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Edited by: Mark Croom Electronic Version: Leonard Charles Electronically Distributed by Chris Cain Contributors this month: Tom Weeden Chris Cain Paul Stoffel Neal McLain Tom Smith Leonard Charles Mark Croom Articles Welcome!! Send correspondence to: Chapter 24 Newsletter 34 Rustic Parkway Madison, WI 53713-4700 or call (608) 271-1025 (home) or (608) 221-1979 (work) MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT SBE Family Picnic Saturday, July 22, 1995 Greenfield Park Shelter in Fitchburg 11AM to 6PM Call Denise Maney to RSVP (608-277-8001) Visitors and Guests are welcome at all SBE meetings. UPCOMING MEETINGS Tentative Program Subjects Tue, Aug 22, 1995 Facility Security considerations Wed, Sep 20, 1995 WTDY\WMGN\WJJO facility tour Thu, Oct 19, 1995 WMTV Remodeled Master Control Wed, Nov 15, 1995 Broadcasters Clinic/EAS Teleconference Tue, Dec 19, 1995 Candelabra Project facility tour Wed, Jan 17, 1996 Digital Radio Networks Thu, Feb 22, 1996 JVC Digital "S" or Panasonic Digital Tue, Mar 19, 1996 WP&L Center Tour (or Milwaukee area station tour) Wed, Apr 24, 1996 Chapter Elections and annual NAB review Thu, May 23, 1996 TCI Cable TV Technology Tue, Jun 18, 1996 Related technology; Internet/software support Sat, Jul 27, 1996 3rd annual Chapter 24 Family Picnic CHAPTER 24 OFFICERS: CHAIRMAN: Paul Stoffel (WI Public TV) W - 608-263-2175 H - 608-241-4621 F - 608-263-9763 STOFFEL@MAIL.ADMIN.WISC.EDU VICE CHAIRMAN: Fred Sperry (ECB-TOC) W - 608-264-9698 H - 608-833-6074 FRED.SPERRY@MAIL.ADMIN.WISC.EDU SECRETARY: Neal McLain (CTI) W - 608-831-4636 NMCLAIN@MACC.WISC.EDU TREASURER: Stan Scharch (WISC TV) W - 271-4321 H - 831-1168 CHAPTER 24 COMMITTEE APPOINTEES: Membership - Leonard Charles Sustaining Membership - Fred Sperry Strategic Plan - Denny Behr Newsletter - Mark Croom Program Committee: Mark Croom 271-1025 mcroom@aol.com Denise Maney 277-8001 Kerry Maki 833-0047 Steve Zimmerman 274-1234 Special Events - Kevin Ruppert Certification and Education: Jim Hermanson 836-8340 Tim Trendt (UW-Platteville) Frequency Coordination: Tom Smith 608-263-2174 (work) SMITHT@VILAS.UWEX.EDU SBE National Board Member & Chapter Liaison: Leonard Charles W - 271-4321 FAX - 271-1709 LCHARLES@WISCTV.COM CHAIRMAN'S NOTES A quick reminder about the Chapter 24 Summer Picnic on Saturday, July 22. Phone in your reservations to Denise Maney by July 17 at 277-8001. There will be plenty of good food, good conversation and good recreation. By now, most of you should have received a glossy brochure from the National Office detailing the 1995 SBE Engineering Conference. According to the AAA office in Madison, it's a 1,012 -mile automobile drive to New Orleans. In the coming months, I will be filling out the necessary application forms and paperwork from the IRS and state Attorney General's office to incorporate Chapter 24. If you can be of any assistance or have comments about this process, give me a call. The purpose of incorporating is to release Chapter 24 officers and members from any personal liability. Preparations continue for the EAS Teleconference, scheduled for November 15 at 8:00 p.m. (CST) on the Wednesday evening of the 1995 Broadcasters Clinic in Madison. The teleconference will be uplinked from the hotel's parking lot. Viewer's nationwide will have the opportunity to telephone in their questions to SBE and FCC panelists. Volunteers are needed to help with the production of the teleconference, as well as set up and strike. People are needed for camera, Chyron, lighting, floor manager, and more. Give me a call at work (263-2175) or home (224-0050). Speaking of EAS, Chapter 24's Leonard Charles is the National SBE's EAS Committee chair. This position is keeping Chuck very, very busy both locally and nationally, including an EAS presentation last month for our Chapter 24 June program, and future presentations at the WBA Engineering Conference on July 19 in La Crosse and at the 1995 SBE Engineering Conference (and World Media Expo) in New Orleans, September 6-9! Thanks to Chuck for all his hard work and dedication to the SBE and EAS. WBA SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT ANNOUNCED Congratulations to Paul Stoffel who is this year's recipient of the WBA Conference Scholarship offered by Chapter 24. The scholarship makes funds available to cover expenses for the WBA Conference which is being held on July 19th in La Crosse. LOCAL ENGINEERS/ STATIONS ASSIST FOX AFFILIATE By Chris Cain, WISC-TV On Sunday morning July 2, 1995 WMSN-TV/ Channel 47 had the nightmare scenario unfold that every Chief Engineer and General Manager dreads. While operating on a Standby/ Loaner antenna while its main antenna was being moved to a new