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![]() CHAPTER 24, Inc., MADISON, WI |
Edited by: Mark Croom Electronic Version: Leonard Charles Electronically Distributed by Chris Cain Contributors this month: Fred Sperry Chris Cain Paul Stoffel Neal McLain Tom Smith Leonard Charles Articles Welcome!! Send correspondence to: Chapter 24 Newsletter 34 Rustic Parkway Madison, WI 53713-4700 or call (608) 271-1025 (home) or (608) 221-1979 (work) MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT 5:30pm: Dutch Treat Dinner at CJs in Westgate Mall 7:15pm: Meeting and Program at WMTV TV, 615 Forward Drive Program: Join us for a tour of the newly remodeled Master Control room at WMTV. Visitors and Guests are welcome at all SBE meetings. UPCOMING MEETINGS Tentative Program Subjects Wed, Nov 15, 1995 Broadcasters Clinic/EAS Teleconference Tue, Dec 19, 1995 Candelabra Project facility tour Wed, Jan 17, 1996 Digital Radio Networks Thu, Feb 22, 1996 JVC Digital "S" or Panasonic Digital Tue, Mar 19, 1996 WP&L Center Tour (or Milwaukee area station tour) Wed, Apr 24, 1996 Chapter Elections and annual NAB review Thu, May 23, 1996 TCI Cable TV Technology Tue, Jun 18, 1996 Related technology; Internet/software support Sat, Jul 27, 1996 3rd annual Chapter 24 Family Picnic CHAPTER 24 OFFICERS: CHAIRMAN: Paul Stoffel (WI Public TV) W - 608-263-2175 H - 608-241-4621 F - 608-263-9763 STOFFEL@MAIL.ADMIN.WISC.EDU VICE CHAIRMAN: Fred Sperry (ECB-TOC) W - 608-264-9698 H - 608-833-6074 FRED.SPERRY@MAIL.ADMIN.WISC.EDU SECRETARY: Neal McLain (CTI) W - 608-831-4636 NMCLAIN@MACC.WISC.EDU TREASURER: Stan Scharch (WISC TV) W - 271-4321 H - 831-1168 CHAPTER 24 COMMITTEE APPOINTEES: Membership - Leonard Charles Sustaining Membership - Fred Sperry Strategic Plan - Denny Behr Newsletter - Mark Croom Program Committee: Mark Croom271-1025 mcroom@aol.com Denise Maney277-8001 Kerry Maki833-0047 Steve Zimmerman274-1234 Special Events - Kevin Ruppert Certification and Education: Jim Hermanson836-8340 Tim Trendt (UW-Platteville) Frequency Coordination: Tom Smith 608-263-2174 (work) SMITHT@VILAS.UWEX.EDU SBE National Board Member & Chapter Liaison: Leonard Charles W - 271-4321 FAX - 271-1709 LCHARLES@WISCTV.COM 1995 BROADCASTERS CLINIC For 40 years, the annual Broadcasters Clinic has been regarded as one of the premier regional events designed solely for the benefit of the Broadcast Engineer. With this the 41st year, the tradition continues. The 1995 Broadcasters Clinic will include many digital seminars and equipment exhibits. Programs on the subject range from the Digital Radio Station, to Computer LANs for Broadcast, and Driver's Ed on the Internet. Additional subject matter includes NRSC Compliance, Modern Day Construction of the AM Antenna System, M/S Stereo Microphone Techniques, the latest in Television Transmitter technology, and many more. There will be a couple of special evening programs. WISC TV's Chris Cain will video time lapse the construction of the recently finished Madison Candelabra tower including a ride to the top! And, Madison's Chapter 24 is producing a National SBE Teleconference. The FCC's Frank Lucia, Wisconsin's SECC Chairman Gary Timm, and SBE National EAS Chair Leonard Charles will discuss the makeup of the National, State, and Local level EAS. It's a great educational opportunity for SBE members across the upper Midwest region. This year's dates are November 14th through the 16th at Madison's Ramada Inn (formerly the Holiday Inn SE). For a brochure or to register by phone, call 837-3462 or fax 256-3986. CHAPTER 24's BROADCAST CLINIC SCHOLARSHIP Chapter 24 is offering one scholarship consisting of any two days of the three day Broadcast Clinic taking place November 14, 15 and 16, 1995 in Madison. The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the following criteria and maximum number of points accumulated: 1) Must be a current member of Chapter 24 2) Attendance at 6 of the 12 meetings prior to the November 1st application deadline 3) Employment in or a student of a broadcast related field 4) Must have SBE National dues paid for the current year Points will be assigned as follows: a) 5 points for each month applicant has at least one article published in the Chapter 24 newsletter spanning the 12 