Panasonic/ABC 720P HDTV Truck Photo Tour
Lambeau Field, Green Bay, WI
October 31, 1999
Some Chapter 24 member gather at the Public Broadcasting Center parking
lot, eager to load into a pair of Saturns for the trip to Green Bay.
The fog in the background got noticably worse for a portion of the drive.
Arrival at Lambeau field. The HDTV truck is in the background, along
with other equipment for the separate SDTV production of ABC's Monday Night
The HDTV production trailer is 55 feet long. The 'street-side' expansion
of 6" can be seen, while a larger 6 foot expansion is on the 'curb-side.'
There is also another expansion on the end of the trailer in the audio
Tape area, with Panasonic D-5 HD VTRs
Another view of the VTR area, with a flat-screen SGI program monitor in
the corner.
Production control area, with wall of flat-screen plasma and LCD displays.
The audio area is behind the window, while the graphics operator position
can be see on the far left side of the picture.
Power for both the NTSC production and HDTV production units was provided
by a diesel powered generator.
Photos by Vicki Kipp