facility, the Standby Antenna started arcing internally and the soot and firestorm spread down ward into the main feedline for about 100 feet. This ended up in the Standby antenna being totally out of service and the former antenna needed several weeks or work yet to be connected and matched to new feed lines. WMSN was off the air and off the main cable system in Madison. Within hours WKOW-TV (ABC affiliate) provided a ENG truck that beamed their signal over to the TCI Cable headend so that the Fox Affiliate signal could reach the approximate 70% penetration of the City Grade contour that the Cable system has capacity. After a day of using the ENG link, WISC-TV (CBS Affiliate) offered and connected WMSN to TCI via their TSL Fiber Optic Link and Direct Feed line that they have to TCI. This allowed WKOW-TV to retrieve their ENG vehicle and allowed WMSN continued access to TCI cable for a additional week. A different standby Antenna arrived and was put into place on Friday July 7th and returned WMSN to the air. It is currently planned, weather permitting, that WMSN can start operations from their new site within 7 to 10 days from the July 7th date. JUNE BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES Chapter 24 of the Society of Broadcast Engineers met on Thursday, June 22, 1995, at the WISC-TV offices in Madison. There were 23 persons in attendance, 17 of whom were certified. The meeting was chaired by Chapter 24 Chairman Paul Stoffel. Call to order: 7:08 pm. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as published in the June Newsletter. Newsletter Editor's Report (reported Mark Croom): The deadline for the July Newsletter is midnight 7/7/95; the folding party is 5:30 pm 7/11/95 at WKOW-TV; check the BBS for changes. Treasurer's Report (reported by Stan Scharch, Treasurer): the chapter balance was reported. During the month, the annual rebate check was received from SBE national headquarters. Sustaining Membership Report (reported by Fred Sperry): one renewal has been received; the total sustaining membership remains steady at 24. Program Committee (reported by Steve Zimmerman): The Annual SBE Chapter Picnic is scheduled for July 22. The schedule for the coming year was published in the June Newsletter. Certification and Education (reported by Jim Hermanson): Six people sat for the examination on June 17. Jim thanked Van Steiner for serving as proctor. The next examinations will be offered in September, at the SBE conference in New Orleans. Frequency coordination (reported by Tom Smith): No local activity. Tom noted that the telecommunications reform bill now pending in the U.S. Senate would require all broadcast auxiliary services presently operating in the 2-GHz band to move to the 4- GHz band. National liaison (reported by Leonard Charles): Chuck reported on several pending issues. Old business: none. New business: none. General Announcements: The annual WBA Scholarship has been awarded to Paul Stoffel. This scholarship covers certain expenses related to attendance at the July meeting of the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association. The business meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm. The program featured a discussion of the FCC's Emergency Alert System rules, presented by chapter member Leonard Charles, who also serves as chairman of the national EAS committee. EAS COMMITTEE REPORT July 1995 by Leonard J. Charles, Chair Since its' inception, the EAS Committee has spent its collective energy dissecting and fully understanding the new FCC Part 11 Rules. In so doing, we have identified a few areas we feel could better serve the industry and the public with some minor changes. Since the deadline to file petitions to reconsider passed shortly after the Committee was formed, we were unable to make a formal filing expressing our concerns. We have, however, filed exparte comments explaining our observations and suggestions. Here is the situation as of this writing. The FCC has yet to reply to the petitions to reconsider. Until they do, we cannot be sure that Part 11 will remain unchanged. The FCC could, as part of their reply to those petitions, make some modifications to the Rule. They also could leave it un-changed. We just won't know until they reply. The EAS Committee is poised to publish an EAS Primer that will help your Chapter understand and implement an effective EAS. Of special concern to the Committee is the construction of your LOCAL EAS. We have many suggestions to help you in the process of building that local system; suggestions we think will make the process easier and more uniform across the country. Our dilemma is this; we cannot publish the Primer until we are sure of what the final Part 11 Rules will