issues prior to the November 1st application deadline b) 5 points for certification, any level c) 2 points for each monthly meeting attended in excess of the 6 required In the case of a tie, final selection will be by the elected officers of Chapter 24 or by a committee appointed by those officers, excluding any whom may have applied. If more than one applicant, an alternate will also be selected based on the second highest number of points. The scholarship winner will be required to write a summary article to be published in the chapter newsletter. Applications should be in the form of a letter which is signed, dated and received no later then November 1, 1995. Please send the application to Fred Sperry at the following address: Wisconsin Public Television, TOC 3319 W. Beltline Hwy. Madison, WI 53713 ENNES SCHOLARSHIP WINNER At the National SBE Convention in New Orleans, the SBE Ennes Foundation announced the winners of this year's scholarships. Vickie Way of Chapter 24 was awarded a Scholarship to continue studies at the University of Wisconsin, Platteville, WI. In addition, Darrell Cottrill received a Scholarship to continue studies at New Mexico State University. LOCAL LEGALS By Tom Smith PROPOSED WMXF(FM) Sauk City, WI./ Madison 96.3 mhz with 5.1 kw at 672 feet. Midcontinent Media Inc. of St. Paul ( Joe H. Floyd, Pres.) has applied for permission to purchase WMXF from ODON Broadcasting Inc. of Northfield, ILL ( William C. O'Donnell, owner) for $3.05 million. Midcontinent owns WTSO/WZEE Madison, WI; WDGY (AM) St. Paul; and KELO-AM-FM-TV Sioux Falls, KDLO-TV Florence, KPLO-TV Reliance and KCLO-TV Rapid City, all in South Dakota. ODON owns WNAM (AM) Neenah, Menasha and WUSW (FM) Oshkosh, WI. (From Broadcasting and Cable) MEMBERSHIP REPORT September 1995 Chapter 24 lost a few members through non-renewal this year. The Chapter roster now numbers 68. Ten people decided not to renew but 2 other new members joined the Chapter. Chapter membership information and applications are available from Membership Chair Leonard Charles. SEPTEMBER MINUTES Chapter 24 of the Society of Broadcast Engineers met on Wednesday, September 20, 1995, at the studios of Midwest Family Stations, in Madison. There were 21 persons in attendance, 14 of whom were certified. The meeting was chaired by Chapter 24 Chairman Paul Stoffel. Call to order: 7:02 pm. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as published in the September Newsletter. Treasurer's Report (reported by Stan Scharch, Treasurer): the chapter balance is in the black. Newsletter Editor's Report (reported by Mark Croom) The deadline for the October Newsletter is midnight 10/6/95; the folding party is at 5:30 pm 10/10/95 at WKOW-TV. Sustaining Membership Report (reported by Fred Sperry): A renewal was received from Comark Communications, Inc.; the total sustaining membership now stands at 23. Program Committee (reported by Steve Zimmerman): The October meeting will be a tour of WMTV's newly-remodeled technical facilities, conducted by Chief Engineer Tom Weeden. Certification and Education: no report. Frequency coordination: One new STL and several more wireless microphones have been submitted for coordination. National liaison (reported by Leonard Charles): Chuck reported on several pending issues. (see Board Meeting article) Old business: none. New business: none. Chairman's Report (reported by Paul Stoffel): Plans for the November chapter meeting (a national teleconference in conjunction with the Broadcasters' Clinic) are coming along; Jack O'Neill, Professor at University of Wisconsin-Platteville, has offered the services of ten students to serve as crew members. The Chapter is offering a scholarship for members interested in attending the Broadcasters' Clinic. General Announcements: A engineering job opening exists at WREX- TV, Rockford, Illinois. Special Report: Chris Cain reported that the new candelabra broadcast antenna tower is now in operation, and that a formal ribbon-cutting ceremony recently took place. The business meeting was adjourned at 7:37 pm. The program featured a tour of Midwest Family Stations new studio facilities. Submitted by Neal McLain SBE NATIONAL ELECTION RESULTS September 1995 OFFICERS (One Year Term) TERRY BAUN - President