray CAE SBE National Office 8445 Keystone Crossing Suite 140 Indianapolis, IN 46240 W 317-253-1640 F 317-253-0418 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jim Bernier CBT WTVH, Inc. 980 James Street Syracuse, NY 13203 315-425-5503 F 315-425-5513 InterNet: 72037.1723@compuserve.com David Carr CPBE KHOU-TV P.O. Box 11 Houston, TX 77001 713-284-8741 F 713-284-8700 Leonard Charles CSTE WISC TV 7025 Raymond Road Madison, WI 53719 608-271-4321 F 608-271-1709 InterNet: lcharles@wisctv.com Dane Ericksen PE CSRE CSTE Hammett & Edison, Inc. Box 280068 San Francisco, CA 94128-0068 707-996-5200 F 707-996-5280 Michael Fast CPBE WCBM Radio 1303 Burleigh Road Lutherville, MD 21093 410-356-3003 F 410-581-0150 Michael McCarthy CBRE WLIT FM/Viacom International 150 N. Michigan Ave., #1135 Chicago, IL 60601 312-329-9002 F 708-439-1464 P 800-592-3058 Edward Miller CPBE WEWS Scripps Howard 3001 Euclid Ave Cleveland, OH 44115 216-431-3687 F 216-431-3641 Troy Pennington CSRE WZZK AM/FM, WODL FM Radio 530 Beacon Parkway W. #300 Birmingham, AL 35209 205-916-1119 F 205-916-1151 Robert Reymont CPBE Nationwide Communications, Inc. P.O. Box 5159 Mesa, AZ 85211-0500 602-964-4000 F 602-644-7660 CIS ID# 71645,254 Internet: NCIRADIO@CRL.COM Martin "Sandy" Sandberg CPBE Consultant 9807 Edgecove Drive Dallas, TX 75238 214-343-5786 F 2114-343-9807 John Schneider CBRE RF Specialties of Washington, Inc. 19237 Aurora Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98133 206-546-6546 F 206-546-2633 CIS ID# 74603,3342 Tom Weber CSTE WISH TV 8 1950 N Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-921-8535 F 317-926-1144 CIS ID#: 73250,215 Chris Imlay, Esq. SBE General Counsel Booth, Freret & Imlay 1233 20th St. NW Suite 204 Washington, DC 20036 202-296-9100 F 202-293-1319 James Wulliman, CPBE Ennes Director 721 W. Calle Del Regalo Green Valley, AZ 85614 Phone and Fax 602-648-1250 NATIONAL OFFICE STAFF Linda Godby, Certification Peggy Hall, Membership Sarah Hayden, Signal/Conferences Julie Dinger, Secretary 317-253-1640 F 317-253-0418 Job Line 317-253-0474 BBS (N,8,1) 317-253-7555 NATIONAL COMMITTEE AND TASK FORCE CHAIRS By Laws Committee..................................Sandy Sandberg Certification Committee..............................Jim Wulliman Chapter Awards Committee..........................Leonard Charles Chapter Liaison Committee..........................John Schneider Electronic Communication Committee....................Jim Bernier Engineering Conference Committee...................Jerry Whitaker Engineering Conference Promotion Committee..........Mike McCarthy FCC Liaison Committee...............................Dane Ericksen Fellowship Committee...................................David Carr Finance Committee.................................Troy Pennington Frequency Coordination Committee.......................David Carr High Frequency Broadcasting Task Force.............Doug Garlinger Industry Relations C...................................Terry Baun International Committee............................Sandy Sandberg Membership Committee.................................Michael Fast Nomination Committee...............................Robert Reymont Sustaining Membership Committee.....................Edward Miller |