be. So, we can't begin the publishing process until the FCC formally replies to those petitions to reconsider. In the meantime, we must assume that the current writing of Part 11 will stand and, as such, the first deadline has already passed. As of July 1, 1995, you must have reduced your two-tone EBS decoder to demute in 3 to 4 seconds of received tones. You also have the option of decreasing your two-tone EBS encoder from its current time of 25 seconds, down to anytime between 8 and 25 seconds. However, in a June 29th press release, the FCC cautions that some "consumer-non FCC certified" decoders will not respond to an attention signal as short as 8 seconds. These decoders are usually found in the tornado belt and near nuclear power plants. The FCC encourages Broadcasters to continue to transmit the longer two-tone signal when they know that these consumer grade decoders are in their coverage area and tuned to their broadcast frequency. (See complete FCC release later in this newsletter) The next deadline is July 1, 1996. If the FCC changes nothing, you must have the digital EAS equipment installed and operating on that date. But, as of now, you cannot even buy that equipment as the FCC will not start certifying it until they dispose of the petitions to reconsider. Right now, your State Emergency Communications Committee (SECC) is at work considering what, if any, changes need to be made at that level. Your Chapter should contact your SECC Chairman to determine what role it can play in this phase of the EAS process. To find out your SECC Chairman, contact the FCC at 202-418-1220. (In Wisconsin, it's Gary Timm at WTMJ in Milwaukee) BREAKING NEWS: PATENT SNAFU MAY HINDER EAS ROLL-OUT By Mark Croom Quad Dimension, a Kansas company which has patented a system called SAFE (Storm Alert For Emergencies) believes it has a patent on the requirements for the new geographically-directed alerting system. According to an article in Radio World (7/12/95 issue), manufacturers of EAS equipment received, in June, a letter from Quad Dimension informing them that they need a licensing agreement to use the technology covered by their patent. Quad Dimension believes the digital message specified in the EAS Report and Order, and the geography-specific portion of the message are covered under their patent, issued a full two and one- half years before the FCC Report and Order on EAS. According to Radio World, Quad Dimension Vice-President Larry Ganzer has stated the company's willingness to license the technology to anyone who is interested. Royalties paid for the use of the technology could result in higher EAS implementation costs for stations and cable companies which are required to purchase equipment. According to Radio World, FCC is aware of the patent question. Ganzer in fact had filed comments and his patent with the FCC during the EAS development process. The Commission's EAS chief, Frank Lucia says his office is looking into the patent matter now that the manufacturers have expressed concern over increased costs and licensing fees. As reported elsewhere in this publication, FCC certification of EAS equipment has been held up until the Commission disposes of several Petitions for Reconsideration submitted after the December 1994 ruling finalizing the EAS rules. According to Radio World, a re-examination of the patent issue could take longer than a year. AMATEUR RADIO NEWS by Tom Weeden, WJ9H The Federal Communications Commission has adopted a fee for amateur vanity call signs of three dollars per year, to be collected for the entire 10-year term at the time of application for such a call sign. The beginning date for these fees is September 18, 1995. These fees are the result of a mandate from Congress that the FCC collect fees to recover some of its regulatory costs. The FCC estimates that it will process 28,000 applications for vanity call signs. No start date for applications for vanity call signs has yet been announced, and the necessary FCC Form 610-Vs have not yet been released. These fees apply only to vanity call sign applications, not to any other amateur license transaction. - New rules governing automatic control of digital stations on the high-frequency (HF) bands went into effect July 1. Small segments of each amateur band between 80 and 10 meters have been allocated for automatically-controlled digital stations to communicate with each other. Manually-controlled stations may now connect with stations under automatic control on any frequency authorized for data communications with some minor conditions. Automatic control of data stations was authorized on VHF bands in 1986. HF stations can cover greater distances in the packet-radio bulletin-board network for forwarding