ED MILLER - Vice President SANDY SANDBERG - Secretary TROY PENNINGTON - Treasurer BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Two Year Term) JIM BERNIER, Syracuse, NY MARVIN BORN, Columbus, OH ANDY BUTLER, Annadale, VA RICK EDWARDS, Ft. Lauderdale, FL ROBERT REYMONT, Mesa, AZ LARRY WILKINS, Montgomery, AL Appointed to One Year Term DAVE JOHNSON, Columbus, OH GEOSTATIONARY ORBITS by Neal McLain Communication Technologies, Inc. This is the third in a series of articles about geostationary orbits; i.e., the orbits occupied by communications satellites which remain at fixed points in the sky. In this series, we cover basic physical principles, orbital geometry, pointing angles, and antenna mounts. This third article describes pointing angles. ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS In last month's article, we noted that, for communications purposes, the geostationary orbit offers two significant advantages over any other orbit: - The satellite remains above the horizon, and therefore visible, at all times. - The satellite remains at a fixed point in the sky at all times. These advantages allow us to use fixed antennas. However, to do this, we need accomplish two things: - We need to know exactly where that fixed point is. In other words, we need to know the position of the satellite in the sky, as it appears from the antenna. This position is defined in terms of angles known as pointing angles. - We need a mechanism to support the antenna so that it is aimed at the correct pointing angles. This mechanism is called the antenna mount, or simply the mount. POINTING ANGLES The position of a geostationary satellite is specified in terms of angles known as pointing angles. There are two systems for measuring pointing angles: - EL/AZ. This system uses pointing angles known as azimuth and elevation. - Polar. This system uses pointing angles known as hour angle and declination. We will define each of these terms in sequence, using the definitions commonly accepted in the satellite communications industry. AZIMUTH By definition, azimuth is the angle, in degrees, measured along the horizon, between true north and the point on the horizon directly beneath the satellite. Azimuth is always measured clockwise from true north, and it is always a positive number. The concept of azimuth was borrowed from the field of astronomy, where it is used to specify the position of an astronomical object clockwise from a specified reference point. The definition stated above is generally used, although some authors define 0 to be south rather than north. ELEVATION By definition, elevation is the angle, measured along a vertical line, between the horizon and the satellite. Angles above the horizon are positive; angles below the horizon are negative. Satellites with negative elevations are, of course, not visible to an observer. Note that elevation is always measured along a vertical line; i.e., a line which is perpendicular to the horizon. The concept of elevation was borrowed from the field of astronomy, where it is used to specify the position of an astronomical object above the horizon. In astronomy, it's called altitude, but the definition is the same. HOUR ANGLE By definition, hour angle is the angle, in degrees, measured along the Celestial Equator, between the following points: the point on the Celestial Equator nearest the satellite, and the peak point in the Celestial Equator. Angles to the right are positive, and angles to the left are negative. The hour angle to any given satellite is the angle between the following points on the Celestial Equator: - Point S: The point on the Celestial Equator nearest the satellite. In mathematical terminology, we would call this point the projection of the satellite on the Celestial Equator. - Point P: The peak point of the Celestial Equator. This point lies directly south of an antenna located in the Northern Hemisphere, and directly north of an antenna located in the Southern Hemisphere. Hour Angle is analogous to azimuth in that both terms define the position of a satellite east or west of some specified reference point. But there are three significant differences: - Azimuth is measured along the horizon; hour angle is measured along the Celestial Equator. - 