SBE Chapter 24 - Madison, WI

Happy Holidays

It's our Annual Holiday Dinner
Wednesday, December 18th

In recognition of the coming holiday season, we will get together to celebrate and dine at the Maple Tree Supper Club in McFarland. Please RSVP so that we reserve enough seats. Simply email Russ Awe that you are coming and if you'll have a plus one.

Happy Hour 5:00 - 6:00pm
Dinner at 6:00 PM (Dutch Treat)
Maple Tree Supper Club
6010 US Highway 51
McFarland, WI
Visitors and guests are welcome!

Chapter 24 appreciates your visit. Come again soon!
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This site is dedicated to the distribution of information relevant to the operation and membership of the Madison, Wisconsin Chapter of the Society of Broadcast Engineers. Views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Society, its officers, or its members. SBE Chapter 24, Inc. regrets, but is not liable for, any omissions or errors.

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