messages, and now the control operator no longer needs to be present for automatic forwarding through their station. - The nationally syndicated talk show "Ham Radio and More" celebrated its 4th anniversary last April, now boasting more than 30 broadcast affiliates. The show originates in Phoenix and airs at 6 PM Eastern Time on the Talk America Network. Major markets covered include Miami, Phoenix, Chicago, Boston, Tampa/St Petersburg, St Louis, Raleigh-Durham, Oklahoma City, Salt Lake City, Knoxville and Portland. The show can also be heard live on Spacenet 3, transponder 9, 6.8 MHz audio. - (From July 1995 QST Magazine and packet-radio bulletins) SENATE PASSES TELECOMMUNICATIONS BILL By Tom Smith The U.S. Senate passed their version of the Telecommunications Bill at the end of June with a vote of 81 to 18. The most discussed part of the bill is provisions for the control of indecent material on the Internet and for the mandating of a V- chip in TV sets to control kids viewing of violent programming. The senate bill also keeps intact the FCC's control of ownership rule enforcement. There were proposals to transfer some or most of that enforcement to the Justice Department. Most of the rest of the bill was similar to what has been proposed earlier. The House will now take up their version of the bill. Their bill has been passed by committee and now needs to be debated and voted on by the full House. Since the Senate bill and the proposed House bill still have many differences, both bills will have to go to conference committee before final passage and being sent to the President. It will be fall or later before the bill is enacted. (Compiled from Broadcasting&Cable, Wisconsin State Journal, and Inter@ctive Week) CABLE-TEC EXPO '95 - A FIRSTHAND REPORT Contributed by Neal McLain Cable-Tec Expo '95, the annual convention of the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE), met in June in Las Vegas. The top item of discussion was, as always, network construction progress. As I noted in these pages two years ago ("Meanwhile, in Atlanta and Orlando...", Newsletter, May, 1993), the cable industry's great dream is to construct a switched broadband fiber- coax network before the telephone industry can do it. Several cable operators reported successful launches of new networks with surprisingly little competitive reaction from the telephone companies: Time Warner in Syracuse, New York; Cox Communications in New Orleans; Media General Cable in Fairfax County, Virginia. These networks provide various combinations of two-way digital transmission service, including voice telephony, point-to-point leased access, connections to on-line services, and Internet access. But the telephone industry's lack of activity seems to be a response to regulatory indecision on the part of the FCC and Congress rather than any kind of competitive strategy. The telephone companies want to build fiber-coax networks so they can get into the video distribution business. The big question they face is regulatory: do they operate these networks on a common- carrier basis, open to all users (the so-called "video dialtone" service), or do they operate them as cable television systems, subject to local franchise requirements? The answer appears to be the latter: they'd prefer to operate as franchised cable operators rather than as video dialtone providers. The problem with that, of course, is legal: the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 prohibits cross-ownership of cable systems and telephone systems in the same geographic area. But the cross-ownership ban is rapidly falling apart. During the past two years, virtually every telephone company -- all seven Baby Bells, GTE, and a consortium of smaller companies -- has successfully sued to overturn it. Two of these cases were reaffirmed on appeal, and the Bell Atlantic case is now headed to the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, most of the telecommunications reform bills now pending in Congress propose of repeal it. Some telephone companies are already pursuing cable franchises. Ameritech recently acquired a franchise in Plymouth Township, Michigan, and it's now negotiating another with the Village of Naperville, Illinois. Once these franchises are awarded, the telephone industry will undoubtedly launch a massive burst of construction activity. The federal government's indecision has given the cable industry a two-year head start, but it won't take the telephone companies long to catch up. In the meantime, the cable industry continues to push ahead as fast as it can. A side note: when re-reading my 1993 article, I was struck by the fact that the term "information superhighway" hadn't even been invented two years ago! Other