0 azimuth is always north; 0 hour angle is always toward the equator. - Azimuth is always a positive number; hour angle can be either positive or negative. The concept of hour angle was borrowed from the field of astronomy, where it has a similar meaning. However, things are a lot more complicated in astronomy, because, unlike geostationary satellites, astronomical objects are in constant motion: they rise in the east and set in the west. Thus, the hour angle to any given object changes continuously, depending on the time and date. A set of published tables, called an ephemeris, is used to determine the hour angle at any given time; to simplify calculations, an ephemeris specifies hour angles in hours, minutes, and seconds, rather than in degrees. This, of course, accounts for the name "hour" angle. DECLINATION By definition, declination is the angle, in degrees, between the Celestial Equator and a satellite, measured along a line which is perpendicular to the Celestial Equator. Since the Clarke Belt always appears below the Celestial Equator, declination is always a negative number. Declination is analogous to elevation in that both terms specify the position of a satellite above or below some specified reference point. But there are three significant differences: - Elevation is perpendicular to the horizon; declination is perpendicular to the Celestial Equator. - 0 elevation is the horizon; 0 declination is the Celestial Equator. - Elevation can be either positive or negative; declination is always negative. The concept of declination was borrowed from the field of astronomy, where it has a similar meaning. In astronomy, declination is used to specify the position of an astronomical object, in degrees, above or below the Celestial Equator. Angles to objects north of the equator are positive; angles to objects south of the equator are negative. ANTENNA MOUNTS Antenna mount is the name given to the mechanism which supports a ground-based satellite antenna. Ideally, the mount must allow the antenna to be adjusted precisely to the specified pointing angles, and it must hold the antenna securely in that position. Two types of antenna mounts are used in the satellite communications industry, one for each of the two pointing angle measurement systems described earlier: - EL/AZ mount (sometimes called AZ/EL mount). This type of mount allows the antenna to be adjusted in the azimuth and elevation axes. - Polar mount (sometimes called equatorial mount). This type of mount allows the antenna to be adjusted in the hour angle and declination axes. Next month, we'll discuss antenna mounts in detail. FCC RULEMAKINGS Final Rule; Interpretation Mass Media, AM Expanded Band Allotment Plan Docket FCC 95-385 In response to a number of requests for reconsideration, the FCC has rescinded it's allocation plan from the AM expanded band from 1605 to 1705 khz. The FCC had a number of petitions complaining about faulty information in the database it had used to make the allocations. The FCC verified the errors and decided to redo the allocation table. The original allocation table awarded frequencies to about 80 out of the 688 stations that applied for an opportunity to move to the new band. The 30-day period to file comments to correct information in the database ends on October 19, 1995 with replies due on November 3, 1995. Published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday September 19, on page 48,426. (From the FEDERAL REGISTER, with additional information from RADIO WORLD) SBE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING September 6, 1995 New Orleans, LA Compiled by Leonard Charles The meeting was called to order at 6:08pm. President Chuck Kelly chaired his last Board meeting and began by recognizing newly elected Board members and thanking outgoing Board members. Those welcomed were Larry Wilkins of Montgomery AL, Marvin Born of Columbus OH, Rick Edwards of Ft. Lauderdale FL, and Andy Butler of Annadale VA. In addition, Dave Johnson of Columbus OH was appointed to fill the un-expired Board Term created when Board Member Troy Pennington was elected as Treasurer. Those Board members and Officers whose service to the SBE is ending are Keith Kintner of Los Angeles, Bob Goza of MO, David Carr of Houston, and Dane Ericksen of Sonoma, CA. Following the roll call, the Board was addressed by NARTE President Ray Thrower. Mr. Thrower explained how his organization evolved and its concurrent effort with the SBE to discourage State Licensing of Broadcast Engineers. Minutes of the July Executive Committee meeting were discussed and approved. Bob Goza's treasurer's report showed the SBE's finances far ahead of this time last year attributable to strong dues renewal, and strong sales of the TV and Radio Operators Handbooks. A positive reconfigure of the SBE investment portfolio also attributed to our above budget income level. Bob said that our finances will likely level off by the end of the fiscal year but still finish ahead of budget. Leonard Charles gave an Awards Committee report including all of this year's winners and an acknowledgment of Committee members for 1995. By-Laws Committee Chairman Sandy Sandberg presented a number of proposed by-laws changes dealing with eliminating the Lifetime Membership category, changing the years of tenure required for Life Membership, establishing Life Member dues, and changing the structure and time frame of Nominations and Elections. A lengthy and, sometimes heated, debate ensued on most proposed changes. Specific changes were approved to be sent on to the membership, but after further discussion on the entire package and a number of negative roll call votes on specific items, a final vote was taken to table all proposed changes for further study. As a result, no action was taken on any of the proposed by-laws changes. Jerry Whitaker gave an Engineering Conference Committee report including a successful report on the Ennes workshops earlier in the day and a great outlook on the upcoming Engineering Conference to begin the next day. Jerry also explained how his committee is working on providing programs for the Pro AV Africa show next year. The SBE will coordinate speakers and programs for that show for a fee. Under Certification and Ennes, Jim Wulliman reported that a recent review of the SBE Cannon of Ethics showed them to be as valid today as when they were written. They are published in our By Laws. Andy Butler volunteered to take over the Ennes Foundation's Mentor Program which has been struggling since its inception a few years ago. Jim put forth an updated list of Schools that qualify for Certification points by virtue of their programs. Jim also announced this years Ennes Scholarship recipients, Victoria Lynn Way received $750.00 to continue studies at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, and Darrell Cottrill received $500.00 to continue studies at New Mexico State University. The Liaison Committee report from John Schneider included the plan for new Chapter Liaison assignments in light of the incoming and outgoing Board members. John also presented the new list of successful program ideas for Chapter meetings now available on the National BBS. The Electronic Communications Task Force, chaired by Jim Bernier, reported on BBS statistics. In the six month period ending August 31st, there was a total of 3737 log ins. The most popular items on the BBS are the Jobline contacts list and the electronic Short Circuits. Jim reports that the monthly Board Packet is no longer distributed on paper but exclusively electronically on the BBS. The SBE Home Page on the Internet has been up since July 7 of this year. (http://www.sbe.org) Our Home Page has taken 2300 hits, or about 290 hits a week and twice the number of logins on the BBS. The EAS reports on the Home Page have been very popular as well as the Frequency Coordinators list. The SBE store at this convention has a computer for Internet browsing including the SBE Home Page. Dane Ericksen reported on the progress of many filing by his FCC Liaison Committee. ** Comments have been filed on Dkt 94-32, MSS 2 GHZ ENG take away. In this Docket, Broadcaster will be loosing channels A1 and A2, the bottom two channels of the 2GHZ ENG band. The question remains whether a matching two channels will be added on top of channel A7 to give Broadcasters parity or whether Broadcaster will just have to eat that lost 35MHZ of ENG spectrum. ** Dane also reported on further developments on MSS taking away ENG