items, briefly noted: The Society formally adopted a new name: Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers. This name replaces the former name (Society of Cable Television Engineers) to underscore the industry's commitment to two-way non-video services. Frank Lucia, the FCC's EAS guru, gave a presentation about EAS. It was remarkably similar to Chuck's presentation at the last Chapter meeting (same graphics; same audio tape), but with emphasis on cable-industry requirements. Following Frank's presentation, there was much discussion about the pros and cons of overriding local broadcast stations. This looks like a topic which SBE and SCTE could pursue in a joint effort. Cable modems were hot items on the exhibit floor (although, surprisingly, Intel did not exhibit). Most modems are "asymmetrical": they provide high downstream bandwidth and relatively narrow upstream bandwidth. Several on-line service providers announced plans to offer access via coax-fiber networks. The current crop of providers (AOL, CompuServe, GEnie, and Prodigy) will soon face competition from two new services: Microsoft (MSN, The Microsoft Network) and TCI (@Home). Cable Television Laboratories (CableLabs) reported the results of a year-long study of the infamous "return path": the 5-30 MHz portion of the coax bandwidth used for upstream signals. In a nutshell: the biggest problems are random bursts of "impulse noise", and fixing it will cost a lot of money. For many operators, it may not be worth the money; indeed, some of those asymmetrical cable modems use a telephone line for the upstream path. Compared to the NAB convention last April, the Las Vegas Convention Center looked empty. SCTE occupied maybe a quarter of its capacity; meanwhile, another group (AERA, whatever that is) held its convention at the other end of the building, separated by what looked like a couple acres of vacant exhibit space. Las Vegas is beastly hot in June. The day we arrived, the temperature was 107 F. FCC NEWS RELEASE June 29, 1995 COMMISSION REAFFIRMS USE OF SHORTENED EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM TWO-TONE ATTENTION SIGNAL BEGINNING JULY 1, 1995 On November 10, 1995, the Commission adopted a Report and Order replacing the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) with the Emergency Alert System (EAS). Part of the phase-out of the EBS included a shortening of the existing EBS two-tone Attention Signal. The Report and Order requires that all EBS two-tone decoders certified for use at broadcast stations be modified by July 1, 1995, so that they are activated after receipt of three to four seconds of two-tone signal. Effective July 1, 1995, broadcast stations may transmit from their EBS encoders a two-tone signal as short as eight seconds or as long as 25 seconds. The Commission has received questions about the hundreds of consumer grade EBS decoders (many of these are not FCC-certified) used in homes, hospitals, etc., that require receipt of more than eight seconds of two-tone signal. Most of these decoders are used in the tornado belt and near nuclear power plants. We encourage broadcast stations to continue to transmit the longer two-tone signal when they know that these consumer grade decoders are in their coverage area and tuned to their broadcast frequency. As before, the Commission encourages all broadcasters to transmit the two-tone signal prior to disseminating all emergency messages. This summer, the Commission is planning to release a new EAS Operating Handbook and Operator Instruction cards. These documents will include procedures for operating the old EBS equipment and the new EAS equipment with appropriate test script examples. In the meantime, broadcasters should continue using the EBS Checklist. For further information, please contact the EAS Staff in the FCC Compliance and Information Bureau at (202) 418-1220. LOCAL LEGALS By Tom Smith Proposed Transfer: WTOQ(AM)/WKPL(FM) Platteville, WI, AM is on 1590 khz with 1 kW day, 500W night, FM operates on 107.1 MHz with 3 kW at 235 ft. Platteville Broadcasting Inc. of Madison, WI, (Paul Braun, President) is proposing to purchase the stations from Kramer Broadcasting of Platteville Inc. (Edward Kramer, President) for $500,000. Platteville Broadcasting has no other broadcasting interests while Kramer Broadcasting also owns WPDR- AM/WDDC-FM in Portage, WI. (Compiled from Broadcasting and Cable) BROADCASTERS MAY LOOSE 2 GHz BAND By Tom Smith One amendment to the Senate version of the telecommunications bill would force broadcasters to move from the 2 GHz microwave band to the 4.635 to 4.685 GHz band. The senate would like to free the 2 GHz band for use by PCS services which could earn up to $3.8 billion in a spectrum