channels A1 and A2. The joint MSS parties filed a request to move up the date of the spectrum take over from 2001 to 1996. The SBE filed comments against this. Then, after the comment period closed, the joint MSS parties filed late comments which proposed, for the first time, to use RPU bands 450 to 451MHZ and 455 to 456MHZ for MSS feeder links and service uplinks. They stated that these RPU bands were lightly used and un-congested and that the MSS "polite protocol" would make use of this spectrum in conjunction with Broadcasters not a concern. SBE Draft response comments were in committee process when the FCC report came out approving these requests except for the 450 to 451MHZ use, which was prohibited because of its close proximity to Wind Profiler devices at 449MHZ. In lieu of a petition to reconsider, the SBE Counsel drafted a letter which was given to the Department of State representative at WRC95 explaining the many mis-conceptions presented in this rulemaking process. This letter is also being sent to all the MSS participants at that conference. ** Reply comments in support of MSTV have been filed on Dkt 94-32, where Congress has told the FCC to give back to private industry, spectrum below 5GHZ that is now allocated to the Federal Government. Broadcaster were to get 25MHZ at 4.6GHZ. Though no R&O has been seen, a recent article in Broadcasting magazine said that Broadcasters ended up with nothing in this spectrum. Instead, the spectrum was released for auction. ** Comments were filed 4 or 5 months ago on Dkt 94-130, Unattended Operation. This docket has been help up pending the outcome of EAS as unattended operation is not possible under the current EBS rules. ** The SBE picked up some un-expected support on its comments against Dkt 90-357 where Digital Radio Audio Satellite Services requested the use of 7GHZ spectrum. SBE Comments objected because of the extensive use of that spectrum for Television fixed point transmission. Our comments impressed other industry alliances so much so that Cap Cities, MSTV, and NBC requested to be included as filers of our comments. EAS Committee Chairman, Leonard Charles, reported on the speed of the FCC to act on the petitions to reconsider the EAS R&O. As the industry still awaits that Memorandum, the Committee has been working on presentations, including the Ennes Workshop given earlier in the day, and the Committee's representation on the EAS Seminar panel at the Engineering Conference. The Committee has also finished a preliminary Primer, which will be fine tuned at the Committee meeting in New Orleans, and, hopefully, be ready for publication shortly after the FCC Memorandum is released. SBE Counsel, Chris Imlay, reported on the progress of the SBE efforts to get an Engineer on the staff of each FCC Commissioner. Meetings have been on-going with members of the Telecom sub-committee. The SBE was told that once the Telecom Bill is out of the way, there will be two other pieces of legislation this year that will affect the FCC, one an appropriations bill defeated in the last Congress, and the other a FCC deregulation bill. Congressman Dennis Hastert of Illinois is heading up the later. The SBE is working with Leslie Dunlap of Congressman Hastert's office on getting our proposal attached to the FCC deregulation bill. Chris asks the membership to Email the Congressman's office in support of the SBE effort. The address is dhastert@hr.house.gov. Chris expects soon to have example letters/Email for this purpose. Troy Pennington reported on the proposed 1996 budget. The budget calls for a $4.00 increase in the price of the TV operators handbook, and a $2.00 increase in the Radio Operators handbook. Student dues would increase $5.00 a year under the proposed budget but no increase on any other level of membership. On the expense side, an increase for replenishing the depleting supply of operator handbooks was reflected, as well as an increase in MIS and Legal Services categories. ** Troy then brought forth a proposal discussed at the Executive Committee meeting in July that would eliminate the rebate to Chapters for Life Members. Currently, Chapters receive a full rebate share for a Life Member, even though the Life Member pays no dues to the Society. After a brief discussion, the proposal was voted on and passed. ** A five year SBE finances projection was presented and discussed at length. The projection show the finances leveling off and turning negative. Many methods of heading off this trend were discussed. It was decided that we take the projection to the membership to make them aware of our financial future dilemma and solicit open discussion from them on methods to deal with it. Frequency Coordination Committee chair, David Carr, discussed the problems remaining over frequency congestion along the borders with Mexico. A change in AMIRTA leadership has resulted in a slow down of this effort though it continues. ** Dane Ericksen explained the progress of distribution of the Frequency Coordinators Map Books. The multi distribution of these map books, including duplication and mailing finances has been take up by Al Meyers of Metro Networks in Houston. Dane is working on appropriate acknowledgment of this effort. Dane also said that in lieu of the book's successful distribution, the tools are now in place to file a Petition for Rulemaking to require frequency coordination on applications for licensing to the FCC. His FCC Liaison Committee will be looking into that. As Fellowship Committee Chair, David Carr announced this years recipient Ed Roos. Two Lifetime Achievement awards will also be given out this year to Ben Wolfe and Jim Wulliman. Industry Relations Committee chair Terry Baun said his report is on the BBS and needed no discussion here at the Board meeting. Doug Garlinger of The International High Frequency Broadcast Task Force was absent but had John Poray advance his opinion that it has run its course and any further needs in this area could be absorbed by other committees. In Mike Fast's absence, John Poray gave the Membership Committee report. This year's one new member drive roughly doubled last years numbers. This year's winner is at the convention enjoying New Orleans. Nominations Committee Chair Robert Reymont reported on the successful process this year. A concern was expressed from the table about having only one candidate for each Officer position. President Kelly asked for written proposals on how to accomplish that goal. Those proposals should be forwarded to the Nominations Committee. Sustaining Members Chair Ed Miller reported that his goal of 80 Sustaining Members was missed by one. That total reflects 28 new Sustaining Members. 282 solicitations were sent out. In old business, the Pro AV Africa effort was further explained by John Poray including costs and profits. Sandy Sandberg brought forth his proposal for a new membership category open to individuals that are not Broadcast Engineers but wish to support the Society and cannot afford to be a Sustaining Member. Sandy was asked to work with the Membership Committee and bring forth a proposal that can be acted on at a future Board meeting. Sandy also passed around the table a display of new style pins to be considered for use by the SBE. In new business, Terry Baun brought up the possibility of purchasing a Fax Back machine for the National Office to cut down on the staff time spent responding to requests for forms and documents. Terry also announced plans for turning the summer Executive Committee meeting into a full Board meeting and including a strategic planning day in that weekend. John Poray's Executive Director's Report included up to date membership numbers. We are about 130 ahead of this time last year. Taking into account that the available Broadcast Engineer market is shrinking, we are increasing our market share of members beyond what the raw numbers indicate. ** Next year's Engineering Conference is in Los Angeles. The SBE is looking into things to give it a better look and make it more appealing as a place to go. ** Additions of Homeowners and Auto Insurance policies to our group insurance offerings was discussed. ** There is an Ennes Regional Workshop in Boston on October 21st. Plans continue for it. Suggestions for locations of next year's Regional Workshops are being solicited. ** Upgrades to the Office computer systems continue on schedule. Upgrades to Windows and associated training continues. Modems at the workstations, to allow Internet access by staff