auction. Broadcasters would have up to seven years to move to the new band. (From Broadcasting&Cable magazine) CHAPTER 24 SUSTAINING MEMBERS: Our latest renewals: Fuji Film I&I Tectan, Inc. Thanks to all our Sustaining Members: BTS Broadcast Communications CTI Clark Wire and Cable Comark Communications Electronic Industries Emmons Associates MRC Telecommunications Maney Logic Panasonic Broadcast Roscor Wisconsin Scharch Electronics Skyline Communications Sony Broadcast Teleport Minnesota 3M Audio & Video Video Images WISC-TV 3 WKOW-TV 27 WMSN-TV 47 WMTV-TV 15 NATIONAL SBE PHONE DIRECTORY SBE National Office 8445 Keystone Crossing Suite 140 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Main Number 317-253-1640 Engineering Conference Line 317-253-0122 Job Line 317-253-0474 Fax 317-253-0418 BBS 317-253-7555 President: Chuck Kelly CBT Broadcast Electronics P.O. Box 3606 Quincy, IL 62305 W 217-224-9600 F 217-224-9607 H 217-228-7373 CIS ID# 70307,2642 InterNet: kelly1@ixc.net Vice President: Terrence Baun CPBE Criterion Broadcast Services 5300 W. Garfield Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53208 W 414-449-5300 F 414-449-5380 CIS ID# 71525,1060 Secretary: Keith Kintner CSTE KLCS TV 58 1061 W. Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-625-6958 F 818-362-5294 CIS ID# 72530,620 InterNet: keith.kintner@gur.com Treasurer: Bob Goza CPBE KMOV TV 3315 Highway 50 Beaufort, MO 63013 314-484-3718 F 314-484-3840 InterNet: rgoza695696aol.com Executive Director: John Poray CAE SBE National Office 8445 Keystone Crossing Suite 140 Indianapolis, IN 46240 W 317-253-1640 F 317-253-0418 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jim Bernier CBT WTVH, Inc. 980 James Street Syracuse, NY 13203 315-425-5503 F 315-425-5513 InterNet: 72037.1723@compuserve.com David Carr CPBE KHOU-TV P.O. Box 11 Houston, TX 77001 713-284-8741 F 713-284-8700 Leonard Charles CSTE WISC TV 7025 Raymond Road Madison, WI 53719 608-271-4321 F 608-271-1709 InterNet: lcharles@wisctv.com Dane Ericksen PE CSRE CSTE Hammett & Edison, Inc. Box 280068 San Francisco, CA 94128-0068 707-996-5200 F 707-996-5280 Michael Fast CPBE WCBM Radio 1303 Burleigh Road Lutherville, MD 21093 410-356-3003 F 410-581-0150 Michael McCarthy CBRE WLIT FM/Viacom International 150 N. Michigan Ave., #1135 Chicago, IL 60601 312-329-9002 F 708-439-1464 P 800-592-3058 Edward Miller CPBE WEWS Scripps Howard 3001 Euclid Ave Cleveland, OH 44115 216-431-3687 F 216-431-3641 Troy Pennington CSRE WZZK AM/FM, WODL FM Radio 530 Beacon Parkway W. #300 Birmingham, AL 35209 205-916-1119 F 205-916-1151 Robert Reymont CPBE Nationwide Communications, Inc. P.O. Box 5159 Mesa, AZ 85211-0500 602-964-4000 F 602-644-7660 CIS ID# 71645,254 Internet: NCIRADIO@CRL.COM Martin "Sandy" Sandberg CPBE Consultant 9807 Edgecove Drive Dallas, TX 75238 214-343-5786 F 2114-343-9807 John Schneider CBRE RF Specialties of Washington, Inc. 19237 Aurora Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98133 206-546-6546 F 206-546-2633 CIS ID# 74603,3342 Tom Weber CSTE WISH TV 8 1950 N Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-921-8535 F 317-926-1144 CIS ID#: 73250,215 Chris Imlay, Esq. SBE General Counsel Booth, Freret & Imlay 1233 20th St. NW Suite 204 Washington, DC 20036 202-296-9100 F 202-293-1319 James Wulliman, CPBE Ennes Director 721 W. Calle Del Regalo Green Valley, AZ 85614 Phone and Fax 602-648-1250 NATIONAL OFFICE STAFF Linda Godby, Certification Peggy Hall, Membership Sarah Hayden, Signal/Conferences Julie Dinger, Secretary 317-253-1640 F 317-253-0418 Job Line 317-253-0474 BBS (N,8,1) 317-253-7555 NATIONAL COMMITTEE AND TASK FORCE CHAIRS By Laws Committee..................................Sandy Sandberg Certification Committee..............................Jim Wulliman Chapter Awards Committee..........................Leonard Charles Chapter Liaison Committee..........................John Schneider Electronic Communication Committee....................Jim Bernier Engineering Conference Committee...................Jerry Whitaker Engineering Conference Promotion Committee..........Mike McCarthy FCC Liaison Committee...............................Dane Ericksen Fellowship Committee...................................David Carr Finance Committee.................................Troy Pennington Frequency Coordination Committee.......................David Carr High Frequency Broadcasting Task Force.............Doug Garlinger Industry Relations Committee...........................Terry Baun International Committee............................Sandy Sandberg Membership Committee.................................Michael Fast Nomination Committee...............................Robert Reymont Sustaining Membership Committee.....................Edward Miller |