and Email access to them, are next on the list. ** Concern about tax changes on Associate Members is something to watch as changes are being contemplated by the IRS. John will be working with the Finance Committee on this. ** Due to the resignation of Sarah Hayden earlier this year, John has re- structured the office duties and will be hiring two assistants soon to fill the vacant position and to support the added duties on Office staff. These two positions will fall into what is already budgeted for. In parting comments, President Chuck Kelly expressed his thanks for the fine working association he has received from the Board and other Officers over his past two years as its President. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50pm. CHAPTER 24 SUSTAINING MEMBERS Recent Renewals: CTI Comark Communications Panasonic Broadcast WMSN-TV 47 Thanks to all our Sustaining Members: BTS Broadcast Communications Clark Wire and Cable Electronic Industries Emmons Associates Fuji Film I&I Maney Logic MRC Telecommunications Roscor Wisconsin Scharch Electronics Skyline Communications Sony Broadcast Tectan, Inc. Teleport Minnesota 3M Audio & Video Video Images WISC-TV 3 WKOW-TV 27 WMTV-TV 15 NATIONAL SBE PHONE DIRECTORY SBE National Office 8445 Keystone Crossing Suite 140 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Main Number 317-253-1640 Engineering Conference Line 317-253-0122 Job Line 317-253-0474 Fax 317-253-0418 BBS 317-253-7555 President: Chuck Kelly CBT Broadcast Electronics P.O. Box 3606 Quincy, IL 62305 W 217-224-9600 F 217-224-9607 H 217-228-7373 CIS ID# 70307,2642 InterNet: kelly1@ixc.net Vice President: Terrence Baun CPBE Criterion Broadcast Services 5300 W. Garfield Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53208 W 414-449-5300 F 414-449-5380 CIS ID# 71525,1060 Secretary: Keith Kintner CSTE KLCS TV 58 1061 W. Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 213-625-6958 F 818-362-5294 CIS ID# 72530,620 InterNet: keith.kintner@gur.com Treasurer: Bob Goza CPBE KMOV TV 3315 Highway 50 Beaufort, MO 63013 314-484-3718 F 314-484-3840 InterNet: rgoza695696aol.com Executive Director: John Poray CAE SBE National Office 8445 Keystone Crossing Suite 140 Indianapolis, IN 46240 W 317-253-1640 F 317-253-0418 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jim Bernier CBT WTVH, Inc. 980 James Street Syracuse, NY 13203 315-425-5503 F 315-425-5513 InterNet: 72037.1723@compuserve.com David Carr CPBE KHOU-TV P.O. Box 11 Houston, TX 77001 713-284-8741 F 713-284-8700 Leonard Charles CSTE WISC TV 7025 Raymond Road Madison, WI 53719 608-271-4321 F 608-271-1709 InterNet: lcharles@wisctv.com Dane Ericksen PE CSRE CSTE Hammett & Edison, Inc. Box 280068 San Francisco, CA 94128-0068 707-996-5200 F 707-996-5280 Michael Fast CPBE WCBM Radio 1303 Burleigh Road Lutherville, MD 21093 410-356-3003 F 410-581-0150 Michael McCarthy CBRE WLIT FM/Viacom International 150 N. Michigan Ave., #1135 Chicago, IL 60601 312-329-9002 F 708-439-1464 P 800-592-3058 Edward Miller CPBE WEWS Scripps Howard 3001 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115 216-431-3687 F 216-431-3641 Troy Pennington CSRE WZZK AM/FM, WODL FM Radio 530 Beacon Parkway W. #300 Birmingham, AL 35209 205-916-1119 F 205-916-1151 Robert Reymont CPBE Nationwide Communications, Inc. P.O. Box 5159 Mesa, AZ 85211-0500 602-964-4000 F 602-644-7660 CIS ID# 71645,254 Internet: NCIRADIO@CRL.COM Martin "Sandy" Sandberg CPBE Consultant 9807 Edgecove Drive Dallas, TX 75238 214-343-5786 F 2114-343-9807 John Schneider CBRE RF Specialties of Washington, Inc. 19237 Aurora Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98133 206-546-6546 F 206-546-2633 CIS ID# 74603,3342 Tom Weber CSTE WISH TV 8 1950 N Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-921-8535 F 317-926-1144 CIS ID#: 73250,215 Chris Imlay, Esq. SBE General Counsel Booth, Freret & Imlay 1233 20th St. NW Suite 204 Washington, DC 20036 202-296-9100 F 202-293-1319 James Wulliman, CPBE Ennes Director 721 W. Calle Del Regalo Green Valley, AZ 85614 Phone and Fax 602-648-1250 NATIONAL OFFICE STAFF Linda Godby, Certification Peggy Hall, Membership Sarah Hayden, Signal/Conferences Julie Dinger, Secretary 317-253-1640 F 317-253-0418 Job Line 317-253-0474 BBS (N,8,1) 317-253-7555 |